

Cannabis sativa or marijuana is widely known and much has been written about it. It grows wild in Iran, Pakistan, Northern India and Southern Siberia, and probably in other countries too. In Pakistan and India a drink is made from it called Bhang; this is also the name of the weed that can be seen on any piece of waste ground, even in the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad. At the end of September through to the middle of October the air is pungent with the smell of the flowers of bhang and there’s a particularly good crop on some waste land that has not yet been developed in the Diplomatic Enclave close to the British High Commission and The Iranian Embassy (which are opposite each other).
   Hemp as it was known in Britain used to grow wild, and I remember a good story reported in the press in the early seventies of an elderly lady in Swansea, South Wales, who was worried about her hedge. The hedge was very old and well trimmed, but had begun to look a little threadbare in places, she informed the court. She said that she had no idea what it was, but unfortunately for her, the police knew what cannabis sativa was when they saw it. Luckily for her she was merely fined and the hedge ordered to be destroyed.
   Marijuana is used as a pain reliever for sufferers of arthritis among other ailments and it has been suggested that it should be legalized for people who smoke it for medicinal purposes. In traditional medicine in the subcontinent it is thought to be useful for people who suffer from gout, neuralgia, rheumatism, delirium tremens, insanity, infants’ convulsions and insomnia too. A traditional remedy for gonorrhea was to take equal parts of the male and female flowering tops, bruise them in a mortar to remove the juice and add equal amounts of alcohol. One to three drops were taken every 2 -3 hours. It can produce exhilaration, but also hallucinations and is known in the East as the ‘leaf of delusion’, ‘increaser of pleasure,’ ‘cementer of friendship’ and by many other epithets.
   In Ayurvedic treatments it is used to reduce pain, stop nausea and vomiting and weight loss caused by debilitating diseases. It is also used to help sufferers of neurologically induced motor problems, as it relaxes muscles and stops twitches and spasms. In appropriate quantities it is used to cure fever, dysentery and sunstroke, to clear phlegm, aid digestion and increase appetite. It is frequently combined with other herbs to treat different diseases. Application of a paste made from the leaves can help rough or chapped skin. It is believed to help cure deafness caused by noise pollution in cities and the juice extracted from the leaves and stems is used to destroy head lice and cure dandruff problems.
   Preparations of bhang are sacred to the Hindu gods in mythology and it is believed that Lord Shiva was particularly fond of this plant because he discovered its transcendental qualities. He is sometimes referred to as the Lord of Bhang. Of course the Beatles, famously, also discovered its transcendental qualities in the 1960s (listen to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album again! They were probably also influenced by other hallucogens).
   In 1,000 BC bhang was used in India as an intoxicant according to the Athar Veda where it is described as a herb that “releases anxiety.” Saddhus use it to achieve transcendental states and it is also said to aid Sufis in their bid to find spiritual ecstasy.
  You can soak the leaves in water and grind them to a fine paste and mix well with spices of your choice. Then blend this with milk and drink it. But beware. They say that if you are depressed you will become even more so and stay that way for some time. If you are happy though, you will be on a high for 24 hours.
  As you can see from the picture, bhang is perfectly legal in India and Pakistan, with street sellers dispensing the drink. It is also one of the ingredients on offer for paan, the tobacco variety. Unlike the nutmeg it is halal, although the nutmeg is only haram and banned in Saudi Arabia.
  In Pakistan there are tales of pakora sellers spiking their wares with bhang, especially to sell to women who have complained about the price or quality of pakoras being sold. Typically they are sold during the morning when only the women are at home, they eat a few and become more talkative then usual then sleep, which will annoy their husbands when they get home as food will not be cooked etc. You can put fresh pounded leaves or dried into pakoras too in the recipe we have given you.
   However, beware as this drink and bhang generally will increase your heart rate, and blood pressure, and you may suffer from psychosis and paranoia. It not only helps relieve anxiety but also lowers your inhibitions, so can be used as an aphrodisiac, as it heightens sexual pleasure.
    You can use it in our Serdai recipe and add leaves that have been pounded to a paste and blend them with fruit, water or milk; add ice and drink – but remember it’s very potent and can be dangerous to your health.


  1. bhang or hashish is a double edged sword. one needs great amount of wisdom to properly use it without abusing it.

  2. bambaclat! I wants a drink!

    1. Dude it does taste real good ....all u need is lots of food after the consumption

  3. No taste no side effects other then if you suffering with some kind of issues like Anal Fissure , Fistula or that kind of Anorectal diseases. Because this herb may increase your blood pressure and an increase in blood pressure may cause a sharp pain.

  4. Ash is a good trip. It keeps ur mind cool and relaxed. It is not aggressive. It is a worry reliever. You can find this grown wild in acres of land across the world. This is the best relaxer.

  5. Hmmmm.I never knew bhang as lord Shivas favorite drink could be so dangerous


  6. i like bhaang because after eating i feel cool and free of stress

  7. i am consuming one and a half tablet of bhang, available at paan shop, on a daily basis. i would be grateful if someone can plz tell me about its long term effects. does it have any adverse affect on your brain when consumed over a period of time. is it addictive & how much? (in comparison to alcohol i.e. is it as difficult to quit bhang as alcohol is once u r addicted to it). i can be contacted on my e-mail i request one of the experts to take out some time and guide me.

    1. No side affects. Just do it in moderation. Cheers!!

  8. For centuries Druggie dudes in India have been trying to justify their crappy drug addictions by saying that Lord Shiva did that too! Lord Shiva is a mythological figure. So don't believe everything you read about Gods and Drugs. If you have to... Indian Gods drank Amrit.. an elixir ... Not that expensive Indian single malt.. LOL!

  9. I myself have my own experience on how powerful the healing of this herb is.

    marijuana doctor surprise az

  10. after eating bhang i was really so sick and feels lots of sleepin n a type of fearness i didn't why i jst feel uncomfortable n i ate its like one n half month so iz der any solution for dizzzz?????!!

  11. I had bhang in few occasions i made it myself is a have a very good recipe that comes from family , unfortunately i rarely have the opportunity to make it but when i do its a great event, bhang its literally a BANG to your head its a very potent high much more like a mild lsd trip take it easy and enjoy!

  12. From last 6 month i am taking tablets now i take daily 4,6,8 depend on me.
    But still not facing any kind of problem.
    But what happen now is i am not getting that pleasure which i was getting before so i want to quite.
    Does it harm on human organ if yes then how i want to know that.
    Any one who have a good knowledge about then help me...

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  14. i am eating bhang tablets 3 on daily basis. trust me, if u can control its power u ll feel the power of freedom. ull be awear like nevr before.

  15. I had first consumed bhang drink on Holi a hindu festival and WOW it gave beautiful high, great euphoria, elation and I got addicted, after just 2 days. One effect of bhang is i enjoyed sex like never before and that made me an avid consumer It took a great effort to get deaddicted

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  20. Bhang can increase body wait mean white it help to gain wqit

  21. Bhaang when taken regularly can make you incapable in many things...and you won't even know about it. It slows down your motor skills. And anything done for continuos 21 days become a habit. So if bhaang or any other drug when used regularly can lead to various mental and physical problems. So fellas keep it under control. Even if the water is taken in excessive amounts.. it is harmful. Use those drugs occasionaly. :)


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