

Brussel sprouts are reputed to come from Belgium as the name suggests; but wherever they actually originated, they came from somewhere in northern Europe. They are not well liked by children, who frequently push them around their plates and find the taste and smell obnoxious. This smell can be avoided if you only boil them for the recommended 7 minutes, so that all the nutrients are preserved and you get the full benefit of them. They look like little cabbages and are clearly related to them, and cauliflower, but they are also related to carrots and radishes, including mooli.
   These little cabbages are extremely good for our health and may prevent many types of cancer including breast, colon, prostate, ovarian, urinary bladder and cancer of the lungs. They also help to prevent heart diseases and have anti-inflammatory properties as well as being having antioxidant qualities. They are chock full of vitamins and minerals and high in folic acid, so good if you are pregnant as the folic acid they contain helps in assisting a normal delivery and the formation of bones. Vitamin B12 helps in forming red blood cells too and can help lower the risk of heart disease. It also stimulates the immune system and flushes uric acid from the body so is good for gout sufferers.
  Brussel sprouts also contain Vitamin C – more than in oranges and lemons, but not as much as in peppers and spinach. This aids the body’s absorption of calcium and iron, so is good for the bones and blood. It also helps in the healing of wounds. They are a good food to eat if you are recovering from an illness as they provide the body with many of the nutrients it needs. They are a diuretic too and rich in potassium, which helps the heart function normally as well as the nervous system and builds muscle mass. The dietary fibre they contain prevents constipation and so the formation of piles. They stimulate the detoxifiers in the liver and promote general good health.
Pakistani Brussel
  Thomas Jefferson has been credited with introducing them to the US as he took seeds from Paris to Virginia in 1821. Now they frequently appear with the Thanksgiving turkey, cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie.
  The problem with Brussel sprouts is that children tend not to like the taste, but you can disguise this in several ways. When you cook Brussel sprouts you should trim any discoloured leaves and cut a cross in the stem so that they cook evenly and quickly. Bring water to boil and then add the sprouts and cook for 7 minutes. You can bake chestnuts in the oven, cut a slit in each shell first and heat the oven to 200degrees C, for 45 minutes. Then allow them to cool and shell them. Melt 25 gr of butter in a pan and toss the cooked sprouts and chestnuts in it. You can also fry bacon and add this too, tossing the sprouts and chestnuts in the fat.
   The 2 recipes below are intended to show how you can disguise the sprouts to encourage children to eat them (and those recalcitrant adults you know too).

1½ lbs Brussel sprouts, trimmed and stems cut with cross
1 lb tomatoes, peeled and roughly chopped
2 green peppers, sliced
1 sprig fresh rosemary / 1 tsp dried
1 tsp oregano fresh / ½  dried
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp olive oil or other oil for frying

Cook the sprouts as described above. While they are boiling or steaming (8 minutes) heat the oil and fry the onions, garlic and peppers for about 10 minutes. Add the herbs, freshly ground black pepper and salt, tomatoes and sprouts and heat through. Serve immediately,

1½ lbs Brussel sprouts, trimmed and a x cut in stems
2 hard boiled eggs, finely chopped
2 oz butter
2 oz fresh white breadcrumbs
2 tbsps fresh parsley, finely chopped

Boil Brussel sprouts as above and transfer them to a heated serving dish.
Melt the butter and coat the breadcrumbs in it, stirring all the time until they become golden brown. Sprinkle the parsley and eggs on the sprouts and top with the breadcrumbs. Serve.
These have Taste and are a Treat.

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