

When you hollow out your pumpkin, don’t throw the seeds away. They are good for your health too and can be snacked on at any time of day. In Greece they are called “passé tempo” (time passing) and often served in bars with drinks. Older Greeks can often be seen removing them from their pockets and cracking the outer casing to eat the green seed inside. You can eat the husks too, as they are normally salted, but you shouldn’t, apparently. Often they are mixed with sunflower seeds and roasted chickpeas. The green pumpkin oil is extracted from the seeds and this makes a healthy cooking oil and salad dressing.
  Native Americans used pumpkin seeds to get rid of internal parasites and dispel kidney stones. They are still used to prevent stones and gravel forming in the kidneys and gall bladder, but there is no medical evidence to support these treatments.
   Pumpkin seeds are high in magnesium and ¼ cup of them is 87% of the recommended dose of magnesium for an adult per day. They also contain other minerals such as potassium, manganese, protein, iron, calcium, zinc and vitamins A, B, and K. Zinc can help prevent osteoporosis. The Omega fatty acids they contain are natural anti-inflammatories and so are good for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers. The phytosterols they contain help lower cholesterol levels too. Phytosterols can replace cholesterol, so reducing its levels in the blood.
  They are useful in helping to keep testosterone from inflicting damage on the prostate and so help reduce the risk of prostate cancer in males. They also help with discharging urine by inhibiting the enzyme associated with the enlargement of the prostate. The extract obtained from pumpkin seeds can also help incontinence in males with prostate problems as they help to strengthen the pelvic muscles and increase testosterone levels. Because of this they also help men’s general sexual health.
  The oil obtained from pumpkin seeds is rich in essential fatty acids, which help maintain the nerves and blood vessels and help to lubricate the body tissues. They are also useful for the eyes reducing the growth of cataracts. They help stimulate the T-cells in the body and so boost the immune system, helping it stave off infections. The oil is good for counteracting the free radicals in the body which are responsible for cancer.
  You can add pumpkin seeds (remove the outer shell first) to soups to give them a nutty flavour and to salads or sauté them and mix with broccoli and other vegetables. They are good roasted or dry fried too.

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