


Edamame or soya bean in Urdu is a type of soybean that is harvested when the pods are still green and

tender. Edamame is a popular snack and ingredient in Asian cuisine, especially in Japan, China, and Korea, also cultivation in Pakistan and India too. Edamame has many health benefits, such as being rich in protein, fiber, antioxidants, and vitamins.

Edamame grows best in warm climates, where the soil is well-drained and fertile. Edamame plants are similar to bush beans, but they have a longer growing season of about 10 to 12 weeks . Edamame seeds can be sown directly in the garden after the last frost, when the soil temperature is at least 55°F (13°C).


Edamame plants need full sun, regular watering, and some mulching to prevent weeds and conserve moisture.

Edamame pods are ready to harvest when they are dark green and plump, usually in late summer or early fall. The pods should be picked before they turn yellow or brown, as they will lose their flavor and texture. 

Edamame pods can be eaten fresh, cooked, or frozen for later use. To eat edamame, the pods are usually boiled or steamed in salted water, and then the beans are squeezed out of the pods with the fingers. 

Edamame beans have a sweet, nutty, and creamy

taste that can be enjoyed as a snack or added to salads, soups, stir-fries, and other dishes.

 It has a buttery, slightly nutty flavor and a crunchy texture that makes it a versatile and satisfying ingredient. Edamame is also highly nutritious and may offer several health benefits.


Edamame is a great source of plant-based protein and fiber, which can help you feel full and support your digestive health. One cup (160 grams) of cooked edamame provides 18 grams of protein and 8 grams of fiber, which is 37% and 32% of the daily value (DV) respectively.

VITAMINS AND MINERALS:  Edamame contains high amounts of several vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin K, folate, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, and potassium. These nutrients are essential for various functions in your body, such as blood clotting, DNA synthesis, bone health, energy production, and fluid balance.

ISOFLAVONES:  Edamame is rich in isoflavones, a

type of phytoestrogen that mimics the effects of estrogen in your body. Isoflavones may have beneficial effects on hormone balance, bone health, cholesterol levels, and oxidative stress.

BLOOD PRESSURE: Edamame may help lower blood pressure by providing potassium, a mineral that counteracts sodium and helps relax your blood vessels. One cup of cooked edamame provides 676 milligrams of potassium.

HEART HEALTH:  Edamame may help improve your heart health by lowering your cholesterol levels, especially LDL (bad) cholesterol, which can clog your arteries and increase your risk of heart disease. 

Edamame also contains healthy fats, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which can reduce inflammation and protect your blood vessels.

WEIGHT MANAGEMENT: Edamame can be a good addition to your weight loss diet, as it is low in calories and high in protein and fiber, which can help you control your appetite and calorie intake.

 Edamame also has a low glycemic index, which means it does not cause a rapid spike in your blood sugar levels after eating.

                       USES OF EDAMAME:

Edamame is available fresh or frozen, as well as in-shell or shelled. You can prepare edamame by

boiling, steaming, microwaving, or pan-searing it for a few minutes. You can also season it with salt, soy sauce, garlic, ginger, sesame oil, or other spices to enhance its flavor.

Edamame can be eaten as a snack, either alone or with a dipping sauce, such as peanut sauce, teriyaki sauce, or hummus. You can also add edamame to salads, soups, stir-fries, noodles, rice, or sushi. 

Another option is to blend edamame with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, garlic, and salt to make a creamy and protein-rich dip or spread.

Edamame is a nutritious and delicious legume that can be enjoyed in many ways. 

It can provide you with protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, isoflavones, and other beneficial compounds that can support your health and well-being. Try adding edamame to your diet and see how it can enhance your meals and snacks.



2 cups shelled edamame (green soybeans)

1/4 cup fresh cilantro leaves

2 cloves garlic, peeled and cut in small pieces 

2 tablespoons tahini

2 tablespoons lemon juice

1/2 teaspoon salt or according to your taste 

1/4 teaspoon ground coriander

1/4 cup water, plus more as needed

                    HERE'S THE RECIPE:

Add the edamame, cilantro, garlic, tahini, lemon juice, salt, coriander and water to a food processor. 

Process until combined, scraping down the sides of the bowl as needed.

Add more water, if desired, to make a looser dip. Transfer to a bowl and garnish with additional edamame and cracked black pepper, if desired.

Enjoy your edamame hummus with sliced crisp vegetables, crackers or pita bread. 

You can store the leftovers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a week.


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