The chaste tree or chaste berry tree has its origins in western Asia and the shores of the Mediterranean. It was well-known to the ancient Greeks and Romans and used in religious festivals as well as in medicine. The chaste tree is a shrub which can grow to heights of around 25 feet, but is also one that fits well in gardens, as it looks a little like an overgrown lavender bush. It is a member of the Lamiaceae family and of the verbenas, so is a relative of lemon verbena and vervain. Its name means “chaste lamb” from the Greek, agnos, lamb and castos chaste.

The chaste tree has either white or blue through to violet flowers, which are replaced by berries which look a lot like peppercorns. It grows wild along river banks and the berries, or seeds have been used for a variety of medical purposes. It is cultivated now in many parts of the world, and is used in some herbal remedies and supplements.

In ancient Greece the chaste tree was used in decorating the temple of Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, fertility and marriage during her festival, the Thesmophoria. (Demeter was the mother of Persephone, who was abducted by Orpheus and who had to remain in Dis or the Underworld for 6 months of every year because she had eaten six pomegranate seeds, and so we have the seasons.)

The plant contains bioflavonoids such as kaempferol which are at the highest levels in the leaves, and the volatile oils from the plant have a spicy aroma, although they contain similar constituents to citrus fruits such as lemons and citrons, having in them limonene, linalool, citronellol and other ingredients including pinene.
It should not be taken during pregnancy or lactation as not enough scientific research has been done on it. However, the German Commission E has approved it for some menstrual problems, and research into its properties is ongoing. It would seem that it could have anti-tumour effects, as well as having anti-inflammatory properties. It also seems to have antioxidant qualities.
It is combined in homeopathic remedies with many other plants. For example, it is used with dandelion to promote lactation, and has been used in this way for centuries, although scientists have not yet researched its safety. In combination with lavender it is said to raise the spirits, and with Saint John’s Wort it is believed to have the ability to lift a mild to moderate depression. It has been prescribed with valerian root for stomach cramps, and the best tisane is made with the berries, crushed, or the flowers, mixed with a little ginger root, chamomile flowers and a little liquorice root, which all improve the flavour, and help with digestion, stomach pains and cramps.
Some scientific trials have shown that the chaste tree’s extracts can reduce the frequency of epileptic seizures in animals, and improve their bone mineral density, although research has yet to be carried out on human subjects.
The chaste tree is mentioned in John Dryden’s (1631-1700) poem, “The Flower and the Leaf or The Lady in the Arbour: a Vision.”
Beneath the circles, all the quire was graced
With chaplets green on their fair foreheads placed;
Of laurel some, of woodbine many more;
And wreaths of Agnus castus others bore;
These last, who with their virgin crowns were dress’d
Appear’d in higher honour than the rest.”

The Monk's Pepper bit is so hilarious to me. I wonder how many mothers who understand herbs slip this into their husbands drinks so that they don't have to fake headaches. lol
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