As the prototype for the drug aspirin is found in the willow bark, so quinine, the antidote for malaria was discovered in the cinchona trees, of which there are around 38 species. The tree is native to the South American continent and was widely used by the Incas for chills and fevers, including malaria. The Spanish conquerors discovered the uses it is said when the Spanish Governor’s wife, the Countess of Cinchona got a heavy bout of malaria in 1638 and the Incas were prevailed upon to supply their antidote. The ground bark of the “quinquina” tree to be drunk in water was the first “Indian tonic water”, although this was later credited to British Indian Army officers in India in the 19th century. They began to take their quinine with their gin and soda water in 1825, at the cocktail hour and because of the tonic quality of the quinine, it was known as ‘gin and tonic’ still favoured by the Brits today. By then trees were cultivated in India.

The trees can grow up to 100 feet, and are evergreen, with red, pink or white flowers which are covered with silky hairs. They are now cultivated in South America and India and the Indonesian island of Java. They are members of the Rubiaceae family of plants which means that they are related to coffee and the Kadamb tree.
The trees were successfully cultivated in India and by 1867 they were doing well. It was from India that trees were sent to Java and now Indonesia produces most of the world’s quinine supplies.

The native people of South America use the trees for many things including oral problems and an infusion of the bark is a good gargle for sore throats.
Luckily this species of tree has been saved from extinction, mainly because it was cultivated in places other than its natural habitat and so the depleted stocks in its original habitat were left in peace to replenish themselves.