Jerubeba is a member of the Solanaceae or nightshade family of plants, making it a relative of the Nipplefruit, aubergines, Belladonna, tomatoes and potatoes as well as the spiny and woody nightshades. It is native to Brazil , Paraguay and Argentina , and has been used in these countries in traditional medicine for centuries. The plant grows to around three metres high and has hairy undersides on its leaves, with white to lilac flowers giving way to a berry-like fruit which when ripe is yellowy-orange, in some ways resembling its distant relative the Cape gooseberry. As a member of the Solanaceae family it is also related to the tomatillo, the Chinese lantern and the tamarillo.

Other traditional uses recorded are to get rid of internal parasites and to reduce flatulence. It is supposed to be a diuretic, to help in respiratory problems and also to clear obstructions in the internal organs.

Dr. G. L. Cruz, in his book, "Livro Verde das Plantas Medicinais e Industriais do Brasil" (1965, Belo Horizonte , Vol. 11 p. 554) wrote that
". . . the roots, leaves, and fruit are used as a tonic and decongestive. It stimulates the digestive functions and reduces the swelling of the liver and spleen. It is a good remedy against chronic hepatitis, intermittent fever, uterine tumors, and hydropsy."

Research does seem to show that the plant is a good treatment for stomach ulcers and gastric disorders, thus bearing out at least some of its traditional uses.
“…antiulcer activity of the plant extracts appears to be related directly to a potent anti-secretory activity. No toxic signs were observed following administration of different extracts up to 2 g/kg body wt., p.o. Collectively, the results validate folk use of Solanum paniculatum L. plant to treat gastric disorders.” S. Mesia Vela et al. 2002, “Solanum paniculatum L. (Jurubeba): Potent inhibitor of gastric secretion in mice” Phytomedicine Vol. 9 (6) pp.508-14.
These results were published from the same study in different journals in the same year

However the study also showed that the “leaf extract may have antimutagenic effects” but this was not conclusive. Viera P. M, Santos S. C and Chen-Chen L. 2010, “Solanum paniculatum L. leaf and fruit extracts: assessment of modulation of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity by micronucleus test in mice.” Journal of Medicinal Food Vol. 13 (6) 1424-30.
The jerubeba has also been found to have anti-viral effects on the herpes virus; Ydia M, Valadares et al, 2009 “Antiviral activity of Solanum paniculatum Extract and Constituents” in Z Naturforsch Vol. 64 pp 813-818. This study concluded that this plant is a “source of cytotoxic and antiviral compounds.”