Monk’s rhubarb, or Patience dock, herb patience or common garden patience, is a member of the Polygonaceae family of plants. It is closely related to Yellow dock, common dock and red dock or bloodwort, arrowleaf dock or Khatti buti, sorrel and wood sorrel. As a member of the Polygonaceae family it is related to water pepper (hot arssmart), bistort, Lady’s Thumb, water smartweed and buckwheat.
Monk’s rhubarb is native to continental Europe but has naturalized in some parts of Britain.

The root of the plant and leaves have antioxidant properties and the root has a little effect on the symptoms of diabetes. Dye may also be obtained from the roots.
An infusion of the root has been used in traditional systems of medicine to relieve constipation and the juice of the plant in the root infusion is used for skin problems. The leaves, rubbed in the mouth are said to afford some relief from sore throats.
“A dram of the dried root of Monk's Rhubarb with a scruple of Ginger made into powder, and taken fasting in a draught or mess of warm broth, purges choler and phlegm downwards very gently and safely without danger.... The distilled water thereof is very profitably used to heal scabs; also foul ulcerous sores, and to allay the inflammation of them....”

"Government and virtues. All docks are under Jupiter, of which the red dock, which is commonly called blood-wort, cleanseth the blood, and strengthens the liver; but the yellow dock-root is best to be taken when either the blood or liver is affected by choler. All of them have a kind of cooling (but not all alike) drying quality, the sorrel being most cold, and the bloodworts most drying. ... The seed of most of the other kinds, whether the gardens or fields, do stay lasks and fluxes of all sorts, the loathing of the stomach through choler, and is helpful for those that spit blood. The roots boiled in vinegar helpeth the itch, scabs, and breaking out of the skin, if it be bathed therewith. The distilled water of the herb and roots have the same virtue, and cleanseth the skin from freckles, morphew, and all other spots and discolourings therein.

I particularly like his social commentary!