Firstly, let me point out that here we are describing the coriander leaves, or fresh coriander and not the seeds. In US English it is known as cilantro.
This herb has had a bad press over the centuries, with Pliny the Elder calling it the “bug-smelling plant”. He called it Coriandrum, meaning just that; koros in ancient Greek means bug, or insect. In the 17th century, John Gerard called it the “stinking herbe”.
It has been known for centuries, and is referred to in an ancient Sanskrit text written over 7000 years ago. At least 3000 years ago it was used by the ancient Egyptians both in cooking and medicines. In Ayurvedic medicine it is used as an anti-inflammatory to aid digestion and relieve indigestion, heartburn and diarrhoea. Coriander leaf juice or tea is good to drink and also to put on the skin to relieve an itchy rash.
Women on the subcontinent add the leaves to sesame oil and let them steep in it for several days, then use it on their hair to give it body, and shine. It is said that it also prevents hair loss.
Its leaves are added to dishes such as potato soup to improve the flavour, to just about every dish in our cooking, and to salads.
We believe that it’s good for the blood and has soothing qualities.
Simple coriander side salad
1 bunch coriander leaves and a few stalks chopped
1 lemon squeezed
salt and pepper to taste
Pour lemon juice over the coriander leaves, add salt and pepper to taste and serve as a side salad to fish, or chicken dishes.
It is a Treat and has Taste!
Firstly, let me point out that here we are describing the coriander leaves, or fresh coriander and not the seeds. In US English it is known as cilantro.
This herb has had a bad press over the centuries, with Pliny the Elder calling it the “bug-smelling plant”. He called it Coriandrum, meaning just that; koros in ancient Greek means bug, or insect. In the 17th century, John Gerard called it the “stinking herbe”.
It has been known for centuries, and is referred to in an ancient Sanskrit text written over 7000 years ago. At least 3000 years ago it was used by the ancient Egyptians both in cooking and medicines. In Ayurvedic medicine it is used as an anti-inflammatory to aid digestion and relieve indigestion, heartburn and diarrhoea. Coriander leaf juice or tea is good to drink and also to put on the skin to relieve an itchy rash.
Women on the subcontinent add the leaves to sesame oil and let them steep in it for several days, then use it on their hair to give it body, and shine. It is said that it also prevents hair loss.
Its leaves are added to dishes such as potato soup to improve the flavour, to just about every dish in our cooking, and to salads.
We believe that it’s good for the blood and has soothing qualities.
Simple coriander side salad

1 lemon squeezed
salt and pepper to taste
Pour lemon juice over the coriander leaves, add salt and pepper to taste and serve as a side salad to fish, or chicken dishes.
It is a Treat and has Taste!