Sweet potatoes have been cultivated on the South American continent since 2500 BC and are now grown in many countries. There are more than 400 varieties which range in colour from white through to a deep orange, depending on the beta-carotene content of the variety. They are sometimes erroneously called yams, but the yam is a member of the Dioscoreae family and the sweet potato is a member of the convolvulus family, and this can be seen in the upper part of the plant which is a creeper.

Sweet potatoes or Shakarkandi are ‘hot’ foods so good for the winter and they can help cure bronchitis. If you suck a piece of raw sweet potato, it will get rid of a cough. If you feed children sweet potatoes they will help protect their skin from sunburn, because of the beta-carotene content.
Christopher Columbus took these to Europe in 1492, along with the common potato, and the Spaniards introduced them to the Philippines. The Portuguese explorers later took them to Africa, India, Indonesia and southern Asia. In the 16th century they were cultivated in North America too.
Because they contain so much starch they are easily digested and soothing for the intestines and stomach. The fibre they contain prevents constipation, which in turn prevents the build-up of acids and so reduces the risk of ulcers; and it can help balance the body’s water content. They also protect the walls of veins and arteries from hardening. The high levels of beta-carotene and phosphorous make sweet potatoes good for the eyes and heart too.

1 sweet potato (orange) chopped
1 yellow pepper, roughly chopped
1 red pepper, roughly chopped
1 red onion, sliced
½ bulb of garlic
1 sprig rosemary
a few sprigs of fresh thyme
4 tbsps olive oil
aluminium foil
Make a packet of all ingredients with the foil and put the garlic in a separate packet of foil.
Make sure all the vegetables and herbs are coated with oil and if desired, add a little white wine. Close the packets and bake in a moderate oven for an hour.
This is a side dish, to make more, use the same quantities in separate foil parcels.
This has Taste and is a Treat.