The apricot is a close relative to the plum, as you can see from its Latin name (Prunus armeniaca). It is also in the rose family, and as the Romans believed it came from Armenia, it got the name armeniaca. However it is now thought that the apricot originated in the Himalayan region as well as in China and Armenia. It was taken along the Silk Road by traders in ancient times, which is how it comes to have such a long history of cultivation. The first mention of cultivating apricots was made 3000 years ago, when they were being grown in India. The ancient Greeks thought that their gods drank the juice and pulp of apricots- their nectar, they believed was the juice of this fruit. In Eastern countries, they are known as “moon of the faithful” and in ancient Persia they were called “eggs of the sun”.
Alexander the Great is said to have taken the apricot tree to Greece, and Lucullus, the Roman General is believed to have taken the trees back to Rome when he returned from Armenia, hence the name. According to Pliny, by 100 BC apricots were being cultivated by the Romans, and Apicus included them as ingredients in his recipe book written in the 2nd century AD. The Romans introduced them to the rest of Europe, but they disappeared after the fall of the Roman Empire, only to be reintroduced to Spain when the Moors carved out their empire in the 12th century. In the 16th century, Henry VIII’s gardener took a tree to Britain from Italy and an apricot tree was grown successfully in England for the first time by Lord Anson at Moor Park Hertfordshire. This was the first European variety of the apricot tree, and was called Moor Park.
The kernels of the apricot may be obtained by cracking the hard case that surrounds them; they taste like bitter almonds, but contain cyanide and shouldn’t be eaten in quantities. For example 15 will kill a child. However, if they are roasted, the cyanide is neutralized. These kernels also contain amygdalin (vit B17) which a few decades ago was believed to be an effective cancer prevention remedy. However, recent studies have proved that this is not the case; or rather there is no sound clinical data to support this idea. They are used to flavour amaretto biscuits and Amaretto di Saronno, and to give an extra bite to apricot jams and preserves. Apricots are rich in minerals, particularly potassium, are low in fat content and cholesterol free. However dried apricots act as a mild laxative and so should not be eaten in too great a quantity.
They oil from the apricot kernels is used in soaps, cosmetics, and skin products because it has a softening effect.
There are some strange stories about apricots: one is that a kernel placed in a woman’s uterus was a form of contraceptive it was believed. In the Amtrac Platoon eating apricots was considered to be bad luck. This dates back to the Vietnam War, a US soldier was shot by snipers after eating tinned apricots.(He should have stuck with peaches.) Apparently even after the troops went home from Vietnam, they still believed that apricots brought bad luck.
In Pakistan they eat the dried fruit to break the fast during Ramadan, along with the more traditional dried dates. Of course, they eat the fresh fruit too in season, and use it to make pickles and desserts. The recipe below has more of a North African flavour and is one of my favourites.
10 large red chillies, deseeded and soaked in hot water for 10 mins
1 inch ginger root, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp cumin seeds
3 tbsps oil
1 onion, finely chopped
10 cloves
1 tbsp gur, (or jaggery) or muscavado sugar as a substitute
2 tbsps malt vinegar
coriander leaves for garnish
Grind the chillies, ginger, garlic and cumin with a little water from the soaking of the apricots and chillies.
Pour half the mixture over the cubes of lamb, and marinate for 1 hour.
Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion, over a low heat for about 20 mins, stirring occasionally to prevent it burning. It needs to be a translucent golden brown colour.
Add the other half of the spice mixture and all the dry spices. Stir well for a few mins. Add lamb and brown on all sides.
Now add the tomatoes, salt and whole apricots if using them.
Cover and cook on a low heat for an hour, until the meat is almost tender, add water if necessary, with the gur, vinegar and pieces of dried apricots if using these instead of whole ones. Cover again and simmer for 15 mins.
Remove from the heat and garnish with the shredded coriander leaves.
Serve with pilau rice.
This has Taste and is a Treat.
The apricot is a close relative to the plum, as you can see from its Latin name (Prunus armeniaca). It is also in the rose family, and as the Romans believed it came from Armenia, it got the name armeniaca. However it is now thought that the apricot originated in the Himalayan region as well as in China and Armenia. It was taken along the Silk Road by traders in ancient times, which is how it comes to have such a long history of cultivation. The first mention of cultivating apricots was made 3000 years ago, when they were being grown in India. The ancient Greeks thought that their gods drank the juice and pulp of apricots- their nectar, they believed was the juice of this fruit. In Eastern countries, they are known as “moon of the faithful” and in ancient Persia they were called “eggs of the sun”.
Alexander the Great is said to have taken the apricot tree to Greece, and Lucullus, the Roman General is believed to have taken the trees back to Rome when he returned from Armenia, hence the name. According to Pliny, by 100 BC apricots were being cultivated by the Romans, and Apicus included them as ingredients in his recipe book written in the 2nd century AD. The Romans introduced them to the rest of Europe, but they disappeared after the fall of the Roman Empire, only to be reintroduced to Spain when the Moors carved out their empire in the 12th century. In the 16th century, Henry VIII’s gardener took a tree to Britain from Italy and an apricot tree was grown successfully in England for the first time by Lord Anson at Moor Park Hertfordshire. This was the first European variety of the apricot tree, and was called Moor Park.

They oil from the apricot kernels is used in soaps, cosmetics, and skin products because it has a softening effect.
There are some strange stories about apricots: one is that a kernel placed in a woman’s uterus was a form of contraceptive it was believed. In the Amtrac Platoon eating apricots was considered to be bad luck. This dates back to the Vietnam War, a US soldier was shot by snipers after eating tinned apricots.(He should have stuck with peaches.) Apparently even after the troops went home from Vietnam, they still believed that apricots brought bad luck.
In Pakistan they eat the dried fruit to break the fast during Ramadan, along with the more traditional dried dates. Of course, they eat the fresh fruit too in season, and use it to make pickles and desserts. The recipe below has more of a North African flavour and is one of my favourites.
250 gr whole dried apricots or dried apricots
1 kg lean lamb cut into cubes10 large red chillies, deseeded and soaked in hot water for 10 mins
1 inch ginger root, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 tbsp cumin seeds
3 tbsps oil
1 onion, finely chopped
10 cloves
½ tsp black pepper, freshly ground
½ tsp ground cardamom seeds
500 gr tomatoes, peeled and chopped
salt1 tbsp gur, (or jaggery) or muscavado sugar as a substitute
2 tbsps malt vinegar
coriander leaves for garnish
Grind the chillies, ginger, garlic and cumin with a little water from the soaking of the apricots and chillies.
Pour half the mixture over the cubes of lamb, and marinate for 1 hour.
Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion, over a low heat for about 20 mins, stirring occasionally to prevent it burning. It needs to be a translucent golden brown colour.
Add the other half of the spice mixture and all the dry spices. Stir well for a few mins. Add lamb and brown on all sides.
Now add the tomatoes, salt and whole apricots if using them.
Cover and cook on a low heat for an hour, until the meat is almost tender, add water if necessary, with the gur, vinegar and pieces of dried apricots if using these instead of whole ones. Cover again and simmer for 15 mins.
Remove from the heat and garnish with the shredded coriander leaves.
Serve with pilau rice.
This has Taste and is a Treat.