Saw palmetto is a shrubby type of small palm which grows in clumps, often under the canopy of other trees. It is indigenous to the south-eastern states of the USA and to some of the West Indian islands. These palms grow in colonies of perhaps a hundred or more, and have between 3 to 7 fan-shaped leaves which are about 2 feet wide. They are called the little saw palm (that’s what saw palmetto means) because the leaf stems have spines which are very sharp and which run along the stem like the teeth of a saw. The clumps of fronds grow to around 10 feet and make good shelter for wildlife.
The Seminole Indians used the fruit of this tree both for food and medicine. The flowers which bloom from April to the end of July attract bees and the honey made from them is delicious. The fruits ripen between September and the end of October, staring green and ripening to black. They are harvested, dried and ground to a powder. A lipophilic extract is removed from the fruit as this is what is believed to provide the fruit’s medicinal properties.

Saw palmetto may be of benefit to men with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), which is non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate gland, although research has not been conclusive by any means. Researchers don’t yet know how the plant-based chemicals work but they think that perhaps they affect testosterone levels in the body and may reduce the amount of an enzyme in the body which promotes the growth of the prostate gland.

In animal studies Saw palmetto has been seen to inhibit the growth of cancerous tumour cells, so ultimately it may be helpful in combating prostate cancer. It seems to improve the urinary tract problems associated with an enlarged prostate and seems to stop the excessive flow of urine, so it is beneficial to some BPH sufferers.
More research is needed to determine how far Saw palmetto can help men with BPH and prostate cancer.