The horse chestnut tree is native to Greece and Albania , and was first introduced into Britain as an ornamental in the 17th century. Hippocastanum is Greek for horse chestnut, so we have its English name. Its nuts are quite different to those of the true chestnut (castanea), but these nuts, generally called conkers, are welcomed by children who brave the spiky cases of these inedible nuts and treat them with loving care, and a few other substances to make them hard, so that they can beat their friends’ conkers when they play with them. You thread string through the centre of these nuts and invite an opponent to smash your conker. The winner has his/her conker in tact when the other has broken. Since 1965 the World Conker Championships have been held in Oundle in Northamptonshire in the UK . In different parts of the UK conkers are also called “obblyonkers,” “cheggies” and “cheeses.”
These trees grow to heights of 115 feet and have a huge spread and have large white candle-like blooms. Other varieties have pink flowers. Unfortunately the trees are under attack from the leaf miner caterpillar and suffer from a disease named Horse Chestnut Bleeding Canker (Pseudomonas syringae pathovar. aesculi) and trees in 

The horse chestnut has astringent qualities and anti-inflammatory properties, so is not just a good toy for children in the autumn.