Blue cohosh is native to North America , but is no relation to black cohosh (Cimicihiga racemosa). It is a member of the Berberidaceae family and so is related to the common barberry or rasout and to kashmal, the berberry, as well as to another North American native plant, the Oregon grape.
It is also called papoose root, as Native Americans used to drink an infusion of this two weeks before their babies were due in order to have an easier birth. The plant acts on the uterus and has been used to promote the menstrual flow and to regulate period. It has oestrogen-like effects and so should not be used by women who should not take the contraceptive pill.

The seeds have been used roasted, as a coffee substitute, as dandelion root and chicory have been used. The flowers were used by Native American women to induce labour and menstruation. However these only bloom between the months of April and May.

The medical establishment advises that this plant is unsafe to use, especially as there are safer herbs to help with female problems such as the Chaste tree, the small-flowered chaste tree, and black cohosh among many others.

Basically the information here is for interest’s sake; it is not considered safe to use this herb.