This plant is a climbing vine, with white flowers which give way to seeds surrounded by red or orange yellow arils, (succulent seed coats) and it is the seeds which are used in Unani (Greek) medicine and Ayurvedic medicine on the Indian subcontinent. The seed coats are wrinkled, and the seeds have an unpleasant smell, but are used for most ailments, as well as being thought of as an aphrodisiac.

This plant has been associated with helping memory loss and sharpening the intellect for thousands of years and has been given to many generations of lawyers and students throughout the ages. It grows extensively in the Indian subcontinent and the Andaman Islands .
The oil from its seeds is also used in medicine, sometimes as a stimulant. However, it also has sedative properties and these have been shown in a study on rats. The seeds contain what are at the moment unique constituents and have been the object of scientific studies. In 2004 in the August edition of the “Journal of Ethnopharmacology” the researchers comment that the seeds ability to improve memory loss may be due to their “neuroprotective” actions.

The leaves from this plant are boiled and eaten as a vegetable to relieve the painful symptoms of menstruation, but the parts of the plant most widely used in traditional medicines are the seeds and the seed oil.
Clearly this is another plant which could help us in the fight against the symptoms of Alzheimer’s and other diseases which diminish our cognitive powers. It is a wonderful thought that we have an “Intellect” tree.