Goldenrod has been given a bad press because people confuse it with the yellow ragwort which flowers at the same time and causes hay fever in some people. Goldenrod is a healing herb and has been used for centuries to heal wounds, as its Latin name, Solidare (to make whole) suggests. Virgaurea basically means “pure gold” which refers to the colour of the flowers and to the fact that it is a very useful medicinal plant. Its colour is one that might have been given it by the Midas of Greek legends, who had the unhappy gift of having everything he touched turn to gold. It is native to Europe, and is the only one of the Solidare family to be native to Britain. It grew in the garden when I was a child, but got removed after someone was repeatedly stung by the bees that swarmed to the flowers. The plants grow to around 3 feet high, but the Canadian variety can grow higher.

In Europe it can be found in the ingredients of cough medicines and arthritis medication, but not much research has been done into its properties. Because it has been used since time immemorial for a number of ailments it is generally considered safe for human consumption.
Goldenrod contains the bioflavonoids kaempferol and quercetin among others and phenolic glycosides which have anti-inflammatory actions. It is generally thought to have a diuretic action, and be anti-inflammatory. The tisane prepared from the plant can be used both internally for dispelling kidney and gall bladder stones, as well as for rheumatism, a general tonic, and urinary tract and yeast infections. The tisane may be drunk three times a day, a cupful each time, or applied to eczema and other skin irritations. It is believed that it might also have anti-spasmodic actions, and it is known to stimulate the functions of the liver and kidneys. It can also be used as a gargle for sore throats, and mouth infections.

After the Boston Tea Party in 1773 there was a shortage of tea, so Americans made a substitute with equal parts of Goldenrod, betony, red clover and New Jersey Tea (Ceanothus Americana). Later Goldenrod was exported to China where it commanded a high price as a tea substitute.
In some European countries Goldenrod is thought to point to riches, whether in the form of treasure which you can find if you hold the flowering tops in your hand as you will have visions of where treasure is hidden, or point to hidden springs (close to where it grows wild) which were equally valuable in ancient times.
2-3 tsps dried whole herb, chopped
1 cup boiling water
Put the herb in a cup and pour boiling water over it. Leave it to steep for 15 minutes then strain and drink.
This has Taste and is a Treat.