Lungwort is a herb in the Boraginaceae family, so is a relative of borage, comfrey, the alkanets, fragrant manjack and lasora as well as viper’s bugloss among many others. There is another plant called lungwort, (Lobaria pulmonaria) but that is a moss or lichen which is also called oak moss, because it grows on or under oak trees.
The flowers of this lungwort look like those of comfrey but the plants are distinguishable very easily by the leaves. The flower buds begin pink, a then as they mature turn to lilac, with both colours seen on the same stem. They are called Soldiers and Sailors for this reason; they are also called Jerusalem Cowslips, because of the shape of the flowers, I suppose.

An infusion of the leaves of this lungwort is used to help coughs and catarrh. Use a tsp of dried herb to a cup of boiling water and leave to steep for 15 minutes before straining and drinking. This is said to be beneficial for inflammation and lung problems.

The plant contains allantoin which is known to have wound healing properties so this supports the plant’s traditional use for skin problems such as eczema. The plant also has antibiotic properties which means it can kill the bacteria which cause lung and chest infections. It also contains the bioflavonoids, quercetin and kaempferol and research has shown that it exhibits some anti-tumour activities.

Lungwort is believed to have originated in Central Europe and is now naturalized in Britain where it was cultivated for its ornamental value and its health benefits. If you harvest it, this is best done in springtime, and you should harvest only the young leaves and dry them for later use. However, if you do this, make sure that you are not breaking any laws, and only take the herb under the supervision of a physician.