This tree can grow up to 45 feet although some are even taller and they grow around the foothills of the Himalayas and are native to Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, Thailand and its islands and Sri-Lanka and has naturalized on the Indonesian islands particularly on Bali and Java. It is a member of the Sapindaceae family so is a relative of the soapnut tree (reetha), lychee and rambutan trees, the hopbush (Dodonaea viscosa), and many others. Like the dhak tree, or Flame of the Forest tree, it plays host to the lac insect which secretes resin on its bark to protect itself and its offspring, and which is used in varnishes and also has other industrial uses.
It is generally found in the Indian subcontinent in mixed deciduous forests and in Java it is found in natural teak forests. It is now being considered as a source of biofuel, and has long been used as fodder for cattle. They are fed its leaves and the seed cake which remains after the seeds have had their oil extracted from them. This oil is known as Macassar oil and another name for this tree is the Macassar oil tree. This oil is used in hairdressing and to promote hair growth. The oil can also be used for cooking and lighting, and is used medicinally in traditional medicine systems for skin problems such as acne, itching, and burns. It is used as massage oil to relieve the pain of rheumatism.

The oil contains oleic, stearic, gadoleic and arachidic acid and the cyanogenic compounds have to be removed for human consumption.
The bark of the tree has astringent properties and is used in decoctions and infusions for inflamed skin and ulcers, and to protect against malaria. The bark also yields dye and tannin used in the leather industry. It also contains an analgesic compound, lupeol and betulin and betulic acid, both of which are believed to have anti-cancer properties.

There have only been a few studies done on this tree, but it seems that it may have many benefits for us including use as biofuel.