FIELD BINDWEED, CONVOLVULUS ARVENSISField bindweed was a common plant where I grew up in
South Wales, but we simply called it “convolvulus.” It has pretty white trumpet-shaped flowers which are rather like those of
Coccinia indica or
Khochoper , the ivy gourd, and the orange ones of the
Trumpet Vine), but my grandfather told me they were called snake flowers and I wasn’t to pick them because snakes might live in the canopies they created with their twining vines. My daughter was fascinated by these flowers too, but could never remember the name for them. We always thought they were a British native plant, but it seems that they originated in the warmer Mediterranean climes.
These members of the Convolvulaceae also grow in the Indian subcontinent, and in the Khyber-Pakhtoonkwa province of Pakistan they roots of Field bindweed are used as a rinse after washing hair in order to get rid of dandruff.

The name convolvulus comes from the Latin “
convolvere” meaning to twine and
arvensis means of the field or cultivated land. The stems of this plant can grow to around two metres long and they can twine in a total revolution in less than 2 hours, making them a very rapid-growing plant. The roots burrow deep into the soil too, making it a difficult plant to eradicate. In the
US it is classed as an invasive species in all states except
Alaska, where it is probably too cold for it to proliferate. It was actually introduced in to
North America in the early 18
th century as an ornamental and probably for its medicinal properties too. Some theorize that it got to North America as an adulterant in seeds, but whatever the case, the Native Americans soon realized its medicinal potential and used it to reduce excessive menstrual flow and for spider bites. For these problems they used a tisane of the leaves, which are apparently edible and used like
spinach in parts of
Turkey, where they are also used as a flavouring for some dishes. The flowers are made into a tisane which is used internally as a laxative and for fevers, to promote sweating and so reduce the temperature, and externally to put on wounds. The juice of the root is also used for fevers, and the Arabs used the roots and leaves to stop haemorrhages.

In Europe there are various superstitions about this plant, one is my grandfather’s that vipers make their nests under it, and in other parts of Britain it is said that if a young woman picks the flowers of the Field bindweed, the object of her affections will die. Another superstition is that if you pick the flowers there will be a thunder storm, and it is called the “thunder flower” for this reason.
Dioscorides in the 1st century AD believed that this plant could stop internal bleeding and help in the healing of wounds.

One study exists: Meng, X. L. et al. December 2002, “Effects of a high molecular mass
Convolvulus arvensis on tumour growth and angiosperm”
P.R. Health Science Journal, Vol. 21 (4) pp 323-328. However the results are inconclusive as the extracts of the plant did not kill cancer cells in an in vitro culture, but, according to the researchers, “inhibited tumour growth in mice” by approximately 70 %.

The whole plant produces a green dye, and the stems can be used to tie up other plants, such as
tomatoes, but they are not durable.
This plant was once used for medicine, but these uses seem to have been forgotten as it is now viewed as a menace, especially in field with crops.