Plantains are very close relations to bananas and you could be forgiven for confusing them. They grow on the same types of trees as bananas but are longer and can be used at any of their three stages of ripeness. The ones used for cooking savoury dishes are mainly the green ones (verde), then come the yellow plantain ( ponto{n}) in the mid-stage of ripeness, and these are semisweet, as the starch of the green plantain has begun to turn into sugar. Finally the black, ripe plantain (maduro) is the sweet one that can be eaten raw or used in desserts. (This should not be confused with the plant plantain, Plantago major.)
  When the plant was named by Linnaeus the Swedish botanist in the 18th century he called it and the banana genus Musa after the Arabic word for the Biblical Moses, and the plantain became paradisiaco because the Koran says that it is the tree of Paradise.  The Arabs saw the Indian saddhus eating this and decided that it must be the “fruit of the wise.”
   It is said that Alexander the Great encountered the plantain on his campaign in India and ordered that it be grown in his African coastal domains. It certainly grows in the African continent today and was taken to the US and first cultivated there by slaves. It originated in South East Asia and probably the Indian subcontinent.
  Green plantain taste a little like a potato but it is starchier in texture, and can be fried along with a yam or even a sweet potato. When they are green you can do the same with them as you can with a potato in terms of cooking them. They are a little difficult to peel and the easiest way of doing this is to cut two centimetres from each end and then make a cut in the peel which doesn’t quite penetrate the flesh. Slide the knife along the length of the fruit and then it is easy to peel it with your fingers, as you would a banana.
  If you buy green plantains and want them to stay that way you can put them in a pot filled with water, cover it and they will stay green for several days. On the other hand, if you buy yellow ones and want them to ripen, keep them in a paper bag for a few days.
  Plantains contain vitamins A, C, E and K as well as some B-complex vitamins and are rich in potassium. They also contain other minerals, notably calcium, iron, phosphorous, magnesium, selenium and zinc. Apart from these they also contain Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids and 18 amino acids as well as flavonoids.
  It is said that plantain juice, extracted straight from the tree is an antidote to snake bites, and that the mashed pulp of the ripe ones makes a good face mask.
  In Pakistan large bunches of the green ones are still used as decorations in villages if there is a marriage or other special event to celebrate. They are put in the streets and may be light with string of small bulbs.
  Plantains were introduced into the Caribbean islands by Dominican monks from the Canary Isles, and they have become an island staple eaten in dishes of rice and as side dishes which can be mixed with chicken curries. You fry the plantains and then add them to meat dishes after they have been cooked, as a plantain doesn’t take long to cook and soggy ones don’t taste right.
  Try this recipe for fried plantains and then either serve as a side dish or stir into already cooked meat dishes. You can omit the chilli powder if you don’t want to have the hotness.

Peanut oil or sunflower oil or any other oil that can
be heated to high temperatures without burning
4 or 5 green plantains cut into 5 centimetre lengthsand the thickness of French fried potatoes
chilli powder

Dust with chilli powder before frying if you are using it.
Heat the oil in a shallow frying pan and cook the plantains on both sides for 3 minutes.
Drain on absorbent paper to soak up the excess oil.
Either serve as a side dish or with rice or a meat dish, as described above.
These have Taste and are a Treat.


The lesser celandine is one of my favourite wild flowers although it is invasive in the US it is native to Europe including Britain, western Asia and North Africa. It appears early in February and by the end of April it has died back.  It is a member of the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae, but is easy to distinguish because it has nine or ten petals (the buttercup and marsh marigold (Calutha palustris) have five) and has a star-shaped flower. It likes moist shady places and can frequently be seen in hedgerows, and woods, although in Wales, it grows on mountains too, and is a welcome sight in spring. It forms a carpet of dark green heart-shaped leaves, sometimes kidney shaped, and with its shiny yellow flowers it look very attractive. The problem with it is the tubers which can spread and kill other plants.
   The Lesser Celandine, despite its name is no relation of the Greater Celandine, (Chelidonium majus) to which it bears little resemblance. They have different medicinal properties and should not be confused.
  Like the shrinking violet (banaf shah) and Tickle Me (choi moi), it is sensitive to weather conditions, as these lines from William Wordsworth’s poem, The Lesser Celandine show clearly:-
    “There is a flower, the Lesser Celandine,
      That shrinks, like many more, from cold and rain,
      And the first moment that the sun may shine,
      Bright as the sun himself, ’tis out again!”
Celandines are carved on Wordsworth’s tomb as they were said to be his favourite flower.
  Its Latin name comes from rana meaning frog, a reference to the moist places where it grows, and ficaria is from the Latin ficus or fig. This is presumably how it gets the name in the US of fig buttercup. It is called pilewort because for hundreds of years if not thousands, it has been used as a remedy for piles or haemorrhoids. The remedy can be either an ointment made from lard and the fresh bruised plant (whole) chopped, or taken internally as a tisane in wineglass full doses. The tisane is made with 1 oz of the fresh chopped herb to 1 pint of boiling water, left to steep for 20 minutes and then strained.
   The Lesser Celandine was well-known to herbalists in the Middle Ages and the first written reference we have is an illustration in the German herbalist’s “Kreutterbuch” (Rhodion) dating back to 1533. Gerard wrote about it, but as he may have got it confused with the Greater Celandine, I will only quote Culpeper the 17th century English herbalist
  “It is certain by good experience that the decoction of the leaves and roots doth
    wonderfully help piles and haemorrhoids, also kernels by the ears and throat called
    King’s Evil and any other hard wen or tumours.”
He went on to show how much regard he had for this little plant (it only grows to 2 inches under normal conditions)
   “The very herb borne about one’s body next to the skin helps in such diseases though it never touched the place grieved.”
  It is clear that the lesser Celandine was efficacious against piles but the Physicians of Myddfai had this remedy:-
   “Apply the calcareous droppings of a peacock (pounded) with fern roots and it will cure it.”
 The fern roots mentioned here were presumably those of bracken.
   The flower only opens at 9am and closes again at 5 pm, as well as being sensitive to the weather. Its buds can apparently be substituted for capers, but this is not to be recommended as all parts of the plant are slightly toxic, although the toxins can be removed by drying and exposure to heat in cooking. The young leaves have been eaten raw in salads, but they should not be consumed in quantities. Older leaves should only be eaten cooked. The young leaves and flower buds can be eaten like spinach but are best after boiling. You should collect the herb when it is in flower and dry it for later use. The leaves can be used in stews but they aren’t very tasty, others such as sorrel are much better. The tubers or bulbils as they are called may also be boiled and eaten as a vegetable. I’m told that the petals of the Lesser Celandine make good tooth cleaners, but can’t personally vouch for that. As far as I am concerned it makes and attractive and welcome appearance in early spring, and I have always loved to find the first celandine.


Borlotti beans are staples in Italian cuisine and are consumed in quantities in Greece, Turkey and Portugal. The best type is considered to be those grown in the Veneto region of Italy, with Lamon being particularly renowned for its production of borlotti beans. They are related to the green bean and kidney beans but are easily distinguished by their pods which are beige with pink, red or magenta streaks. In the Mediterranean where they are grown it is usual to buy them in their pods, but they can be found canned or bottled in supermarkets around the world. They are most frequently found dried, and as they also have pinky streaks on them they are easy to spot. Unfortunately they lose their colour when they are cooked and become a rather more boring brown. In the US they are called cranberry beans, presumably because the streaks on the pods and beans are the colour of cranberries.
   They originated in Colombia in the South American continent and were one of the crops that found their way into Europe with the Spanish and Portuguese explorers. (They are the cargamento bean.) The Italians, who were the first Europeans to embrace the tomato wholeheartedly, took to the borlotti bean too and now you can eat them in Italy in stews with polenta and in salads as well in appetizers along with prosciutto and lots of flat-leaved parsley and olive oil.
  These are very versatile beans with a nutty flavour reminiscent of chestnuts and with a meaty texture. They make very good beans on toast as a substitute for the more commonly used haricot beans.
  Borlotti beans are potassium rich so are good for the muscles and for the proper functioning of the kidneys. They contain other minerals which include sodium, zinc, selenium, copper, calcium, manganese, magnesium, iron and phosphorous as well as Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. As for vitamins, they contain vitamin A and several of the B-complex vitamins including B1, 2, 3, 5 and 6. Borlotti beans also contain 18 amino acids along with dietary fibre and protein.
  They are good combined with other beans in a cold salad, and make a hearty addition to stews and casseroles. They are on of the essential ingredients in an Italian minestrone soup. You can add them to a Greek salad to make it more substantial.
  If you aren’t lucky enough to be able to buy fresh borlotti beans, then you will need to soak the dried ones in plenty of water overnight, and should cook them without adding salt to the water.

200 gr dried borlotti beans, soaked overnight and drained
3 or 4 cloves garlic, peeled and halved
3 tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 small bunch of fresh sage
2 tbsps olive oil

Put the drained beans in a large pan with a tight-fitting lid. Add the other ingredients and stir to mix.
Add water so that the beans are just covered and put the lid on the pan.
This can be baked in a moderate oven or cooked over a low heat on top of the stove.
When the beans are soft but still retain their shape they are cooked.
Leave to cool if you are using them in a salad.
These have Taste and are a Treat.


Rye was one of the last grain crops to be cultivated; some believe that it was first cultivated around 400 BC by the Germanic tribes, although this may not be the case. Certainly rye features in German as well as Eastern European and Scandinavian cuisine and has dome for centuries. It is probably best known as the main ingredient of Pumpernickel bread, which is more dense than other breads, such as wheat because the gluten contained in rye is not as elastic as it is in other grains such as wheat.
  Malt is produced from rye, by germinating the seed grain and roasting it; malt is then extracted from the grains. This is used as a sweetening agent and in brewing beer. In North America, rye is used as a base for whiskeys. The roasted grain can also be used as a substitute for coffee.
   Like oats, rye comes in various forms, such as in flakes, when it looks like the oats used to make porridge, however the grain is also sold whole or cracked, and in the form of flour. Whole rye grains retain many of their nutrients because it is difficult to remove the rye germ and bran from the endosperm. The grain looks like wheat but can be longer and thinner, coming in shades of yellow-brown or grey-green. It is a member of the Poaceae family of plants which includes millet (bajra), oats, barley, sorghum and wheat as well as sugar cane and the grasses.
   Rye is probably a native of south-western Asia, and probably grew in fields of wheat and barley as a weed, until its crop value was recognized. It may have had Secale montanum as its ancestor, which can be found in southern Europe and nearby parts of Asia, or another possibility is that it came from Secale anatolicum in Syria, Iran, Armenia and Turkistan.
  It was taken to the northeastern parts of what is now the USA by early English and Dutch settlers.
  Like other whole grains it is full of nutrients, containing the B-complex vitamins, B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 along with folate, vitamins A and E and the minerals calcium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, phosphorous (in which it is rich), potassium, selenium, sodium and zinc. It also has Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids and 18 amino acids along with flavonoids and phenolics which give it potent antioxidant properties, meaning that it can combat the free radicals that can damage cells and cause cancer. It has proven to be cardio protective as are other whole grains, and of benefit to post-menopausal women, who are advised to have six servings of whole grains per week in their diets to prevent high blood pressure and cholesterol levels and so protect the cardio-vascular system..
  Rye and other whole grains are also good for people with Type 2 diabetes, as they are rich in magnesium which is involved with the body’s use of glucose and insulin secretion. Whole grains can also help prevent this type of diabetes.
  Rye and rye bread contain a lot of fibre so make a good mild laxative, and the seeds have been used in poultices for tumours and cancers in some traditional medicine systems.
  The long rye stalks have been used for thatching, paper-making, weaving small items such as mats and hats, used in mushroom compost and in the manufacture of tiles and bricks. In industry it is used as biomass and fuel. The root systems are long and can go deep into the soil so are good to stabilize sandy soils and prevent soil erosion.
  Rye can grow up to 1.5 metres tall so a small person could hide in it, which is perhaps why J.D. Salinger chose to call his iconic novel “Catcher in the Rye” rather than in one of the other grass crops. Rye figures in the nursery rhyme, “Sing a song of sixpence”,
    “Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,
     Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
     When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
     Oh wasn't that a dainty dish to set before the king?
     The king was in his counting house counting out his money,
     The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey
     The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,
     When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!”
In this case rye was bought to feed the birds, and to lure them to the ground so that they could be caught and eaten, as they were considered a delicacy. Robert Burns, the Scots poet also wrote a poem whose chorus is “Coming thro’ the rye.” Rye clearly had a central place in Britain in centuries gone by.
   You can substitute rye grains for rice, but soak overnight before cooking and when you drain the grains rinse again under cold running water. Cook like rice until tender. You can also use rye flakes instead of oats for porridge.


Fat hen gets its name because it was used to fatten poultry; it goes by many other names too, notably lamb’s quarters in the US and pigweed in Canada, as it was used for pig and sheep’s food. In Britain it was known as Midden Myles and Dirty Dick (no, just the name!) because it likes to grow on manure heaps in farmyards. (Middens were the old name for toilets or the dung heaps where excrement was thrown.) It’s a native European plant and also grew in the America, but it is not yet conclusive whether or not it is a native of the USA or was introduced via Mexico. It does seem to have been domesticated first in Mexico and then in the US by the Native Americans. It has certainly been used as food in Europe since Neolithic (New Stone Age times) according to archaeological evidence.
  As a member of the Chenopodium – goosefoot-species it is related to both the stinking goosefoot and quinoa.
  In Pakistan it is used for liver complaints and as a mild laxative, as well as to get rid of intestinal worms, and in India it has been used in traditional medicine for skin irritation (the powder from dried leaves is dusted onto irritated skin) wile the leaf juice is used to treat burns. A decoction is made from the above ground parts of the plant and mixed with alcohol, then rubbed onto joints affected by arthritis and rheumatism.
  In other parts of the world the tisane is used as a skin wash for irritated skin, while the leaves are used in poultices to relieve painful insect bites, as well as for sunstroke, and for swollen feet and rheumatic joints. The seeds may be chewed to help with urinary problems and for preventing semen being discharged with urine. The root juices have been used to treat bloody dysentery and a decoction of the above ground parts has been used for cavities in teeth, to relieve pain.
  The plant has no odour, and the new leaves are recognizable as being toothed while older leaves which grow as the plant mature are toothless. It can grow to heights of 3 feet with a diameter of 8 inches, and can grow anywhere. If it is growing in soils that have been treated with pesticides, don’t use it, as they will have been absorbed into the plant. As it is, the plant contains oxalates, so the leaves should be cooked rather than eaten raw, for safety’s sake. You can cook it like spinach and it makes a good substitute. However plants which grow in nitrogen rich soil will contain nitrates, which are OK in small quantities, but don’t eat too many leaves, as although a small amount of nitrates can help the respiratory system, too many can be lethal. As the leaves are bland, it is best to mix them with stronger tasting ones such as fenugreek leaves (methi). The seeds may also be eaten although they are best soaked first as they contain saponins and can be used as a mild soap substitute. They can be dried and eaten or ground into flour or rather meal, and used to make bread.
  Anita Pal et al published a research paper in February 2011 in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences which shows that extracts of the plant are liver protective, vindicating its use for liver complaints in traditional medicine: “Hepaprotective Activity of Chenopodium Album Linn Plant against Paracetamol-induced Hepato injury in rats.” Another scientific study also published in 2011 by teams from the University of Southern Texas (USA) and University of Fort Hare South Africa, which showed that this plant has antioxidant and anti-bacterial properties. This study concludes that Fat Hen “should be used as a source of nutrients to support major sources [of food]” it goes on to say it “may be of great medicinal value.”
Young leaf
   Certainly it’s food for free and packed full of minerals, being especially rich in calcium and phosphorous and also containing potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, nitrogen and sodium. As for vitamins, it has the three main B-complex ones, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin, as well as vitamin A. It has flavonoids and phenolic compounds responsible for its antioxidant properties it is thought.
  A good source of nutrition for free, as it is a weed!


Water spinach is indigenous to the Indian subcontinent and can be found all over tropical Asia. It is related to the sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), and field bindweed, being a member of the convolvulus family, Convolvulaceae. As its name suggests it is edible, with arrow-shaped leaves which may be green or purple-tinged. The green plant has white flowers, and the purple-tinged plant has lilac flowers, and the trailing vine can grow up to 4 metres long. The plants live in water in canals, ponds and paddy fields and because of pollution in some parts of Asia there is a worry that the metallic elements found in some plants my affect human health.
  Water spinach is also known as Water Morning Glory, Water or Swamp convolvulus and kang kong. It also has several Latin names including: - Convolvulus repens Vahl; Ipomoea repens Roth and Ipomoea reptans Poiret.
  However it is cultivated in southern China, and can be found in many markets around south-east Asia. The leaves and young tops and stems are boiled and used as a leafy vegetable. The leaves have a mild flavour and can be eaten raw, boiled or lightly fried as in stir-frying.
   The plant is rich in the minerals calcium and iron, as well as containing sodium, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper and zinc. It also contains some of the B-complex vitamins, notably B2 (riboflavin) along with vitamins C and K. The flavonoids such as catechin and phenolic compounds it contains give it potent antioxidant properties and also antiproliferative ones, meaning that it can inhibit the growth (in vitro) of some cancer cells. In a study published on October 28th 2004 (ejournal sinica edu) “Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica Forsk) constituents,” Huang et al conclude that the flavonoids and phenolic compounds in the plant “may have a significant effect on antioxidant and anticancer activities.” Extracts from the stems of the plant were more potent than the leaves it was found.
  In other studies extracts from the plant decrease cholesterol and triglycoside in rats and are thought to have possible uses in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. However further studies need to be done on humans and more needs to be discovered about how the flavonoids and phenolic compounds work.
  Water spinach is used in traditional medicine systems and the tops are known to have mildly laxative properties (not as strong as senna or jamalgota). The milky sap or latex from the plant is dried and used as a purgative, while it is said that the juice of the plant is effective against poisoning from opium and arsenic. Poultices of the leaves are used during fever with delirium and the buds are used to get rid of ringworm.
  You can use it in the same way as spinach, and it is good with garlic and chillies, cooked in olive oil for a few minutes. However you have to know where it comes from because of the problem with pollutants.


The camphor tree produces a white crystalline substance, camphor, which has been much used as insect repellant. If you have ever smelled a moth ball-that’s camphor. It comes from the wood of the evergreen tree which can grow up to 100 feet and can have a canopy of 6 or 7 feet in diameter. It’s native to the Indian subcontinent, China, Taiwan, Japan and Borneo, and curiously the trees possess different quantities of chemical variants such as linalool and cineole depending on their country or region of origin. Of course it is a relative of cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum).
  It is said to kill fleas as well as repel insects such as moths (personally I’d prefer to use patchouli oil to keep moths away!) I remember that my grandmother smelled of mothballs at the change of seasons, and I never liked the smell.
  Camphor is found in other plants, not just in the camphor tree, called kafar in Arabic and Urdu, karpoor in Sanskrit, the English word camphor seems to come from the mediaeval Latin (derived no doubt from the Arabic) camfora. For example dried rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) leaves contain 20 % camphor oil. The Arabs used camphor to flavour both desserts and meat dishes and it is mentioned in the Quran as being added to drinks for flavour. This must be an example of how our preferences for tastes and smells have changed over the centuries, just as the English herbalist Gerard hated the smell of fresh coriander, so we find it pleasant.
  Camphor has been used medicinally in the Indian subcontinent for millennia and has been used to treat Parkinson’s disease, bronchitis, tetanus, liver and kidney diseases, cholera, breast pains, to cure headaches and as an aphrodisiac. It is used externally as a stimulant and muscle relaxant and as a counter irritant to the pains of rheumatism.
  It has diuretic and diaphoretic (sweat-promoting) properties and is anti-microbial and anti-fungal so useful for skin complaints. In the Middle Ages it was used in lozenges for sweetening the breath. It is also supposed to relieve “the Itch” or genital problems. However, if taken to excess it can result in paralysis and coma, and less severe symptoms such as headaches, convulsions, nausea, vomiting and loss of sight. It’s probably best avoided and stick to using it as an insect repellant rather than for any other uses, unless you use the wood for cabinets, in which case, you will never get woodworm in them.
  In India Hindus use camphor as incense (as they do sandalwood Santalum album) although this is not edible camphor. A distinction is made in the subcontinent between that used for culinary purposes and the one used for incense. It can also be used in embalming and has been used in the making of fireworks.
  In a recipe for Zangcha duck in China’s Szechuan province camphor tree branches and twigs are used for smoking the duck. In the 13th century an Andalusian cookery book has a recipe for meat with apples, flavoured with camphor and musk (still used in Pakistan as a medicine). Another was for Honeyed Dates flavoured with camphor. This demonstrates the Arabic influence on Andalusian cuisine at the time as camphor was widely used in cooking in the Islamic world at that time.
 The Camphor laurel as it is called in Australia was introduced there in 1822 as an ornamental but now it is invasive in New South Wales and Queensland, as its leaves when they fall, prevent other plants from growing. It is also threatening the native eucalyptus trees, which the endangered koalas rely on. The trees’ extensive root systems are wreaking havoc with sewage and drainage systems.
  It was introduced into the USA in 1875 and has become naturalized in the southern states, and is classed as an invasive species in Florida.
  The tree’s essential oils are found in the leaves as well as in the wood, and a few drops of the oil, or camphor crystals mixed with coconut oil and massaged into the scalp strengthens hair and promotes hair growth, allegedly. Camphor is absorbed through the skin and has a cooling effect; or rather it can act as a local anaesthetic. It is one of the ingredients in Vick’s rubs for bronchitis which you might have been subjected to as a child. It is also used in balms for chapped lips, chilblains, skin problems, and a variety of other medications for respiratory problems and is good for colds and coughs as is menthol and eucalyptus.
  In some parts of Asia the old leaves of the camphor tree are dreid and used as a spice and condiment, while the young shoots and leaves are cooked and used as a vegetable. There’s simply no accounting for taste.


Celeriac is the unpromising-looking root of celery, which is warty due to the rootlets that stem from it. If you get over its appearance you will find that it combines the flavours of celery and parsley (to which it is also related). It is a member of the Apiaceae or Umbelliferae family which makes it a relative of anise, caraway, fennel, dill, carrots and parsnips. It is known by several names such as root celery, knob celery, and turnip-rooted celery, as it does bear some resemblance to a giant turnip, although it is certainly not as attractive.
  It shares the same history as celery but was cultivated for it s root in Italy in the 17th century. It soon spread to the rest of Europe, and became famous in France in the classic dish, celerie remoulade. To make this cold salad, peel the celeriac, grate it and marinade it in lemon juice to get rid of its ‘raw’ taste. Then dress it with a mustard mayonnaise.
  You can boil it, mash it, bake or roast it and deep fry it - anything you can do with a potato you can do with this unprepossessing vegetable. It’s very good mashed with potatoes and garlic. You can make a creamy vegetable soup with it for winter or use it in salads such as the one above in summer. The recipe given below is a delicious accompaniment to meat and goes well with broccoli.
  Celeriac has been used for its medicinal properties, as it helps with periods, and promoted milk flow in breast-feeding mothers, as well as being a diuretic and good for breaking down and flushing out kidney stones. It has also been used to strengthen the nervous system, as a stimulant and tonic.
  It is fairly low in calories, but contains sodium, so you don’t need to put much salt with it when you cook it. You can bake it whole and then peel it for ease after cooking and to have a low calorie snack. The leaves can be used to flavour soups and stews and they can be eaten raw, but it is better to blanch them at least as they have a strong taste.
Celeriac strips
   When raw the root contains a fair amount of vitamin C and it is potassium and phosphorous rich and also contains many of the B-complex vitamins although not thiamin (B1). It also has the minerals selenium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese and magnesium in it. Potassium is good for many reasons especially as it lowers blood pressure and the risk of strokes according to Harvard University Health Professional Study which also found that drinking coffee has benefits. Combined with magnesium, potassium helps men with erectile dysfunctions as it promotes the blood flow and dilates the arteries.
  If you want to grow this in your garden it goes well with French beans (green beans), leeks, tomatoes and the brassicas (cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts etc.). This root vegetable only arrived in the US in the 19th century and it is only now that people are realizing its benefits that it is becoming more popular.

3 large celeriac, peeled and cut into thin strips
water and lemon juice combined in a bowl
juice of ½ lemon
olive oil
½  cup of any one or two of the following herbs:-
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
Parmesan cheese freshly grated to serve

As you peel and cut the celeriac into strips, put them in the bowl of lemon water.
Bring a saucepan of water to the boil and add the celeriac and the juice of ½ lemon. Bring back to the boil and then reduce the heat and simmer for about 30 minutes until the celeriac is tender, but not mushy.
Remove from the heat and drain and then return the celeriac to the pan along with the olive oil and herbs of your choice and salt if necessary and freshly ground black pepper.
Heat through and serve.
This has Taste and is a Treat.



The Mast trees Polyalthia longifolia and the variant pendula are native to the Indian subcontinent, and are easy to spot because of their elegant erect appearance. They have long, lance-like glossy pale to dark green leaves, depending on their maturity, and look as though they could walk. They are usually planted as screens and it is a wonderful sight to see them in a line. They can give shade, so are welcome in hot climates. They are members of the Anonaceae family of plants which means that they are related to the custard apple (shareefa) Anona recticula or squamosa and to the American pawpaw, or prairie banana Asimina triloba. The mast tree is also known as the False Ashoka as people frequently mistake this tree for the Ashoka tree, which is not related. The trees in this family typically contain acetogenins which may have anti-cancer and anti-HIV activities.
  In the days of sailing ships the wood from these Mast trees were used for masts, as they are flexible with straight trunks. These days however the pale yellow wood is mainly used to make decorative items such as ornamental boxes. The trees have special religious significance for Hindus and are often planted close to temples. Their branches, leaves and pale green flowers are used in religious ceremonies as decorations.
  The Mast tree is evergreen, with the new leaves being a coppery brown, although they soon turn glossy pale green which darken as they mature. The pale star-shaped green flowers grow on the small branches in clusters but are difficult to spot as they blend in with the leaves so well. They blossom in spring and are followed by small fruit which contain a single seed. Five fruit can come from one flower, and these are much loved by bats that flock to the trees in the evening when they have fruit. The trees can grow up to 12 metres tall and are easy to see on the landscape. The name polyalthia comes from the Greek meaning ‘many cures’ while longifolia means long leaved, and pendulous, hanging.
 In Ayurvedic medicine the bark is used to bring down the temperatureof the body during fevers. It is also used for skin diseases, inflammation, diabetes and to lower high blood pressure. In traditional medicine the seeds are also used to lower the temperature in fevers Ithas been the subject of quite a few research studies and has been shown to have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It is though that it is the alkaloids found in the stem bark that are responsible for these properties. In 2009 a patent was taken out on an extract of the leaves for anti-inflammatory diseases (rheumatism etc) and its action against cancerous tumours. Just recently, on July 12th 2011 it was reported that “new antioxidants” had been found in the Polyalthia longifolia var. pendula. Once again it would seem that ancient remedies for diseases often have a sound basis in medical science.