Fenugreek was used by the ancient Egyptians in their embalming process, and in the Eber medical papyrus fenugreek is listed as one of the ingredients used to treat burns. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, thought it a valuable soothing herb, while Dioscorides used it in treating inflammation of the genitals. Now it is used as a tea to promote milk flow for breast-feeding mothers, and research has shown that it may inhibit liver cancer growth, and help in the treatment of diabetes. French researchers also believe it is a good aid to digestion.
The flowers and seeds are used for medicinal purposes, and the leaves are grown in Europe and parts of North Africa for animal feed. It has a long history of being used in this way, as its Latin name, foenum graecum means Greek Hay. However in Pakistan, in the northern Punjab region, the fresh leaves are cooked as saag, sometimes on their own but more often with spinach. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and protein. The leaves are more often used dried (kasuri methi), and added to sauces and other savoury dishes. Often they are dried at home for use later in the year. The young shoots can be eaten raw with watercress as a salad.
Traditionally, fenugreek has been used to promote weight gain in anorexics, to lower blood sugar and cholesterol levels, and soothe gastric disorders. The oil from the seeds is used as a skin softener, and the powdered seeds, when added to yoghurt are used as a hair conditioner in India.
To make fenugreek tea, steep the seeds in boiling water for 5-10 minutes, then boil for another 10 minutes. Remove from the heat and cover, and leave for a further 10 – 15 minutes. Strain and use 2 or 3 times a day, hot or cold. You need 1 teaspoon seeds per cup of water. It’s a soothing drink for stomach problems, and it calms the nerves. It’s also good for lactation.
You may think that you haven’t tasted fenugreek, but the likelihood is that you have. It’s one of the ground spices normally used in curry powder- that particular smell it has is noticeable and it is used as a substitute for maple syrup, and even for vanilla!
The seeds are fairly easy to come by in Britain, but you’ll probably have to go to an Asian food shop to buy the dry leaves, (kasuri methi) or buy them online. The recipe calls for dried methi (kasuri methi).

250gr green chillies (about 3 inches long)
2 medium potatoes
2 eggs
1 cup plain flour
2 tbsps dried fenugreek leaves
1 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tsp thyme
salt and pepper to taste
oil for frying

Boil potatoes, still in their skins. When cool remove skins and mash to a puree with 1½ tbsp dried fenugreek leaves (methi), cumin seeds and seasonings.
Mix together the flour, 1/2 tbsp methi, thyme and 1tbsp salt on a plate and beat the eggs in a bowl.
Slit the peppers from top to bottom, leaving the stem intact, and remove the seeds.
Stuff the peppers with the potato mixture, then dip them one at a time, in the beaten egg, then roll them in the flour mixture, coating them evenly. Repeat the process once.
Heat the oil in a pan and fry the stuffed peppers for 4-5mins over a low heat.
Serve alone or with dips as an appetizer.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Dill is sometimes confused with fennel leaves, but they are different. Dill has a milder flavour, although it still tastes of aniseed. It’s good with fish, shellfish, vegetables and in yoghurt dips. You can use the leaves and the seeds, although these are not interchangeable. You should add dill leaves at the end of the cooking process to preserve the flavour.
Dill is native to the Mediterranean and western Asia, although it now grows almost everywhere. It was mentioned in ancient Egyptian medical texts written around 3,000 BC. The ancient Greeks believed it was a sign of wealth, and for the Romans it was lucky. In mediaeval times it was believed to have magical properties, and if you drank a tea made from dill leaves and other herbs, people believed that it would rid you of any curse or evil. People burnt dill leaves to calm a thunderstorm, and used it with wine and other herbs in love potions. They hung the dried seed heads in homes, over doorways and babies’ cradles to protect themselves from evil. If you give a witch dill tea, it will take away her power to harm you or so it was believed. Dill symbolized love and protection.
Dill calms the digestive system and contains vitamin C as well as being rich in minerals, particularly calcium. To relieve indigestion, you should bruise 13 gr dill seeds, and steep them in a cup of boiling water. Leave them to infuse for about 20 mins, then strain the liquid and take a tbsp of it. Its name comes from Old Norse, dylla, meaning to soothe.
In recipes, one measure of dried dill is equal to 3 of fresh dill leaves. Culpeper made use of this herb and thought that it ‘strengthens the brain’- brain food, like fennel seeds. Dill seed is good in salad dressings but the leaves are excellent in sauces.

250 gr minced beef
1 large onion, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
½ cup cooked rice
1 small head white cabbage
4 egg yolks
½ cup lemon juice
small bunch dill leaves, finely shredded
250 cl water or chicken stock (see recipe for Bay leaves),hot
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Steam the cabbage leaves until they are soft and pliable.
Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the onions and garlic until the onions are translucent, then add the meat and stir occasionally until it is cooked through. Remove from the heat and mix in the cooked rice.
Taking a leaf at a time, stuff the cabbage leaves and roll them up, making secure parcels of them. Use wooden cocktail sticks to secure them if you have to.
Put the egg yolks into a bowl and whisk them with a fork, then VERY slowly add the lemon juice, until it has all been mixed with the egg yolks. Gradually stir in the hot stock or water. Add the shredded dill leaves and seasonings.
Arrange the stuffed cabbage leaves in an oven proof dish and pour the sauce over them. Cook in a preheated medium oven for 30 mins.
Serve with a salad, alone or with a side dish of vegetables.
This has Taste and is a Treat.

Fennel Leaves, Fennel Stalks, Fennel Seeds and Florentine Fennel Bulb also misri:Recipes for: Misri with Fennel Seeds; Fennel Bulb

Fennel leaves, fennel stalk, fennel root, fennel seeds and the Florentine fennel bulb can all be used in cooking and in other ways too. It’s a very versatile herb and was one of the nine sacred herbs of the Anglo-Saxons, which were;-mugwort, plantain, watercress, betony, chamomile, crab apple, chervil, thyme and fennel. It has also been used, in Britain, to keep evil away on Midsummer’s Eve, or the summer solstice, and was hung over doorways with other herbs at this time of year.
It originated in the Mediterranean region and western Asia, but is naturalized in Britain and cultivated all over the world. Italians love it and use the peeled stalks, ’cartucci’ in salads. The edible bulb is called Florentine fennel, and is good either eaten raw in salads or cooked. This has an aniseed flavour and is rich in vitamin C and the mineral potassium.
Pliny wrote that snakes ate the plant and rubbed their eyes on it to help improve their eyesight after they had sloughed their skin. It was used as eyewash, and even modern herbalists recommend its use for pink eye or conjunctivitis. The Romans thought it was efficacious as a treatment for snake bites, and Culpeper agreed with them. He also wrote that it was an antidote for food poisoning after eating the wrong kind of wild mushrooms
The ancient Greeks believed that fennel tea would help reduce weight and some modern herbalists still believe it helps with weight loss. This is because it accelerates the digestion of fatty foods.You should boil ½ tsp fennel seeds (sanf) with one cup of water for 10 to 15 mins, and then cover the pot and leave to cool. Then strain it and drink it. Take a cup of tea three times a day, but you shouldn’t take any more than that, and if you’re pregnant, don’t drink it. This tea will soothe a sore throat and cough, and will relieve stomach pains and cramps. We don’t know about weight loss, as in Pakistan, people chew the seeds to improve their appetite! In Mediaeval England it was used as an appetite suppressor during days of fasting, e.g. Lent.
It features in Greek mythology too, as Prometheus is reported to have brought back fire, which he stole from the god Hephaestus Roman (equivalent Vulcan), to humanity hidden in a stalk of fennel, which was used as kindling. Also the fennel stalk, topped with a fir cone was the thyrsus used by acolytes of Dionysus (Roman equivalent Bacchus).
It is also used to keep fleas away from stables and kennels.
Below is a recipe for the bulb and the seeds. You can use the feathery leaves as a garnish and also with fish recipes. It really is a versatile plant.

300 gr liver, cleaned and cut into 1 inch cubes
1 large onion, sliced
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 fennel bulb, roughly chopped
1 tsp thyme
½ tsp paprika
1 glass red wine (white will do)
2 glasses water
salt and pepper to taste

Heat the oil and fry the onion, garlic, fennel and liver for 5 mins. Add the red wine and stir to remove residue from pan. Add the water, thyme, paprika and seasonings and bring to the boil. Stir well and cover the pot.
Put it in a preheated medium oven and cook for 45 mins.
Serve with mashed potatoes.
This has Taste and is a Treat.

200 gr fennel seeds
50 gr almonds, roughly chopped
50 gr pistachio nuts chopped
50 gr walnuts, roughly chopped
10 green cardamom seeds, removed from the pods and crushed
150 gr rock candy sugar (misri)
50 gr sultanas
100 gr butter

Melt the butter in a pan and add the fennel seeds. Fry for about a minute, then when they are cold, grind the fennel seeds. Now mix all the ingredients together including the butter.
Store in a jar in a cool place and have a few spoonfuls each morning, as this will help the body and aid memory. It won’t spoil, which is why this recipe is for a large amount.
You can serve it with drinks of any kind.

This is a sugar which was made in Persia and the Indian subcontinent in the 9th century. It is sugar which has been heated to a high temperature and allowed to form into crystals. Apparently we call it rock candy or jaggery. Basically it’s large sugar crystals, you can make it yourself from ordinary sugar and water. But it takes 7 days for the crystals to grow.You can find it in Asian shops and specialist stores.


I’d seen it many times before I realized that the rather ugly (I thought) spiky plant was aloe vera, which I knew was used in various lotions and creams as well as shampoos, as a beauty treatment. You can see the picture so some of you will understand what I mean.
This unprepossessing plant has been used for centuries to heal wounds (Dioscorides) and Pliny the Elder wrote that it was used to heal leprosy sores. It was the world’s first anti-perspirants too.
It’s known in different cultures by other names; it is known as the ‘lily of the desert’ in Arabia, where it originated and the ‘silent healer’ by Hindus, who believe it came from the Garden of Eden. The ancient Egyptians depicted the plant in stone carvings 6,000 years ago and called it the ‘plant of immortality’. It was entombed with the pharaohs for use in the after life, and later used for embalming when mixed with myrrh. Alexander the Great took over the island of Socotra, which produced a lot of aloe vera plants.
It was believed to ward off evil, and placed over doorways, to protect the inhabitants from witches and their spells. The Egyptians also found another use for it; they made scrolls with it.
It was in the subcontinent by 600 BC and now grows here in abundance. Nearly every house has a plant on the roof or in the courtyard. It also grows in North Africa, South America, the Caribbean and the Mediterranean.
It can be used for all skin problems, and the efficacious substance is a clear gel that is found in the leaves. It can be used as a laxative when digested, but you must be careful not to take too much. Modern medical research has shown that it lowers cholesterol levels and is helpful to sufferers of type 11 diabetes, as it can help lower blood glucose levels.
What is also good about it is that it can be used in cooking. It has the effect of tenderizing meat when cooked with it. We give you a recipe using it below.

1 kilo lamb on the bone (shoulder) and cut into small pieces with bone
1 medium onion, chopped
3 tomatoes, chopped
6 cloves garlic, chopped finely
1 inch piece of ginger root, finely chopped
1 inch piece of aloe vera with the green outer skin removed
6 green chillies, finely chopped
½ handful shredded fresh mint
½ handful shredded coriander leaves
6 cloves
10 black peppercorns
2 green cardamom pods
1 black cardamom pod
1 cinnamon stick 2 inches, split in half
1 tbsp garam masala (see recipes)
1 tbsp cumin seeds
1 tsp turmeric
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 cup oil
salt and pepper to taste

Put the meat, green and black cardamoms, black peppercorns and cinnamon sticks into a pan and cover with 2 glasses of water. Bring it to the boil and simmer steadily until all the water has evaporated.
Pour the oil into another pan and fry the onions, garlic, aloe vera and ginger for 5 mins. Add the tomatoes and green chillies, stir and cook for a further 2 mins. Now add the garam masala, cumin seeds, turmeric, seasonings and the meat from the other pan. Cook over a low heat for 5 mins, Add 2 glasses of water with the lemon juice stir and cook over a low heat until half the water remains. Remove the pan from the heat.
Garnish with the fresh herbs, cover and leave to stand for 5 mins.
Serve with rice or breads of your choice.
This has Taste and is a Treat.