Lemon Grass is one of the main ingredients in a Thai curry, along with coconut milk and lots of fresh coriander. Its Latin name is Cymbopogon citratus, a relative of Cymbopogon nardus from which we get citronella, the well known ingredient of scented oil and candles which is a natural bug repellant. Lemon grass is also a bug repellant, but not as effective as its citronella relative.
It is native to southern India and Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand. It’s a grass as its name suggests, and grows in large clumps which can grow to 5 feet tall. It’s used in perfumes, traditional medicine and cooking.
In Ayurvedic medicine it is used to get rid of intestinal parasites, for stomach cramps and other digestive problems. It has also been used in the treatment of leprosy, bronchitis and fever. In South America it is used as a mild sedative, when drunk as a tea.
It is being cultivated commercially in Norfolk, UK, which is quite a surprise! Maybe it will be cheaper to buy. If you can get it fresh, the new leaves are good chopped and added to chicken or seafood dishes.
In Pakistan it is normally used dried in a tea with green tea. This has a wonderful flavour, and is very refreshing. It can be used to bring down a temperature as it induces perspiration.

2 tbsps dried lemon grass
2½ cups water
1 tsp lemon juice
sugar to taste

Pour the water into a pan and bring to the boil. Add the lemon grass and boil for 3 minutes. Remove pan from the heat. Cover and leave to stand for 15 minutes. Strain and add lemon juice and sugar to taste. (Makes two cups)
This is good for any stomach problems, and will soothe you if you are feeling fraught.
This has Taste and is a Treat(ment).


Sesame seeds, or til (pronounced teel) are on of the worlds oldest condiments. Their Latin name is Sesamum indicum which implies that they came from India. There has been much debate about this, some saying they originated in the East Indies, others that they came from Africa, but new evidence suggests that they do indeed come from the Indian subcontinent.
There is an Assyrian myth which relates how the gods drank sesame wine the night before they created Earth (this may explain some anomalies).Sesame seeds were at first not used to cook with, but their oil was used for lighting, and the Chinese used the soot from this oil to make ink for their ink blocks.
We know that the Egyptians used them because they are mentioned in the Ebers papyrus, which listed all herbs and spices known to them in a scroll which was 65 feet long. On the wall of one of the pharaohs’ tombs a picture of a baker mixing sesame seeds with bread was discovered. Even today, we have sesame seeds on bread.
Roman soldiers carried them to give an energy boost when required, and Romans ground them and spread them on their bread in a paste mixed with cumin seeds. They also made biscuits called Itrion with them. Pliny wrote down a recipe for Pear Butter which included sesame seeds. The ancient Greeks mixed them with honey and believed this was an aphrodisiac, and this mixture is still eaten in the Middle East today.
In the story of Ali Baba and the 40 thieves, “Open sesame” was the magic phrase to open the cave that was filled with treasure. It is believed that the phrase is a reference to the way the seed pods explode and eject their seeds. Because they do this, sesame seeds have to be picked by hand before the pods ripen and eject their seeds, and this is what makes sesame seeds expensive- you get about a thousand seeds to one ounce.
These seeds can be black, red, white, yellow and cream. They grow on plants which range from between 18 inches to 5 feet high. The flowers look like foxgloves and range may be white or a pale lavender colour.
Sesame seeds have been used in traditional medicine on the subcontinent for various ailments. They are given to patients with diabetes; to treat constipation (Dioscorides wrote that sesame seeds were good for ‘griefs of the colon’);the oil is used for hair loss and to prevent baldness; it is also used on the skin to keep it young and supple, and to treat boils and other skin diseases. The seeds have cooling properties, so are used to reduce body heat. Sesame oil has powerful antioxidant and antiviral properties. Sometimes children have the oil put around their nostrils to prevent colds.
In Pakistan there are street sellers who go around houses selling the oil to women who use it as a hair conditioner. The oil can also be used to gargle with if you have a sore throat.
The sesame seed is, traditionally, a symbol of immortality, and Hindus put the tila mark on their foreheads.
Medical research has shown that sesame seeds have phytosterols, which lower cholesterol levels; boost the immune system and lower the risk of some cancers. They also have a high copper content and so are thought to be good for arthritis sufferers and the liver’s health.
They are used to make halva in Greece, Turkey the Middle East and the subcontinent, and they are the principal ingredient of tahini paste, from which hummus is made. Of course they are also used in breads, and one good Middle Eastern sweet is sweet fresh dates stuffed with almonds, then rolled in sesame seeds. Also you con make gromasio with them: this is 1 part dry fried sea salt to 12 parts dry fried sesame seeds, ground together, to make a seasoning to add to soups, stews and sauces.
Below is a Pakistani recipe for halva (halwah) which does not include tapioca as is more usual.

500 gr fresh dates stoned
125 gr sugar
375 gr channa dahl
2 tsps rosewater
50 gr pistachio nuts, crushed
50 gr almonds crushed
50 gr sesame seeds
4 green cardamom pods, husks discarded, only use seeds
250 gr oil

First boil the channa dahl, and when it is cooked blend to a paste with the dates.
Heat oil in a pan, then add paste and fry until it changes colour. Add the sugar and fry till it has dissolved (about 5 mins). Mix in the cardamom seeds and the rose water, stir well place in a serving bowl and garnish with the almonds, pistachio nuts and sesame seeds.
If you want, you can cut it into pieces while it is still hot and then you can eat it whenever you want if you keep it in the fridge after it has completely cooled.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Chicken Korma
½ kilo boneless chicken, cut into pieces
1 large onion, chopped
1 tomato, diced
4 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 inch ginger root finely chopped
4 green chillies, finely chopped
1 tbsp garam masala
1 tsp dried oregano
1tsp turmeric
salt and pepper to taste
½ cup of cooking oil
1 cup coconut milk

Mix all the spices together and cover the chicken pieces on all sides. Fry these in oil for 4-5 mins. Remove the chicken from the pan and put in the onion, ginger, garlic and curry leaf and fry for 3 mins. Add tomato, chillies, spices and seasoning, and cook for 3 mins. Add chicken and coconut milk and cook on a low heat for 20 mins.
Remove from the heat and add the herbs, stirring them into the dish, allow to stand for 5 mins, and it’s ready to serve.
Serve with boiled rice or your choice of breads, pitta, naan, chapattis etc.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Chicken Biryani
½ kilo chicken
½ kilo basmati rice
1 large onion, sliced
1 tomato, diced
4 green chillies, chopped
4 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 inch piece ginger root, chopped
1 tbsp garam masala
1 tbsp cumin seeds
1 curry leaf
1 tbsp thyme
1 handful of mint leaves
1 handful coriander leaves
1 cup cooking oil
salt and pepper to taste

Clean the rice and wash in water. Put oil in a pan and fry onion until brown. Add ginger, garlic and curry leaf and cook for 1 min. Then add chicken, tomatoes, spices, salt, pepper and cook for 5 mins on a low heat. Add 3 large glasses of water and when it begins to boil, pour in the rice, mint and coriander, and stir slowly. Cook until the water is at the same level as the rice. Turn the heat down to its lowest setting, cover with a tight-fitting lid and leave it to cook for 10 mins.
Remove from the heat and allow the dish to stand for 5 mins. Now it is ready to serve.
You can serve it with natural yoghurt or Raita(see recipe).
This has Taste and is a Treat.