If, like me you’ve never heard of this tree before, you are forgiven. It grows in the Middle East, the Indian subcontinent, Africa and other parts of Asia. It is believed to have originated in Myanmar and Assam, in north eastern India. Its botanical name is Azadirachta indica, derived from the following sources: - azad, meaning free, dirackht meaning tree and indica, referring to India, so it’s the free tree of India. It belongs to the Meliacaea family of trees so is related to mahogany, and is easily carved into small boxes, toys and large chests for storing clothes. It is good for this purpose as it is a natural insect repellant.
In fact it is good for many things and modern medical research has agreed with Ayurvedic practitioners on the whole about its usefulness. The neem tree can live for 150 to 200 years, and every village has or had one. It was called the ‘village pharmacy’ as it cures many illnesses. Ancient Hindus believed that if they planted a neem tree it ensured them a gateway to heaven. They believed that it got its amazing properties because a few drops of heavenly nectar fell on it. It is used in around 75% of all Ayurvedic remedies, which use its leaves, bark, seeds and oil. Babies were laid on neem leaves to protect them from evil, and they were hung over cradles. They were also bathed in neem water and given small doses of neem oil on a daily basis. Brides bathe in baths of neem-infused water, and the smoke from the burning branches is wafted into rooms to purify them. The white flowers and the wood from the tree have a wonderful fragrance, apparently.
The neem tree is associated with snake cults as well as the goddess of smallpox, Sithala, who makes her home in them. The great goddess Kali is believed to dwell on the tree and stones representing her may be set in front of the tree and worshipped. The sacred neem tree is important to Hindus.
The bitter tasting leaves are eaten on New Year’s Day (Ugadhi) along with misri (rock candy) symbolizing acceptance of both the good and bad events that will occur during the coming year. It is said that Mahatma Gandhi ate a pickle made with the leaves of the neem, but no one else seems to eat them, as they are too bitter. However it is believed that in ancient times the leaves were cooked and eaten like spinach. Sap from the tree is sometimes made into an alcoholic drink. The gum from the bark is also used to make an adhesive for traditional Indian murals. This starts off a dark amber colour, but blackens with age. The bark produces a fibre which is woven into rope, and the oil is used for sweet smelling lighting fuel, while the wood is also used for fires. It also makes good charcoal. The timber is used to make boats and in other constructions, so it has many uses apart from medicinal.
It has been proven to have anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral, antiseptic, anti-diabetic properties as well as being a blood-purifying agent and a spermicidal (natural birth control).It is good for the hair, skin, immune system, and lowers cholesterol, so preventing, or reducing, the risk of heart disease. There are high hopes that it will be effective in the treatment of HIV/AIDS and cancer treatments. It is a true cure all.
Here in Pakistan people use neem for other purposes too. If they roll up their carpets in summer, they put neem leaves and tobacco in them to stop insects nesting in them. They say the bark is good to clean the teeth, and an infusion can help gums and teeth. If you boil neem leaves you can clean wounds, and use as a skin tonic. It is indeed a versatile tree.


Chicken in Tamarind and Tomato Sauce
½ kg boneless chicken cut into pieces
½ kg peeled, diced tomatoes
1 onion chopped
2 tbsps fresh lemon juice
2 tbsps sugar
20 gr. tamarind (dried and stoned)
4 green chillies, finely chopped
1 handful mint leaves
½ handful coriander leaves
1 tbsp garam masala
1 curry leaf
1 tsp turmeric
salt and black pepper to taste
½ cup cooking oil

Mix the garam masala with the salt and pepper and rub over the meat. Put onion, tomatoes, sugar, tamarind and chillies into a pan with three glasses of water. Boil until one glass of water is left. Add the mint and coriander and stir.
Pour the oil into a frying pan and add the chicken and curry leaf and fry for 10-20 mins, or until cooked right through. Now put all this into the pan with the sauce. Cook for 2 mins over a low heat.
Remove from the heat, stir in the lemon juice and leave to stand for 5 mins.
Serve with naan, chapattis or pitta bread.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Nutty Chicken
1 kilo boneless chicken pieces
2 onions, sliced
2 inch piece of ginger root, finely chopped
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 green chillies, chopped
1 tbsp garam masala
1 tbsp turmeric
1 tbsp chilli powder
1 tsp black pepper
salt to taste
20 gr. pistachio nuts,
20 gr. almonds
20 gr. walnuts
1 tbsp desiccated coconut
1 cup cooking oil
1 handful chopped coriander leaves

Fry the onion until it’s brown, add ginger and garlic and cook for 2 mins. Then add chicken, tomato, spices and seasoning, and cook on a low heat for 10 mins in its own juices.
Crush the nuts together and add them to the pan with ½ cup of water and cook for a further 5-7 mins. Add fresh coriander and chillies, stir into the dish, then remove the pan from the heat and leave to stand for 5 mins.
Serve with boiled rice.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


The Kikar or Babul tree is a member of the acacia family of trees, and the variety here in Pakistan is the Acacia nilotica. It can grow up to 12 metres tall and spreads its branches, so is known as a parasol tree. In English it has several names, none of which I recognize; the Cape Gum, Cassie, Cockspur Thorn and Karoo Thorn among others. Its flowers don’t have nectar, but bees love the pollen from its yellow flowers, which are used as decorations .It has a rough red-brown through to almost black bark, and large fern-like leaves, which are light green. In dry periods it loses its leaves and the seed pods become prominent.
The Kikar or Babul tree is not used as food, although goats love its leaves and can be seen braving its thorns in their attempts to get at the delectable treats. The bark and seeds of the tree contain tannin, and decoctions of these are used to stop diarrhea. The leaves and bark can also staunch bleeding. It is a tree used in medicine, and is supposed to be especially good for male problems, such as premature ejaculation (the seed pods) and spermatorrhea. A decoction of the pods is used to dry up mucus in the bronchial tubes, so it’s good for colds and coughs. The gum from the kikar tree trunk and branches is used as a gargle to relieve sore throats and tonsillitis. It is also supposed to be a good aid to digestion.
The bark and twigs of the Babul tree are used in Pakistan as toothbrushes as it whitens the teeth and strengthens the gums, and teeth. In this respect it is like the Neem tree.
The Hindu god Shiva is sometimes depicted in the form of the lord of the Babul Tree, and it is associated with Krishna too. For Sikhs, this tree is a symbol of the spiritual seeker who has to deal with the barbs and arrows of unbelievers, and worldly people.
No part of this tree is eaten however, like the banyan tree, so no recipe follows. However you can try one of our recipes that stand alone, like Chicken Shahi, or Moussaka.