Sugar cane originated on the island of New Guinea and spread along the migration routes of early people. It is known that people were using sugar cane in New Guinea from 6000 BC, so it was probably in use for much longer than that. This early migration took sugar cane into Asia and the Indian subcontinent, where it cross-bred with wild sugar canes, its close relatives, to produce the sugar cane we have now. From New Guinea it also spread to other areas in the Pacific region. It spread into the Mediterranean region much later, between 600 and 1400 AD. The Arabs were responsible for taking it to Syria. Cyprus, Crete and into Spain around 715 AD. Around 1420 the Portuguese explorers took it to Madeira, and from there it went to the Canary Islands, the Azores and West Africa. Christopher Columbus too sugar cane to the New World and it soon spread across the South American continent. Today it is grown in Brazil, and Mexico. From the New World, it was taken by the British and French to the West Indies.
Europeans soon realized that sugar cane could make them rich, and so the sugar plantations of the West Indies were born. The production of sugar cane was very labour-intensive and so began the slave trade. Ships leaving the ports of Bristol and Liverpool took goods to West Africa, picked up cargoes of slaves and took them to the plantations in the West Indies, and then, later, took sugar cane to be refined in Bristol and Liverpool; both cities prospered from this trade. Sugar production suffered when the Abolition of Slavery Act was passed in Britain in 1833.
Now, 70% of the world’s sugar comes from sugar cane, with the remaining 30% coming from sugar beet. In the production of sugar from the sugar cane, we get a variety of by-products: ethanol increasingly used for fuel instead of petrol; alcohol for the pharmaceutical industry; bargasse, from which paper and chipboard can be made out of the extracted fibres and which can also be used as animal fodder and fertilizer. Molasses and yeast are also by-products of the sugar manufacturing process. We also get lactic acid and butanol (solvents) from it and citrus acid and glycerol, both used in food products.
Molasses were used to distill rum in the 17th century in the West Indies, when they were a haunt for slave traders and buccaneers.
Cane wax is also a by-product of the sugar refining process, and this is extracted from the residue of ‘filtre-cake’ and used as an ingredient in polish and waxed papers.
Sugar cane is used extensively in the cuisines of the subcontinent. In India, tender young sugar cane shoots are steamed or roasted and eaten as a vegetable Its juice is used in cookery as well as being a drink, and gur is also used to flavour dishes.
Different types of sugar are produced from the sugar cane, white being the one that is commonly used, but as this is more refined, it has fewer health benefits than other types of sugar. Less refined sugars are the brown ones we know as demerara and muscovado. Crystallized sugar is known as misri, or rock candy, and gur is jaggery made by boiling sugar cane juice.
In India, sugar cane is given to the Hindu elephant-headed god, Ganesh, as elephants love sugar cane. The sugar cane is also a symbol of a person’s search for his/her true self. The hard outer shell (the ego) has to be stripped away, and this takes some considerable effort, in order to discover the true, sweet nature of the pure self, the sugar cane flesh and juice.
Sugar cane can be chewed and is eaten like this very often on the subcontinent, and is sold on street corners. However if sugar cane is stored in damp conditions it becomes poisonous. A whole village in northern China went down with “mouldy sugar cane poisoning” a few years ago.

1 piece of sugar cane
black salt, according to taste

Slice away the hard outer bark and discard. Cut into pieces (1 -2 inches) and remove the hard core in the middle. Put the pieces in the fridge for an hour.
Sprinkle with black salt and chew as much as you want.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Chicken with Herb Yoghurt


½ kg boneless chicken breasts

250 gr. natural yoghurt

1 onion sliced

1 inch piece of ginger root finely chopped

2 cloves garlic finely chopped

1 handful fresh mint leaves shredded

1 handful fresh coriander leaves shredded

6 green chillies, finely chopped

1 tbsp garam masala

1 tbsp cumin seeds

1 tsp turmeric

salt and pepper to taste

½ cup cooking oil


Mix green chillies and cumin seeds into the yoghurt with half a cup of water.

Mix the garam masala, turmeric, salt and pepper together, and then cover the chicken pieces with the mixture.

Pour the oil into a frying pan and fry the chicken for 2 mins, to seal it. Remove the chicken and fry the onion in the oil until it is brown. Add the ginger and garlic and cook for 2 mins.

Pour the yoghurt mixture into the pan and bring it to the boil over a low heat. When it is boiling, put the chicken pieces inside the mixture and cook for approx.15 mins.

Remove the pan from the heat and add the mint and coriander, stirring it well. Allow it to stand for 5 mins before serving.

Serve with plain boiled rice, salad, and naan, chapattis, pitta etc.

This has Taste and is a Treat.


Paprika pepper is native to the West Indies and the South American continent, as is cayenne pepper. The paprika we but comes in powder form and its colours range from a bright red to a brown-orange, similar to cayenne pepper. It isn’t as pungent as cayenne pepper, and ranges from mild to hot. The mild form of paprika comes from the USA and Spain. These countries tend to produce sweet paprika pepper. The country most famous for its paprika production is Hungary.
Paprika pepper plants were introduced into Hungary by the Turks in the 16th or 17th century and it has been cultivated there ever since. Paprika is rich in vitamin C and one pepper has 7 times more than that found in an orange. However, much of this is lost in the process of drying it and making it into a powder. It has antibacterial properties, and like cayenne pepper, Paprika is a natural stimulant. It has much the same medicinal qualities as cayenne, but these are not as potent. It can help circulation and is good for digestion, and can help normalize blood pressure.
In Hungary, paprika is grown in Szeged and Kalocsa where there is a paprika museum and a paprika festival, held annually in October. If you go there you can see the peppers hanging outside houses to dry, as you can  on some Greek islands.
Paprika is used as a food colouring and as a flavouring in some cheeses. In Spain it is an ingredient of spicy sausages like chorizo.
Below is a recipe for traditional Hungarian goulash (gulyas) with csipetke (Hungarian dumplings).

600 gr beef (shin or shoulder is fine), cubed
2 tbsps oil
2 medium onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
2 carrots, diced
1 parsnip, diced
leaves from 2 celery sticks
2 medium tomatoes, peeled and chopped
2 green peppers, deseeded and sliced
2-3 medium potatoes, sliced
1 tbsp paprika
1 tsp caraway seeds
2 bay leaves slightly torn to release flavour
freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste

Heat the oil and fry the onions for 5 mins then sprinkle them with the paprika and fry, lowering the heat as paprika must not be allowed to burn, or the dish will be destroyed! Stir constantly to prevent this happening.
Add the beef and seal on all sides. If the beef doesn’t have much juice, add a cup or two of water.
Now add the garlic, caraway seeds, bay leaves and seasonings and simmer, covered, on a low heat for 1½ hours.
Add carrots, parsnips, celery leaves and more salt if necessary. And add 2 or 3 cups of water.
When the meat and vegetables are almost cooked (about 1 hour), add the tomatoes and green pepper.
Cook for another 15 minutes. If you think the sauce needs to be thicker, remove the lid.

1 small egg, beaten well
pinch salt
1 tsp water

Add flour and salt to the beaten egg until you have a stiff dough, add water as necessary. Make into thin pieces, about 1 cm long and add to the boiling soup. Boil for 5-10 minutes. These will thicken the soup, so if you are adding them you won’t need to remove the lid from your goulash.
Serve with crusty bread for a traditional Hungarian meal.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


There are two main types of tarragon; French tarragon and Russian tarragon. There is also Mexican Tarragon or Winter tarragon, but this is a member of the marigold family, while the other two are Asteraceae or members of the aster family. French Tarragon is Artemisia dracunculus, or Artemis’ little dragon. It is said that the goddess Artemis (Roman name Diana) gave tarragon to the centaur, Chiron. Russian tarragon is Artemisia dracunculoides, and is considered to be inferior both in taste and aroma to French tarragon. Tarragon is native to parts of Asia including Pakistan, and to Siberia and southern Russia. It is believed to have got its dragon name because of its roots, and its reputation for strangling other plants.
Russian tarragon
In ancient Greece its roots were made into an infusion and this was used to stop toothache. As a folk remedy, travelers put it into their shoes to prevent fatigue. It has also been used to prevent flatulence, colic and was believed to cure rheumatism and to soothe the nerves when used as a tisane. It was also believed to be good for snake bites and the bites from other venomous creatures. In Persia it was, and still is believed in modern Iran, that eating tarragon will improve the appetite.
Centuries ago it was eaten as a vegetable, probably boiled in the same way as the Greeks cook their ‘horta’ and the way saag is cooked on the subcontinent.
It is generally believed that it was introduced into Europe by the Mongols and the crusaders when they returned from the Crusades.
The usually practical John Gerard wrote that if you put a flax seed into a radish root or a ‘sea onion’, tarragon would grow, but it was a relatively new herb to Britain in his time.
John Evelyn (1620-1706) the herbalist and diarist wrote that tarragon ‘is highly cordial and friend to the head, heart and liver.’
Tarragon is mainly used in cooking and is one of the staple herbs of French cuisine: they call it the ‘King of Herbs’. It is necessary to use it in the classic sauces, Béarnaise and Tartare. If you see recipes which call for a bunch of ‘fines herbes’ then you need a bunch of herbs consisting of parsley, chervil, chives and tarragon. Tarragon should be added about 15 minutes before the end of any cooking process, so that it does not lose its flavour.
You can make your own tarragon vinegar by putting a sprig of the fresh herb into a bottle of distilled white vinegar and leaving it until you think it tastes good. It’s better if you put it into white wine vinegar in my opinion. (Tarragon vinegar should be the only one used for a good sauce tartare.) The suggested substitutes for tarragon are a pinch of anise seed, or a little fennel seed and chervil, but the flavour will not be the same as intended. One tbsp of fresh tarragon is equal to 1 tsp dried tarragon.
Below is a recipe for a side dish of potato salad which calls for tarragon dressing. Try it with fish, chicken, or a variety of other salad dishes.

300 gr potatoes, peeled, boiled and cubed
1 small onion, sliced thinly
1 clove garlic cut in half
1 tbsp parsley, finely chopped
1 tbsp chives, finely chopped
Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

3 tbsps olive oil
2 tbsps white wine vinegar
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp Dijon mustard or a whole grain mustard of your choice
¾ tsp dried tarragon
black pepper to taste

Put all the ingredients for the dressing together in a jar with a tight fitting lid and shake well to mix them.
Put all the ingredients for the salad in a bowl which has been rubbed with the cut garlic.
Pour the dressing over the potato salad and serve.
This has Taste and is a Treat.