These roots vegetables have a curious history as regards their name. They actually have nothing to do with Jerusalem, as they come from North America where Native Americans cultivated them. Their name actually comes from the Italian, girasole meaning turning to the sun, as sunflowers do. They are a relative of the sunflower and are also known as Sunflower artichokes and in the US Sunchokes. They were called Girasola articocco in Old Italian, but are not an artichoke (carccofi in modern Italian).
   They arrived in France sometime in the early 17th century, courtesy Samuel de Champlain who found them growing in Cape Cod in 1605 and sent them back to his native France. The French took to them and used them in soups and as accompaniments to beef. They love them so much still that the Jerusalem artichoke was named “best soup vegetable” in the 2002 Nice festival which celebrated the heritage of French cuisine. In Germany they are made into a spirit called Topinambur, or Topi (Topinambur was a European name for the tuber which suggests it was a poor man’s root). It was called the “Poor man’s vegetable” during World War II as they were grown widely along with swedes (rutabaga) to make up for the lack of other fresh vegetables. It is said that when these roots were first seen by American colonists they were at first shunned because they looked like the deformed fingers of lepers.
   John Gerard mentions them in his “Herball” of 1636 and they were cultivated in British gardens, but not grown on a commercial scale. They taste a little like a water chestnut, as they have a nutty flavour, but they should be cooked carefully as otherwise you might suffer from flatulence. They are very tasty though whether cooked with meat or as a vegetable dish.
   These arabee roots are sold for most of the year in Pakistan and we love them. The recipe below is one of our favourites. Not only do they taste good but they are also good for our health.
   They contain inulin, which is not a starch, so they are different from other root vegetables such as potatoes. Inulin is converted to fructose (rather than glucose) in the body which can be tolerated by diabetes sufferers. Jerusalem artichokes can also be made into flour which is good news for people who have an allergy to wheat and other grains.
   Medical research has decided that a medical product made from Jerusalem artichokes, Helianthus tuberosus D1 helps in the treatment of obesity. They actually contain Vitamin A, Thiamin (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Niacin (B3), Pantothenic acid (B5), Pyridoxine (B6), Folate (B9), Vitamins C and E, and a whole lot of other nutrients including potassium, iron, selenium, Omega-6 fatty acids and trace elements. In other words they are very good for our overall health and boost the immune and nervous system, combat apathy and depression, support the muscles and improve concentration. All this in one delicious little root.

½ kg Jerusalem artichokes
1 tbsp salt
1 large onion, chopped
200 gr tomatoes, peeled and chopped
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 inch ginger root, peeled and cut into slivers
6 green chillies, finely chopped
2 tbsps fresh lemon juice
1 handful fresh coriander leaves, shredded
1 tbsp ajwain or thyme
1 tbsp chilli powder
1 tbsp coriander seeds, crushed
10 black peppercorns, ground to a powder
salt to taste
1 cup oil or ghee

How to prepare the Jerusalem artichokes: peel the roots and cut into quarters. Rub the tablespoon of salt into them and leave for 10 minutes. Wash the arabee thoroughly in cold water and dry.
 Heat the oil in a pot and fry the onion, ginger and garlic until they start to change colour. Add the Jerusalem artichokes, and fry for three minutes, then add the chopped tomatoes, and all the spices. You won’t need to add very much salt because the roots will still have salt absorbed during the preparation. (Do not add the fresh coriander and lemon yet.) Cook them until the tomato juice has thickened. Add 3 glasses of water; cover the pot and cook on a low heat for ½ hour, stirring frequently.
   Remove from the heat and add the lemon juice and coriander, stir well, cover and leave to stand fro 5 mins.
Serve with roti (chapatti) or naan.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


The quince seems to cause some confusion, so let me say here that we are writing about the quince which is a fruit, originating in the Caucasus region and Iran, where it still grows wild. Its Latin name was Pryus cydonia, but it is now known by the Latin name Cydonia vulgaris. There is a shrub called japonica or Japanese or flowering quince in English, but this is Chaemomeles speciosa in Latin and not to be confused.
  Quinces look a little like pears but are hard and have a dry, sour, astringent taste when eaten raw. They are best cooked and known as ideal fruit for making jellies and marmalade. They have a high pectin content, especially the seeds, so ideal for these purposes. Quince jelly is a dark orange or brown colour and made in Greece and Portugal. They also make wonderful preserves of quince in these two countries. In Iran and the Middle East quinces are used with meat for example in the tagine dishes of Morocco they go well with lamb.
quince jelly
   Scholars believe that quinces were in fact the “golden apples” which were the fruit of the Forbidden tree in the Garden of Eden and the ones that Atalanta found so enchanting in Virgil’s work. It is believed that Paris gave Aphrodite a quince and it is considered to be her fruit and that of her Roman counterpart, Venus. She is often depicted with one in her right hand. Some wall-paintings and mosaics in Pompeii have a bear holding a quince in its paw. Plutarch mentions quinces as being shared by a bride and groom in the bridal chamber, and the ancient Greeks threw them into bridal chariots. The bride would nibble on one to sweeten her breath before entering the bedroom. The best variety of the ancient world reputedly came from the Greek city of Cydonia which was on the north coast of Crete and is now Chania. Quinces are still cultivated in the area.
They became symbols of love and fertility in the Middle Ages when they were also served at wedding feasts.
   Edward Lear the British nonsense rhyme poet lived for years in Greece and perhaps that’s why in his rhyme “The Owl and the Pussy Cat” the unlikely honeymooners “dined on mince and slices of quince.” Peter Quince was one of the rustics in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, so quinces were known in Britain in the 17th century.
   You can actually eat some quinces raw, but if you do you should sprinkle them with lemon juice as the react badly to the air just like avocados and go brown quickly.
   They are filled with vitamin C and antioxidants so they help the body absorb calcium and iron and fight free radicals which damage the cells and also help protect against some cancers. They contain the minerals calcium, iron, copper, manganese, phosphorous, potassium, and the B-complex vitamins, niacin (B3), vitamin B6, and Folate (B9).The syrup made from the fruit is useful for diarrhea, and a decoction of the seeds is used in traditional medicine to help in cases of dysentery, and gonorrhea. It is thought that they may have potent anti-viral properties and be beneficial for gastric ulcers. The juice is a tonic, antiseptic astringent and diuretic. It aids digestion and lowers cholesterol if you eat quinces and drink the juice regularly. The potassium contained in them helps to regulate high blood pressure. The antioxidants help control your stress levels and the fruit is good for anaemia sufferers, and for asthma and cardiovascular disease. In Peru quinces are given to people suffering from altitude sickness and vomiting.

3 medium-sized quinces,
750 ml cider vinegar
400 gr sugar
8-10 black peppercorns
1 bay leaf torn

Pour the vinegar into a stainless steel pan with the sugar, juniper berries, black peppercorns and bay leaf, and bring to the boil. Turn down the heat and let it simmer while you peel core and halve the quinces. Cut them into 5 pieces lengthways and then lower them carefully into the pan. Cook for 20 – 25 mins or until the quince pieces can be easily pierced with a skewer.
Remove the pan from the heat, lift out the pieces of fruit and put them into clean storage jars. Cover them with the liquid, seal and allow to cool.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Kumquats come into their own around Christmas time, when they are frequently preserved in brandy or pickled. You can eat them raw, skins too although they have a tart flavour.You can also find candied kumquats. They are believed to be native to China, as there are references to their cultivation in manuscripts dating back to 1176 AD.
   They were brought back from China to London by a plant explorer, Robert Fortune, a Scot who was employed by the Royal Horticultural Society, in 1846. He brought back the Nagumi variety which is the one most often cultivated in the sunnier states of the USA. They have been grown in pots and in greenhouses as ornamental plants, as well as eventually for their fruits since the mid 19th century, when all things “exotic” were swooped upon by the fashionable gentry in Britain and the US.
   Their Chinese name means “gold orange” and the trees are bought as New Year gifts to symbolize good luck in male-female relationships. They are also good luck symbols and in Japan bonsai kumquat trees are given as gifts at New Year.
   At first they were classified as Citrus but Dr. Walter T. Swingle transferred them to the Fortunella category in 1915 in honour of Robert Fortune. There are moves to remove them to the Citrus group once again though, as they are citrus fruits.
   Kumquats can rarely be grown successfully from seed, as they do not grow good firm roots. Instead they are grafted onto citrus root stocks, such as lemons. When you see them in the shops around Christmas time they usually have their leaves attached, a sign of the festive season, rather like mistletoe, holly and other evergreen sprays, a throwback to our pagan past when we celebrated the winter solstice quite differently.
   They are high in vitamins and trace elements, and contain many of the B-complex vitamins as well as Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. They are high in potassium and vitamin C and are good to cure colds. They are believed to be useful to heal wounds, for general oral health, and they boost the immune system and improve general health, with the vitamin C promoting the absorption of calcium and iron by the body. They can protect the cardiovascular system and reduce the pain in arthritic joints.
  You can make a hot drink with kumquats which is good for getting rid of a cold. Wash 10 kumquats and cut them in half. Squeeze the juice out of them into a teapot, add the halves and pour boiling water over them. Let the kumquats steep for 5 mins, covered and drink, sweetened with honey or gur (jaggery).

1 lb kumquats
¾ lb sugar

Layer the kumquats and sugar in a Kilner or Mason jar and cover them with brandy, leaving 1” at the top of the jar. Seal the jar and turn it upside-down once a day for a week to move the sugar which sinks to the bottom. Put the jar back in its original upright position each time.
   After a week you can leave it for two months in a cool dark place and serve with amoretti biscuits and cream.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Jamalgota is the Urdu name for the medicine from the two plants, Croton tiglium and Jatropha curca or curcas. The crushed leaves of jamalgota, Croton tiglium, are mainly used as a laxative for very persistent constipation, and are one of the most potent laxatives known to man. Croton tiglium is native to Pakistan, India, New Guinea, Indonesia and China and grow wild all over the Philippines. Traditional healers use this plant for many purposes, but they have knowledge which the layman does not have and know the doses and mixtures which make plants health giving rather than deadly. Four seeds of Croton tiglium can kill an adult, and 15 will kill a horse.
 These hakims or healers use the plant for treating gastroenteritis, throat problems, for abortions, eczema and mastitis. Applied externally, the crushed leaves which are the laxative part of the plant are applied to snake bites. The oil from jamalgota contains an insecticide and is a skin irritant.
   The oil from Jatropha Curcas is used to get rid of cancerous skin growths. However it can also contribute to them. The latex from this plant contains the alkaloid jatrophine which is being investigated for its possible anti-cancer properties. It is applied on the skin to cure various diseases and as a treatment for rheumatism. The twigs from the plant are used to clean the teeth, and the root juice to treat piles. The roots of Jatropha curcas are used to treat snake bites. 
The bark produces a dark-blue dye. The tusser silkworm is rather partial to its leaves, apparently. The fruit and wood from this tree is used as fuel.
      The oil cannot be used as a food until it goes through an expensive detoxification process so it is an ideal candidate for making bio-fuel. It was used in Madagascar, Benin and Cape Verde as fuel during the Second World War. Now it is cultivated as an oil crop in South America and elsewhere, and the by-products can be made into high quality paper, soap, cosmetics, toothpaste and embalming fluid. It can also be found in cough medicines and is used as a moistener in tobacco. After the oil has been extracted the seed cake can also be used as fertilizer. Because the seed contains 25-30% oil, and the kernel between 50 and 60% oil it makes the plant ideal for producing bio-fuel. It is an oleic-linoleic oil as it consists of 42.8% oleic acid and 32.8% linoleic acid. There are plans to cultivate the plants in Pakistan for bio-fuel as exporting and using it domestically would be very beneficial to the economy.