Castor oil is used all over the world for a whole variety of ailments, but very few people realize that the plant it comes from is highly toxic, containing as it does the albumin ricin. If you have a castor bean plant in your garden, grown for ornamental purposes you should treat it carefully and wear protective gloves and long sleeves when you prune it. It is cultivated for its flowers which are very pretty red ones, and its long-leaves foliage which looks a little like a hand (although not as much as the fingered citron fruit does).
  It is believed to have originated in Africa, but it is mentioned in ancient Sanskrit writings and grows extensively in the Indian subcontinent in both its wild and cultivated state. It has become naturalized in the southern states of the US and also grows and is cultivated for its oil in countries such as Morocco, Brazil, Taiwan and the US.
  Warm castor oil can be applied to the bridge of the nose to ease congestion and is useful to rub into dry, coarse skin. It is a strong purgative if taken internally, but is not one that is to be recommended. There are more effective ways of preventing constipation, such as eating bananas. They are a lot more pleasant-tasting and cure the disease and not just the symptoms.
  The seeds from the castor plant are made into oil which is used not only in medicinal preparations, but also for industrial and agricultural use. The stems from the plant can be made into paper and wallboard, and the cake or meal left over from the oil-extraction process can now be fed safely to animals as there is a way of detoxifying it.
  Because the sap from all parts of the plant is so highly toxic, it has been used as a poison just like the aak plant. It is said that 20 seeds or beans will kill a person, although it takes 80 or so to kill a rooster or a duck, but only 4 to kill a rabbit. (Please don’t try this as the experiment might well backfire.) However it acts as a counter-irritant to the stings of scorpions.
  As a member of the spurge or Euphorbiceaea family of plants it is related to the cassava or manioc as well as to Dog's Mercury and French mercury, both of which should not be used as herbal remedies..
   Apart from the oil used in medicine traditionally the leaves are applied to the forehead to relieve a headache, and hot applied to skin irritations in poultice form, and to ease pain and swellings. The hot leaves are also used to ease the pain of arthritis, gout, rheumatism and other inflammations and scientists have concurred that they do have anti-inflammatory properties, as does an ethanolic extract of the root bark which also has antihistamine properties.
  In Ayurvedic medicine the leaves or pulp from the beans are applied hot to the abdomen to stop flatulence, while the oil is used for eye problems including conjunctivitis (red eye).The oil is also used for dry skin and internally is given for headaches, tremors, arthritis, sciatica and various other ailments mixed with guggul (Indian Bdellium or false myrrh). The juice of the leaves mixed with gur or jaggery is used for hepatitis and a decoction of the roots with Indian Bdellium is used for arthritis and rheumatism.
   The plant was known to the ancient Greeks, as it was Herodotus the so-called Father of History who wrote that it was called kiki and used by the ancient Egyptians as an unguent and oil for lamps and the seeds have been found in the tombs of the pharaohs. Dioscorides writing his Materia Medica in the 1st century AD knew about the castor bean plant, saying that it was not good as food but that the seeds were good in external medicinal preparations. Pliny agreed, writing that the seeds were extremely purgative (they are actually less so than jamalgota, however).
   Gerard writing in Britain in his Herball in the 16th century calls it “ricinus” or “kik” and says that the oil “Oleum cicinum” was good for skin diseases. It was used throughout Europe in the Middle Ages and was used to expel internal worms when all else failed. Combined with citron it has been used as a skin ointment for leprosy. The Latin name Ricinus means tic, of the sort that feed off dogs’ blood and this was probably because of the shape of the markings on the white seeds or beans. Kiki is still cultivated in Greece under the same name as that given to the plant by the ancient Greeks.
   While the oil, bought over the counter can be very beneficial for a number of problems, but it is best not to attempt to make your own preparations from any part of the plant as it is highly toxic, with ricinoleic acid being the major compound in all parts of the plant.


There are hundreds of varieties of green bean, and each one produces a large bean or seed if they are left to reach maturity. However we eat many of them fresh. The French bean, phaliyan in Urdu, produces the haricot bean when it is mature, and I once spent an hour or so extracting the small seeds from the dried pods on a rooftop in Lahore. The pods were discarded, but the little beans were delicious when cooked.
  Green beans originated in the Andes region of South America and also, probably in the Indian subcontinent. They were taken back to Europe by Columbus in 1493 and later by other Spanish and Portuguese explorers. The bean described by Virgil is now though to be the hyacinth bean, as the Romans could not have known about the green beans that are so common today. They are not as well liked it would seem in India and Pakistan, as the dried beans such as the moong bean are more common fare. As legumes they are related to peas and chick peas, and green beans are a good source of beta-carotene despite their green colour. The raw beans contain a toxalbumin, phasin which is destroyed in the cooking process, so they should not be eaten raw.
  They have been used in traditional medicine practices around the world to treat a variety of ailments including acne, diabetes, burns, dysentery and as a diuretic and are believed to help the kidneys to function normally. Legumes are richer in proteins than all other plants and so are a good source of protein for vegetarians. They are also the legume which is most commonly eaten.
  A study of the green beans grown in the Mediterranean region, published in 1988, traced these green beans ancestor to the Andes.
  Green beans contain phytonutrients which include lutein, violaxanthin, neoxanthin and beta-carotene, which have antioxidant properties. They also contain vitamins A, C, K and some of the B-complex vitamins, along with amino acids, bioflavonoids such as quercetin and kaempferol and the minerals manganese, potassium, iron, calcium, copper, selenium, zinc and phosphorous, along with Omega-3 fatty acids including alpha-linoleic acid (ALA). The antioxidant properties of green beans give them cholesterol and heart protective actions, and they are good for our overall health.
  The recipe below requires small fresh French beans, which just need to be snipped at both ends before cooking. Put them in salted water, bring to the boil and cook for about 15 minutes until they are tender but not too soft. They should still be a little crunchy.
8 oz cooked French beans, trimmed
4 hard-boiled eggs, halved
1 or 2 tins tuna fish, drained and flaked
1 tbsp capers
4 oz black olives
1 small tin of anchovies, each one snipped in half and washed to remove the saltiness
8 oz cooked potatoes, cubed
3-4 tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 small red onion, finely sliced (optional)
1 head lettuce, leaves separated but kept whole
2 tbsps olive oil
1½ tbsps white wine vinegar
few sprigs of fresh oregano, or ½ tsp dried

Place lettuce leaves in a bowl and in another combine all the other ingredients with freshly ground black pepper. (As anchovies are salty you probably won’t need extra salt.)
This has Taste and is a Treat.



Most people have eaten chickpeas in falafel, hummus, or in salads from salad bars, but how many people have tasted the wonderful fresh green chickpea or choliya as it is called in Urdu? They are a delight and so satisfying to shell as the pods are rather like bubble wrap, so if you enjoy popping those bubbles, then you will adore shelling fresh green chickpeas. The pods are puffed up with air and give a delightful popping sound when squeezed, which is how you shell chickpeas. 
Here is Pakistan we buy them by the kilo which consists of stems and leaves, so you come home from the bazaar carrying a small bush. The leaves and roots are used in traditional medicine but they contain oxalic and malic acids (as do the pods) so are not generally eaten. The chickpea root is boiled and produces a milky substance, which is used as milk for babies and to stop diarrhoea. The leaves and root are also used to produce indigo dye which is used for cotton, silk and wool.
  The leaves are used in medicinal preparations to help bronchitis sufferers and the seeds (the little chickpeas) are used as tonics, stimulants and aphrodisiacs. They are also used in liver and spleen disorders. Eaten raw the little green chick peas quench thirst and stop burning sensations in the stomach and are used to get rid of internal parasites, although I think they are cooked to do this. The leaves are said to have abortifacient properties and are used to promote the menstrual flow, and for colds, coughs and pains.
  The leaves, roots and pods are also used to get rid of warts, to stop constipation, diarrhoea, sunstroke and cholera, so have a lot of traditional uses.
  The fresh chick peas are usually allowed to dry in the pod, giving us the dried chickpea we are accustomed to, the pale yellow ‘bean’ that looks like a hazelnut. Last year we were given some of these, along with the fresh ones (which are in the bazaar right now), and we left them to soak overnight in a metal pot. We were awakened during the night by a noise that sounded like popcorn spattering in a pan. On investigation we discovered it was the chickpeas popping as they expanded. We had to put them on the roof in a plastic pot (covered) so that we could get back to sleep.
Chickpeas were probably one of the first crops to be cultivated and we can trace their consumption back to more than 7,000 years ago. It is believed that they were being cultivated in Turkey well before that, but their origins are thought to be in the Middle East. From there they spread westward into the Mediterranean region (where they were cultivated by the ancient Greeks and Romans) and east into the Indian subcontinent and into Ethiopia. They are related to the garden pea and other legumes including clover, beans, lupin and peanuts and are in the Fabaceae family of plants. The Romans ground the dried chickpeas into flour and used them to make a kind of polenta (usually these days made with corn/maize flour in Italy). Roasted chick peas were combined with lupin seeds and sold on the streets in ancient Rome as snacks. Today Greeks and Pakistanis also eat them roasted with pumpkin seeds and other seeds as a healthy snack. Today they are still found on the streets and in packets in supermarkets.
  Culpeper called them “chick pease or cicers” in the 17th century and said that they were good to stop flatulence and for semen production as well as to bring on the menstrual flow. (Cicero, the Roman orator, is believed to have got his name because one of his ancestors had a cicer mark on his face, possibly a mole that looked like a chick pea. Cicer was the Latin word for this legume and arietum means little ram)
  Fresh green chickpeas or choliya contain vitamins C, E, K and B-complex vitamins, folate, and the minerals magnesium, zinc, calcium, iron and pantothenic acid; they are rich in molybdenum The dried ones that we make falafel with also contain beta-carotene which the body converts to vitamin A, and phosphorous, potassium selenium and sodium as well as those listed above in fresh ones. They also contain amino acids including arginine (see watermelon) and the flavonoids including quercetin, kaempferol and myrcetin in their outer skins (especially in the black-skinned variety). The interior of the bean contains phenolic acids which include ferulic, chlorogenic, caffeic and vanillic acids and anthocyanins which help to reduce the risk of heart disease. 
Chickpeas have a unique combination of substances which give them powerful antioxidant qualities and they protest the blood vessel walls and keep the blood healthy as well as being good for the digestive system.
  Chick peas are high in dietary fibre and so help reduce the risk of colon cancer, and studies have suggested that they help control blood sugar levels, cholesterol levels and insulin secretion. The fibre in chickpeas remains undigested until it gets to the lower intestine and the colon and so helps those with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, (IBS) and spastic colons.
  There are two types of dried chick peas, the ‘desi’ variety which has a light brown to black outer skin, which is quite thick, and has potent antioxidant properties, and the ‘kabuli’ type (from Kabul, Afghanistan) which we most commonly find in supermarkets.
  The recipe below is for green chickpeas although you can find others on this site for dried chickpeas.

2 medium-sized potatoes, peeled and cubed
150 gr shelled green chick peas, choliya
3 tomatoes, chopped
1 onion, chopped,
1 inch ginger root, peeled and sliced
4 garlic cloves
2 green chillies, chopped
pinch asafoetida (heng)
1 tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp turmeric
½ tsp ground coriander seeds
1 tbsp oil
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Grind the onion, tomatoes, ginger, garlic and chillies to a smooth paste.
Heat the oil and throw in the cumin seeds, and fry until they release their aroma.
Add the paste, all the spices and salt and pepper stir well and fry until the oil begins to separate.
Now add the fresh chickpeas, the cubed potatoes and 2 cups of water. Bring to the boil, reduce the heat and simmer for 45 mins or until the potatoes and chick peas are tender.
If you need to, add a little more water to prevent the mixture burning and sticking to the pan.
Serve with plain rice or roti (chapattis) or naan.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


The aubergines originated in the Indian subcontinent, Laos, Viet Nam, south west China, Northern Thailand and Myanmar. Wild aubergines plants can still be found in these areas. It began to be used in cookery as a vegetable in Asia by the year 3 AD. It is in fact a fruit, a berry to be exact in botanical terms, like the banana, tomato, chilli pepper and avocado. It is a member of the nightshade family like the potato and tomato, and was once viewed with suspicion because of this family connection as were the potato and the tomato. In the 16th century it was known as the malus insana or apple of madness. The Italian word melanzana and the Greek melitzana are corruptions of this. In India it is called the king of vegetables, and used in all kinds of dishes including in pickles. It was documented in Sanskrit writings as early as 300 BC and the hypnotic and narcotic properties of the plant were described. In Ayurvedic medicine the white varieties of aubergines are and have been used for diabetes and the roots for asthma.
  Their English and French name, aubergines is believed to have come from a corruption of the Arabic word, al-badhinan or the Persian, badanjan or baadangan. The Urdu word for aubergines, baingan would also seem to have the same origins. They were mentioned in the “Atlas of Plants in Southern China” written during the Jin Dynasty in China (265-316 AD) which was a practical handbook of agriculture. They reached Japan around the 8th century AD and Abu Ibn Sina (known in the West as Avicenna 980-1037) wrote about them. He advocated salting them and only using them when ripe and cooked for ear problems and treatment of excessive bile production. Otherwise they had a bad reputation and were thought to be the cause of many ailments.
Aubergine Flower
  By the 7th and 8th centuries AD they had spread to Europe so were unknown to the ancient Greeks and Romans. In the Middle Ages they were thought to have aphrodisiac properties. They had been introduced into Africa sometime before their arrival in Europe and scarlet varieties are now grown there. In fact aubergines can be a variety of colours, ranging from white through to jade green and dark purple, and range in size and shape to mini aubergines smaller than okra through to large ones that we usually buy and they may be egg shaped or round or pear-shaped.
  In Southern India they are used to protect against chicken pox, so if a member of the family has the virus, others eat aubergines (cooked over a flame) with onions, chillies, salt and rice to prevent the disease. In Ayurvedic medicine they are cooked and mashed with garlic and asafoetida (heng) or devil’s dung, for flatulence and to get rid of congestion and phlegm.
White Aubergine
   Aubergines are rich in minerals and the purple skin contains many phenolic flavonoids such as anthocyanins which help fight against cancer, aging, inflammation and neurological diseases it is believed. They contain vitamins A, C, E and K, amino acids including arginine (tipped as the natural Viagra) and the minerals potassium, sodium, phosphorous, selenium, iron, copper, calcium, magnesium, manganese, and zinc. They also contain beta-carotene. Thus they have potent antioxidant properties. Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids are also present in them. They also contain a phytonutrients in their skin – nasunin an antioxidant which in lab animals has protected the lipids (fats) in brain cell membranes. Aubergines also contain the phenolic compound chlorogenic acid which scientists think may have anti-cancer, anti-microbial, anti-cholesterol and anti-viral properties. Juice from aubergines has been found in tests to reduce cholesterol in the arteries and the aorta and so may be able to reduce the risk of heart disease. However more tests are needed before this is proved.
  Below is a recipe for a Greek appetizer, an aubergines dip that is good served with crusty fresh bread. You can add grated carrots or tomatoes to this dish if you like.

2 medium sized aubergines
4 garlic cloves, crushed to a paste
juice of 2 lemons
a few sprigs of parsley, chopped
a handful of coriander leaves, snipped
1 tbsp natural yoghurt
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste.

Pre-heat the oven to 350˚F and prick each aubergines 4 or 5 times with a fork to prevent them exploding, and place them on a greased baking sheet. Place in the oven and cook for 45 minutes.
Allow them to cool slightly so that you can easily handle them. You can scoop out the flesh and put it in a blender with all the other ingredients. A little skin won’t matter.
When thoroughly blended chill for a few hours.
This dip will keep for up to 3 days in the fridge.
This has Taste and is a Treat.