Chanterelles have a meaty texture, with a mildly peppery taste and smell a little of apricots or peaches when freshly gathered. They grow under not on trees so if you go foraging for chanterelles (and they are well worth the effort) remember this point as they resemble other fungi which are poisonous. This is true of the False Chanterelle (Hygrophropsis arantiaca) which has orange gills and a darker cap than a true chanterelle. The Latin name Cantharellus comes from the Greek kανθαρέλλος which means cup or drinking vessel, given to it because of the shape of the chanterelles’ cap.
  Chanterelles grow in many parts of the world, although there are variants. It is the state mushroom of Oregon USA (but that’s the Pacific golden chanterelle) and is the girolle of Europe, (gallinaccio in Italian). The Italian variety has an intense flavour although the ones in Britain may be mild or intense in flavour, depending on where they grow. In German it is known as the pfifferling, because of that peppery taste. They grow in Asia too and I’m told there are a lot of them in Pakistan’s Kashmir province along with morels (gucchi).The locals call them siri.
Golden Pacific chanterelles
   They are one of the more expensive mushrooms, but are not anywhere near as expensive as truffles. Our ancestors would certainly have eaten them and they would have been gathered by peasants throughout history, with these and truffles, peasant food wasn’t too bad, although of course such food is seasonal with chanterelles being found mainly in the spring and autumn or in the rainy seasons. Traditionally mushrooms particularly chanterelles have been assumed to be aphrodisiacs, with the 11th century Normans in Britain feeding them to grooms at their wedding feasts. The minerals they contain along with the amino acids and vitamins, probably make them good for the libido, especially for men with erectile dysfunctions.
  Chanterelles have an affinity with certain trees and particularly birch, beech, oak, and pine in descending order, as they seem to like birch trees best, but they also seem to quite like larch and sweet chestnut trees too. They grow in soil which is damp, but not swampy or marshy ground.
  If you go picking them, make sure that you wash them thoroughly and clean the gills. This is best done with a soft toothbrush.
  They are great added to soups and stews and go well with eggs, but can be used to accompany any meat dish. Treat them as you would any other mushroom as far as cooking goes. Personally I love them and am always happy when I find them either in woods or on a supermarket shelf.
False chanterelles- poisonous!
  Like other mushrooms they contain vitamins A and D as well as some of the B-complex ones. They contain all the essential amino acids and glutamic acid is believed to boost the immune system and may help fight cancer, infections and rheumatoid arthritis. There is evidence that it inhibits blood clotting, which is valuable in the fight against heart disease. As for minerals, they contain potassium which regulates blood pressure and the contractions of the heart muscle; copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, zinc and selenium which is good for the mood and the brain. It’s not so long ago that people used to think that there was little nutritional value in a mushroom; they thought they mainly consisted of water. (The same was true for lettuce.) They also contain fibre in the form of cellulose, which helps with the disposal of wastes from the body and so helps to prevent constipation and piles.
  Try this simple recipe, or use your chanterelles as a stuffing for crêpes or a topping for a homemade pizza. You can use this as a side dish or with pasta.

Chanterelles, cleaned thoroughly and chopped
50 gr butter
3 tbsps olive oil
3 or 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 onion, finely sliced
a few sprigs curly-leaves parsley, shredded
freshly ground black pepper
salt if necessary to taste
a little brandy
¼ pt natural yoghurt or fresh single cream

Heat the oil and butter in a pan and add the onion and garlic and fry until the onions are translucent, stirring so that they don’t burn.
Add the chanterelles and fry for 5 mins, stirring so that they don’t burn.
Add the brandy if using and the parsley and cook for two or three minutes, stirring.
Now add the yoghurt or cream, stirring and the black pepper, and bring to just under boiling point.
Remove from the heat and serve as a side dish or as a sauce for pasta.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Spinach is a native of south-west and central Asia, and comes in many forms. It is a member of the Amaranth family, Amaranthaceae, so is a close relative of the Elephant’s Head. It was not known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, because of its origins. The ancestor of spinach is thought to have been Spinacia telreindo an edible wild green which possibly came from the ancient Persian Empire, and which is still foraged for in modern-day Anatolia in Turkey. Spinach was cultivated by the Arabs in the 8th century AD and found its way to Spain with them by the 12th century. The first references to spinach in surviving literature is from Persian between 246 and 640 AD, and we know that it was taken from Nepal into China in 647AD where it became known as “the Persian green” a name by which it is still known today. It became a popular vegetable in France in the 15th century and in the 17th century the English philosopher John Locke who was a supporter of the French Revolution, mentions in his writing that he ate a soup of spinach and herbs while he was in France. He must have liked it to have written about it, I suppose.
  The Italians took to spinach and used it in the Arabian style, mixing it with pine nuts and sultanas, and in Turkey by the 13th century it was served with a garlic and yoghurt sauce with meat in much the same way as döner kebab is served today. The Italians, of all the Europeans have been the ones to most readily adopt new vegetables; just think of how much the tomato is associated with Italian cuisine.
  Red spinach such as elephant’s head has been used for its medicinal properties in the Asian subcontinent and China for centuries, and elsewhere it is used to relieve constipation and so help with piles, and for the skin, taken internally or externally. Bruised spinach is good for stings and insect bites and mixed with milk thistle (Silybum marianum) it has been a home remedy for poisoning by the Amanita mushroom, although if you suspect you have mushroom poisoning, go to hospital, don’t try to treat yourself! It is believed that the alpha-lipoic acid (also found in broccoli and red meat), which has antioxidant properties, may help against such poisoning, but this has not been proven.
  Spinach has also been used for anaemia, because of its iron content, think about Pop-Eye here, and it contains lots of vitamin C so can help in any diet, especially in summer when there is a dearth of fresh citrus fruit. The fibre in spinach is also good for the digestive system. The brighter the green of the spinach leaf, the higher the vitamin C content is.
  It contains all 8 essential amino acids and 10 others and is packed with nutrients, which are still being investigated by scientists. For example, the carotenoids “epoxyxanthophylls” abound in spinach and it is thought that these may protect against cancers despite the fact that the body does not absorb them as well as it does other carotenoids such as beta-carotene and lutein. Two of these are violaxanthin and neoxanthin which are found prolifically in spinach leaves, but scientists have yet to research their possibilities fully. The glycoclycerolipids which are necessary for photosynthesis to occur may from spinach at least help protect the lining of the digestive tract and prevent inflammation occurring in it.
  It is though that, like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts etc, consumption of spinach may protect against certain cancers, such as prostate cancer. The flavonoids present in spinach ensure that it has potent antioxidant properties, which also inhibit the growth of cancerous cells as they combat the free radicals which damage cells. Spinach contains vitamins A, K, 5 of the B-complex ones including B3 niacin, and folate. It also has most of the minerals, in particular potassium, but also iron, calcium, phosphorous, copper, selenium, boron, sodium, zinc, iodine (like laverbread), chloride, magnesium, manganese and sodium. Add to this Omega-3 and other “good” fats, and you can see for yourself how nutritious these leaves are.
  The carotenoid, lutein, contained in spinach is good for eyes and can help to at least delay the onset of age-related cataracts and macular degeneration. The body can absorb this better if it has a little oil such as olive oil with the spinach. In fact, you should at least blanch spinach leaves in boiling water for 1 minute to get rid of the oxalic acid in the leaves. It is doubtful that you could ingest enough to harm you by eating spinach, but perhaps it’s better to be on the safe side. You can refresh the blanched leaves in cold water to perk up the colour before adding to a salad.
  Spinach can boost the immune system, possibly protect against cancers and having anti-inflammatory qualities can assist in cases of arthritis, osteoporosis, asthma and migraines. It is also good for the heart and can lower blood pressure. The nutrients in spinach can also help protect the brain and its cognitive abilities from premature aging, and helps to retain memory. Not only does it do all these things when eaten, but you can also use it as a beauty treatment by making face packs with it. Try one of these: - for combination skin or problem skin (spots or acne) you need ½ a cup of spinach, 1 egg white and 1 tbsp of aloe vera juice. Blend these together or mash them and put the mixture on your face and leave it for 20 minutes; rinse off with warm water. This protects you skin from atmospheric pollution, smoothes out wrinkles, and nourishes the skin. Use this twice a week to get rid of spots and help with acne.
  For dry skin and wrinkles mix 2 tbsps cooked spinach with the same quantity of natural organic yoghurt and 1 tbsp of grated carrot. Use this face pack at night though as it can make the skin sensitive to UV rays. Leave this one on your face for 15 minutes then rinse off with warm water and use this mask twice a week for the best results.
  If your skin is sensitive, you should mix 2 tbsps cooked spinach leaves with the same quantity of fresh chamomile leaves and lettuce. Blend them together and leave on your face for 30 minutes before rinsing off. Again use this twice a week for the best results.
  Try our saag or spinach soup recipes or try this side dish given below. It’s good with fish, white or red meats and with pasta.

1 bundle of spinach, thoroughly cleaned and large stalks removed
1 medium onion, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
50 gr pine nuts
20 gr sultanas soaked in lemon juice
1 small handful mint leaves shredded
freshly ground black pepper
olive oil for frying
freshly grated Parmesan cheese for topping

Heat the oil in a pan and add the cumin seeds, then after 30 seconds add the onion and garlic and fry until the onion is soft and translucent.
Add the pine nuts and sultanas and fry for a minute or two.
Now add the spinach and stir until the leaves have wilted, and add the black pepper.
Stir for 5 minutes or less then remove from the heat and serve as suggested above.
Serve with Parmesan.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Taro is a starchy corm which originated probably in Malaysia and India, where it still grows wild. It can grow in wet or dry places although there is one variety which has been bred to only grow in dry ones. It has heart shaped leaves which can be eaten like spinach, and the root looks like a Jerusalem artichoke only bigger. In Urdu it is arvi and kachalo in Punjabi. It was cultivated in the Indian subcontinent by 5000BC. The Hawaiians call it kalo and have really taken to this root over the centuries. It comes into their Creation myth, and they believe that people are related to this root. It is now found throughout SE Asia and the Pacific Islands. It is known by other names around the world apart from those already listed, in Africa it is the old cocoyam and edoe or eddo is another name for it. It arrived in the Caribbean at some stage, and is now grown in many countries around the globe.
  The taro that grows on dry land is has a dark purple skin and white roots, and has a nutty flavour when cooked, and it must be cooked as it contains calcium oxalate a crystal-like substance that breaks down when cooked. You should take care when peeling taro as it can cause skin irritation.
  The Hawaiians hold this root sacred, and there are various ways of using it. It is used in traditional medicine, and when made into a purple paste they call poi, it turns up at the luaus or pig feasts. Research has been done into the health benefits of poi, and as the root is highly nutritious and easy to digest, it is good for infants who fail to thrive. Recent research has found that the root may be liver protective and can detoxify the liver, although the experiments were carried out in vitro on rat livers. It is also good for people who suffer from allergies.
Taro leaves
  In 2004 researchers Amy C. Brown and Ana Valiere found that poi might be beneficial to sufferers of IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), diabetes, a depressed immune system, inadequate lactose digestion and some cancers, and Dr. Brown and others published results in 2005 which suggested that poi “might have novel tumour-specific anti-cancer activities”( Phytotherapy Research Journal 2005).
  It is believed that taro corms can help regulate blood pressure and blood sugar, and may help protect us from cardio-vascular disease and cancer.
Taro field
  Taro corms contain vitamins A, C, E and K plus the B-complex ones of thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, B6, folate B12 and pantothenic acid (B5) and choline. It also contains the minerals calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, sodium, zinc and selenium, as well as Omega-3 and-6 fatty acids. There are 18 amino acids in the corm and bet-carotene, so it is packed with nutrients and a very healthy addition to a diet, which is good as it is a staple food in some Asian and African countries.
  It was also a staple in ancient Egypt and from there it became known to the Greeks and Romans. They ate not only the root or corm, but also the leaves which they say taste a bit like cabbage. I have only eaten the corm, which tasted like a starchy Jerusalem artichoke to me, in fact when I first saw it that’s what I thought it was. You can do the same with a taro corm as with a potato, a sweet potato or even a yam, and add them to soups or stews to thicken them.
  The leaf juice is used to treat piles and as a laxative in some traditional medicines systems, while in Hawaii poi is mixed with arrowroot for diarrhoea. The heated tubers are applied to joints to ease rheumatic pains, and the raw juice is mixed with other plant juices for fevers. The ash of a burnt coconut shell is mixed with grated corms for thrush (candida) and it is also used for insect stings. In Pakistan and India taro corms are sold on the street in much the same way as in Britain you can buy a baked potato at a stall and take it away to eat.
  Because taro corms contain a fair amount of sodium, you may not want to add salt to them. Try this recipe and is you haven’t got taro you can substitute potatoes or yams.

½ kilo beef, cubed
4 large taro corms, peeled and cubed
1 large onion, chopped
3 or 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
3 tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 tbsp tamarind (imli) paste
½ tsp turmeric (haldi)
1 tsp chilli powder
2 tsps dry-fried coriander seeds, ground
1 cup water
oil for frying

Heat the oil in a pan and add the cumin and mustard seed; fry until they release their aroma.
Add the onion, garlic and curry leaves and fry until translucent. Then add the meat and seal it on all sides.
Add the taro corms and fry for 3-4 minutes.
Now add the tomatoes, chilli powder and coriander and fry for 4 minutes.
Add the tamarind pulp cover, with water put a lid on the pot and cook for 30 mins.
Add the garam masala and black pepper, freshly ground if you want to use it (I do, but I can’t not have black pepper).
You shouldn’t need to add more water, but if you do add a little now.
Cook for 10 to 15 minutes then turn off the heat and let it settle for about 10 minutes.
Serve with rice.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Johnson grass

Johnson Grass is the parent of Sorghum bicolor, and is an invasive weeds which grows between the grain sorghum in many countries. It is also known as Sorghum vulgare. This grows wild in Pakistan and India and is sometimes used in traditional medicine as a soothing herb for digestion, and a decoction of the seeds can be made into a paste for skin problems and irritation. The grains are also a diuretic and a decoction of the seeds can be made using 2 ounces of them in 2 pints of water, boiled down to one pint. The seeds may be eaten raw or cooked and can be ground into flour used to make breads or made into porridge, like oatmeal.
  Sorghum is grown for its grain, while sweet sorghum is grown for its stalks which are made into sorghum syrup in a process similar to extracting the juice from sugar cane. Both sweet sorghum and Johnson’s grass can grow to more than 6 feet tall but the grain sorghums are dwarf varieties, making it easier to harvest the seeds, which, when on the plant look like huge heads of millet (bajra).
  Sorghum can be used instead of barley for brewing and this is done in Nigeria and Uganda where it is employed for making lager type beer. It is cheaper than barley so good for commercial producers of beers.
  Sorghum is indigenous to Africa, although it was domesticated in India before recorded history, and was growing in Assyria by 700 BC. It reached China in the 13th century and got to the rest of the world much later, although Johnson Grass is native to the Mediterranean and Europe as well as the Middle East, where it has been used as forage for animals. In fact there are somewhere between 20 and 30 species of sorghum growing around the world. S. bicolor is the one that is mainly produced commercially though.
  Sorghum is a drought resistant cereal crop as the leaf blade and sheaths are covered with a heavy white waxy substance which seals in moisture, protecting the plant from water loss. It is therefore useful in drought-ridden countries in the developing world and in Africa there is the Africa Biofortified Sorghum project which was set up to help reduce the deaths attributed to malnutrition, which, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) constitutes a “silent emergency” killing millions of people a year and depleting the long-term economy of still-developing countries. The sorghum is being enhanced with vitamin A, the amino acid lysine, along with the minerals iron and zinc.
  Sorghum naturally contains three of the B-complex vitamins, B1, B2 and B3 and all 8 essential amino acids as well as 10 more including lysine, but it does not contain vitamin A and only small amounts (relatively) of iron and zinc .It also is rich in phosphorous and potassium and also contains calcium and sodium. It is high in fibre and has both Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids present. It has potent antioxidant properties and is gluten free which makes it a good alternative grain for those with gluten allergies.
  Much of the sorghum grown around the world is for fodder, and a lot goes into the production of ethanol, which is used to raise octane levels in petrol. When it is eaten the hull is usually left on so that all the nutrients are present. It is the third most important cereal grown in the States, although it is not generally eaten there, but made into syrup or put into animal feed. It was taken to the US sometime in the early 17th century and was cultivated in the southern state by slaves. It is used to make industrial adhesives, in wallboard, and in paper-making.  It is also used for biodegradable packing material. In other countries where it is allowed to grow tall the stalks are used in weaving and the red pigment from the plant is used to dye leather. The dried stalks can be used for fuel for cooking so it is very useful. Sorghum dye has been patented in hair dying products.
   It is used in traditional medicine in the countries it grows in to treat a number of ailments wherever it grows. For example in Nigeria it is used to prevent miscarriages, as a soothing agent for the mucus membranes and to aid digestion, as a diuretic and to soothe the skin. It is also used as a poison. Sorghum bicolor is also used to treat stomach aches, cancer and epilepsy, and the seeds are made in a decoction for diarrhoea. The stem is used to reduce tubercular swellings. It is also used for anaemia sufferers and as a blood purifier and tonic.
  In India jawar is used to get rid of intestinal worms and as an effective insecticide as there are phenolic compounds and tannins in it which keep insects at bay.
  In Brazil a decoction of the seeds is given for respiratory problems, for example bronchitis, coughs etc as well as for kidney and urinary tract problems.
  Sorghum bicolor contains hydrocyanic acid and hordenium alkaloid and so is poisonous if ingested in huge quantities. The Saika people of Nigeria use sorghum extracts in arrow poisons.
   In medical research it has been found that the aqueous leaf-sheathe extract of S. bicolor can protect the liver and could be a treatment for anaemia. However a lot more research has to be done before this is proven. The red pigment in the leaf sheathe seems to have these protective properties. This research was published in the Journal of Cell and Animal Biology Volume 9 (4) in September 2010 by Akand I.S. et al. Other research has suggested that the plant may help in increasing cell immunity in people with HIV/AIDS, but once more this has yet to be demonstrated in humans.