The bog asphodel or bastard asphodel lives in swampy ground and loves the terrain of Ireland, where it is the flower of County Ross, Yorkshire and Lancashire in northern England. It also grows in other parts of the British Isles and is native to Western Europe. It is not a true asphodel, as its name, bastard asphodel implies, although it is a member of the lily family and distantly related to the other asphodels. It is a member of the Dioscoreales order of plants along with black bryony among others.
  In Welsh it is called Llafn y bladur or Scythe’s blade and also Gwayw’r brenin or King’s braxy (braxy is an acute usually fatal sheep’s disease caused by bacteria); in Irish Gaelic it is Sciollam na moná.
  The Latin name Narthecium comes from narthex which means (here) a tall umbelliferous plant such as fennel. Ossifragum is from the Latin meaning bone-breaker, and this name reflects the fact that people thought that eating the Bog Asphodel made cattle and sheep’s bones brittle and easily broken. We know now that this phenomenon was due to lack of calcium rather than because of the plant.
  The plant has yellow star-shaped flowers, with between 6 and 20 on one stem, which are followed by egg-shaped orange-red fruit which contain tiny seeds. It has two sword-shaped leaves. The plant can grow up to 40 centimetres or 16 inches tall. The fruit used to be used instead of saffron to dye hair and cloth, producing a pale yellow dye. In the Shetland Islands off the Scottish coast the fruits have been used as a substitute for saffron in cooking. The tradition of using it to dye hair gave rise to the name ‘maiden’s hair’ in parts of Yorkshire, where it was also called ‘moor gold’. John Wise from the New Forest in southern England, writing in the 19th century called it ‘Lancashire Bog Asphodel’.
  It contains steroidal saponins as does Tribulus terrestris (puncture vine) which probably account for the fact that it has caused photosensitivity in Norwegian lambs. Eating the plant has also caused the deaths of cattle and sheep by causing liver and/ or kidney damage, so is best treated with care.
  However, it has potential human health benefits as it contains an antibiotic active aglycone which is being investigated.
  It is said that the Bog Asphodel has been used in traditional medicine to treat hernias, coughs, inflamed genitals, ulcers, and spasms when taken in a decoction with wine. The mashed root was also applied externally to affected areas. This treatment is not recommended of course and is for information only.


Asphodels have always fascinated me since I read Homer and I bought many of them, which had been dyed through osmosis to blue, green and violet when I lived on a Greek island. Of course they also grow wild in Greece especially on the island of Crete where they have the yellow ones, Asphodelus lutea as well as the more common white variety,   A. fistulosus, which has leaves that give rise to its name of onion-leaved Asphodel. Asphodels are member of the lily family of plants, Liliaceae and although native to the shores of the Mediterranean and Central Europe are also in Asia.
Pakistani asphodel
  In Pakistan the rather straggly –looking asphodel (Asphodelus tenuifolius) is a common weed in wheat fields in the same way as the poppy and cornflower are in Western Europe. This one is native to Asia and the Indian subcontinent.
   The ancient Greeks planted Asphodels near tombs as they believed that they were a favourite food of the dead. Homer describes the asphodel meadows (άσφοδελόν λειμώνα The Odyssey 24:12) in Hades, the Greek Underworld and some have mistakenly thought that this was a happy place so have though that it was the yellow asphodels to which he was referring. However a closer reading of the text shows that he was talking of the white, somewhat ghostly asphodel, so William Carlos Williams, the American 20th century poet got this right in his poem “Asphodel that Greeny Flower.”
   “Of asphodel that greeny flower
                        like a buttercup
                               upon its branching stem-
     Save that it is green and wooden
                        I come, my sweet,
                               to sing to you
     I had a good collection,
                        The asphodel,
     among them.”

The flower had associations with Persephone, who was condemned to spend six months of the year in the underworld because she had been tricked into eating six pomegranate seeds while she was captive there.
  Hesiod clearly held the asphodel in high esteem as he wrote in his poem, “Works and Days”
    “Fools, they do not know by how much
      the half is greater than the whole,
      nor what great advantage there is 
      in mallow and asphodel.”
He meant that the mallow and asphodel were cheap, plain foodstuffs which had many health benefits, but the wealthy had no time for these foods as they considered them food only for the poor.
  The English Romantic poets and Milton misunderstood the meaning of Homer’s asphodels and in Paradise Lost book 9 line 1,039 Milton has this to say of the asphodel, implying that it was a flower associated with the sensual plants of hyacinth and violets:
  “Flowers were the couch pansies, violets, asphodel and hyacinth, earth’s freshest, softest lap.”
  In early English and French poetry the name asphodel was given to the flower we now call the daffodil.
  Asphodels can grow to around 3 feet tall and if they are cultivated it is for their roots, which can be dried and boiled in water to produce a mucilage which is something like reconstituted Gum Tragacanth (gond katira). The roots contain inulin, a starch and although the root contains some bitter substances, these are removed by boiling. Glue can be made from the bulbs by drying and pulverizing them and then mixing with cold water.
  The bitter roots have been used in traditional medicine to help remove obstructions which prevent the menstrual flow being normal, and they are also a diuretic and have antispasmodic properties.
  Asphodels are related to asparagus and asparagus racemosus, and scientific studies have found that the asphodel (racemosus) has antimicrobial properties which can prevent secondary infections occurring in cancer patients.
  The asphodel, along with horta (wild edible greens such as the mallow and dandelion) helped the Greeks survive the harsh years of the Second World War, as their starchy roots saved many from dying of hunger.
  Both Hippocrates and Dioscorides advocated that the asphodel roots should be roasted in the embers of a fire and then eaten mashed with figs and the shoot eaten fried; like a pakora.
  In Britain there is the Bog Asphodel, which is yellow, Narthecium ossifragum.
  Here is a Greek recipe for asphodel shoots, which is a kind of omelette.

1 cup tender shoots, 1½ inches long
1 small onion, very finely chopped
2 eggs, lightly beaten
2 tbsps cream or evaporated milk
salt to taste
olive oil for frying

Make a cut in the asphodel shoots and blanch them in boiling water for 2 minutes.
Mix the eggs and milk beating until well mixed.
Fry the shoots with the onion for a few minutes and then pour the egg mixture over them.
Cover the pan and cook over a low heat until the eggs are set.
Serve as you would an omelete.
This has Taste and is a Treat.



The Belgian endive is the queen of the chicory family, but is a very close relative of Cichorium intybus or chicory. These are the only two plants in the genus although there are variants of the endive (pronounce ondeeve as, after all it is Belgian). Both are members of the Asteraceae family of plants or the daisy family.
  There is a lot of confusion about these two plants, but the original chicory is the one whose roots are used as a coffee substitute or to flavour coffee. This one, the Belgian endive is more like a nutty flavoured lettuce, with which it goes well. It has a pleasantly mild bitter flavour. The Brits call the endive “chicory”, which further adds to the confusion, so if you look up a recipe for endive on a British website such as the BBC look for chicory recipes.
  The story about endive is a rather strange one, as it was apparently discovered by one Jan Lammers in 1830. Before he went away to fight in the Belgian War of Independence he had put chicory roots in his cellar, intending to dry them and roast them for coffee. However when he went to check on them on his return home he found that they had sprouted pale white leaves. Being the curious type, he tasted them and found that they were good. It took years to perfect their cultivation, but they were launched onto the Paris markets in 1872 and became an instant success, with the nickname “white gold.” In the world of leafy salad greens these are the caviar or truffles of it.
  So what do you do with them? You can do anything with them boiled, steam, grill, bake or use raw in salads with other greens. They go well with radicchio, lettuce, watercress and rocket (arugula) or with lamb’s lettuce. You can use the leaves as scoops for dips, or stuff the leaves with caviar, smoked salmon, seafood and blue cheeses for appetizers.
 They contain dietary fibre, so are good for the digestive tract and to prevent constipation and they are rich in the mineral potassium, as are mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, and figs, among other fruit and vegetables. Potassium is necessary for the normal functioning of the nerves and muscles, making it good for erectile dysfunction. It is also a blood pressure regulator.
  They contain a fair amount of vitamin A as do bilberries and carrots, which help the eyesight, in particular preventing or at least delaying the onset of age related macular degeneration, and cataracts as well as decreasing the likelihood of night-blindness. They also contain vitamin C which is found in citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruit and pomelos, as well as tomatoes and broccoli among other fruit and vegetables. This has powerful antioxidant properties which can help boost the immune system and combat free radical damage to cells.
  The endive also contains one of the B-complex vitamins, B9 or folic acid or folate, which we need to synthesize and repair DNA and this is vital for normal growth and healthy red blood cells. This is also found in foods such as turnip tops, spinach, asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts and bananas.
  Although a leaf is mainly water (95%) and has no calories, it is still good for us, especially when mixed with other things. Try this salad and see what you think.

1 head of Belgian endive, leaves separated
1 bunch watercress
100 gr Roquefort, crumbled
3 inch piece of root ginger, peeled and cut into julienne strips
olive oil
white wine vinegar
2 tbsps chives snipped
1 tsp mustard, such as whole grain or Dijon (optional)
salt and freshly ground black pepper

First mix the dressing; you need 2 parts olive oil to 1 of white wine vinegar and mix by shaking in a jar. Then add the chives and a tsp mustard of your choice if you wish.
Put this in the fridge to chill.
Put the individual endive leaves on the bottom of a salad bowl or a plate and cover with the rest of the ingredients. Use the strips of ginger as garnish.
Serve the dressing separately.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Chicory and endive are sometimes confused, perhaps because they are the only two members of the genus Cichorium. Endive is cultivated and resembles a tight-leaved pale green torpedo shaped lettuce whereas chicory looks like a tall dandelion, but with blue flowers not yellow, and its leaves grow at right-angles from the stem. It has similar properties to the dandelion too, but can grow up to 2 feet tall. In Britain the endive is called chicory too, while chicory, the herb is also called Succory which further adds to the confusion. Chicory is native to Europe, Scandinavia, North Africa and western Asia. It is cultivated for the root, but grows wild too. It’s a member of the Asteraceae or daisy family of plants.
   For centuries chicory has been used either as a substitute for coffee or as an adulterant to it. There was an outcry when the British government demanded that manufacturers stopped putting chicory root in coffee back in the 18th century, although the practice has long gone out of fashion in Britain. However it is still going strong in New Orleans and can be found in some European coffees too. it is thought to counteract caffeine the stimulant in coffee.
  Apart from being roasted and ground to make coffee or to add to it, you can cook the roots as you would parsnips, although they are more bitter than these traditional root vegetables. You can boil them too and add them to sauces and gravies to give these a deep rich colour. The Romans used to add chicory leaves to salads, and use the roots as a vegetable.
  Chicory leaves, young tender ones, picked before the flowers appear in July are good raw in salads and the flowers can be used too as they are edible, although with a slightly bitter taste.
  The roots contain inulin and were thought to be good for diabetics, until it was discovered that inulin, a starch, is not retained in the body but tends to pass straight through. However a sweetener is now made from inulin and this may be used safely by diabetics.
  The leaves contain dietary fibre, so make a good mild laxative and prevent constipation and therefore piles, as well as having vitamins A, B-complex thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3) as well as vitamin C. They are rich in the mineral calcium and also contain iron. The plant also contains bioflavonoids such as quercetin and sesquiterpenes.
  It is best to use roots that are less than two years old and young leaves. They can both be dried after harvesting for later use, and it is best to harvest the roots in the autumn when they have finished flowering, so October would be a good time, in most countries. A decoction of the roots is said to be good to reduce liver enlargement, and it has been found that extracts of chicory have liver-protective properties. Traditionally the roots have been used for rheumatism while the leaves have diuretic properties. A decoction of the whole plant used to be given to people with gravel or stones in their internal organs.
The latex in chicory stems was used to get rid of warts.
  A decoction can be made with 1 ounce of the fresh, cleaned root, to 1 pint of water, boiled down to ¾ pint for liver problems and for the inflammation caused by gout and rheumatism.
  A poultice of the bruised leaves can be applied to reduce swellings and inflammation although for swellings, mallow leaves are probably best. An infusion of the root, 1 ounce of root to 1 pint of boiling water, poured over the chopped root and left to stand for 15 minutes can be applied to eruptions on the skin and to soothe irritation. Distilled flower water was used to reduce eye irritation and in Jacobean times the flowers were used to make a sweet dish along with the flowers of violets, called “Violet plates.”
  The seeds contain a soothing oil which is good for the skin and it is the seeds which have been found to have the most potent antioxidant properties in the plant. The seeds have proved to be liver-protective.
   The polyphenolic acids in the plant have antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, immuno-stimulating and anti-oxidant properties and research has shown that the extracts of the plant could possibly be used to combat the HIV virus. It is also thought that extracts of this chicory plant could help with heart irregularities, although much more research is needed before scientists can prove that the extracts from the plant work on people.