The Himalayan firs, both Abies pindrow Royle, also known as Abies webbiana pindrow, the West Himalayan fir and the East Himalayan fir, Abies spectabilis can hybridize, which is both good and bad for their survival.  These are members of the Pinaceae family of plants so they are related to the chilgoza producing pine and the European pine which produces pignoli or the smaller pine nuts used in the cuisine of the Mediterranean regions. Theses firs are under threat because of unsustainable harvesting practices, as they are used by local people for fuel. In Pakistan where the logs and branches of this tree are used for cooking, hakims, (traditional medicine practitioners) say that it will cure bronchial problems and respiratory ones.
  The West Himalayan fir is a slow-growing tree and likes shade, but doesn’t thrive in frosty conditions. Locals chop down rhododendrons for cooking and forage food for their livestock and this is often left on the forest floor. New trees fail to sprout because of this litter. Young trees are used for poles, and the older ones are felled for timber and fuel. The wood is light and not very durable, but is made into furniture and construction to make door and window frames.
   Unlike the Himalayan yew, Taxus wallichiana the trees are not under threat because of their medicinal qualities as the leaves of the tree are used primarily and not the bark and wood, which in the Himalayan yew is the source of an anti-cancer drug, taxol. Scientists and agriculturalists have been warning for more than a decade that these firs are threatened because of unsustainable forestry management and this seems not to have been addressed, their numbers are still in decline.
   In Ayurvedic medicine the leaves are used for heart problems, and the leaves are used for various purposes. A tincture or decoction of the leaves is used for asthma chronic bronchitis and lung infections, while the powdered leaves are used with the juice of Adhatoda vasica for coughs and colds. The juice from the leaves is added to mother’s milk or water and given to infants with a fever. For this 5 to 10 drops of juice are added to the liquid to be used.
   Clinical trials have found that extracts of the leaves of the West Himalayan fir are in many ways consistent with their uses in traditional medicine. They have anti-inflammatory properties and anti-depressant activity, with some sedative actions. They protect from ulcers, perhaps because of the steroids contained in them, but have yet to show antibacterial properties in the lab in vitro. They have some effect on insulin secretion and may have the potential for anti diabetic drugs. It is thought that the flavonoids and triterpenoids present may help to protect the lungs. They also have some pain-killing properties. A new alkaloid has been isolated from the leaves to and investigations are still underway to discover how the extracts can be used to benefit our health.


Nut grass is a common weed in the Indian subcontinent and is found throughout the world. Its seeds are edible and can be used in extremis, but the rhizome is particularly valued for its oil and this is used in the perfume industry. The grass is a member of the sedge family or the Cyperaceae family of plants so is a close relative of Cyperus esculentus, the tiger nut or chufa. Nut grass has been used to cure a number of ailments in traditional medicine systems around the world. In Pakistan it is used for stomach problems, as a diuretic and stimulant as well as to improve the functioning of the nervous system.
   In other systems it has been used to assist in menstrual problems, to reduce the temperatures in fevers and to promote sweating, and has a number of other uses as well as being an alleged aphrodisiac. It can regulate blood pressure and clinical trials have shown that extracts of the plant have anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties. It may also have sedative and hypnotic effects as well as being a muscle relaxant.
  It contains camphene so is rather like the camphor tree in its smell, and it is used as an insect repellent in clothes, but as I’ve mentioned before, sandalwood and patchouli are much better smelling than camphor based smells.
   A decoction of the rhizomes and roots is used in Ayurvedic medicine as an antidote to poison, while a paste of the rhizome can be applied to the breasts of a mother to promote the milk flow. Incidentally in folk medicine the same paste is used to increase the size of breasts. The roots and rhizomes are used to improve memory and the cognitive processes, and to “harmonize” the functions of the liver, spleen and pancreas.
  The above ground part of the plant is used to get rid of internal worms, and as an astringent to heal wounds, and this is the part believed to have aphrodisiac properties. It is used to treat rheumatism and fungal infections. It is used to cure indigestion, coughs, bronchitis, to stop vomiting and to quench thirst, and has many other uses.
   Here is a remedy for headaches: - pulverize the rhizome to a paste and plaster this on your forehead for almost instant relief (it is claimed). The same paste applied to irritated skin will also stop itching.
  A powder from the rhizome is used for epilepsy and psychosis as well as menstrual problems.
  In China the plant is used to treat cervical cancer. You will also see Cyperus rotundus in skin whitening creams and women are told specifically to look for this ingredient on the labels of such creams.
  The plant contains limonene, camphene, the minerals magnesium and manganese along with flavonoids, tannins, polyphenols and saponins. Clinical trials have at least borne out some of the traditional uses of this plant, and perhaps more will be verified as clinical trials progress.


The Monkey Puzzle tree is an evergreen, native to Southern Chile and South West Argentina where it was prized for its timber. However it is now a protected endangered species under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Logging caused the destruction of this tree which has been called “a living fossil”. It has been around for 250 million years or so and is very distinctive. It has sharp needle like leaves which were described as being like “hypodermic syringes” by locals in West Cross, Swansea Wales UK who believed that a 150 year old tree should be felled as it was dangerous for children; probably a case of health and safety concerns gone mad.
  These trees can live for 1,200 years and are resilient to dangers from volcanoes, landslides, winds and wild fires in their native habitat. It is thought that they developed their sharp leaves in order to deter grazing dinosaurs, as they have been around since the Mesozoic Age. The leaves are scale-like and the trunk is scaly and ridged with diamond patterns, which make it resemble the outer hard casing of a pineapple. If you make an incision in the trunk a resin will freely exude which is used to heal wounds and ulcers by the indigenous people in its natural habitat.
  The Pehuenche people revere this tree and it is decorated during their two-day long harvest festival and stands in the altar while the potent prayers are said for the bounty of the earth to continue. The timber from the tree was used for carpentry and joinery and is a pale yellow which can be highly polished. Unscrupulous logging concerns almost eradicated this tree in its native habitat until the indigenous peoples made a stand to protect it.
  There are many of these trees planted in Britain and these were mainly planted during the Victorian era. It grows to amazing heights in its native habitat, reaching heights of 160 feet and having a spread of around 50 feet. The trunk can have a girth of around 1.5 metres, and it is sometimes associated with bad luck.
  The trees are believed to have found their way to Britain with Archibald Menzies a plant collector and naval surgeon who sailed with Captain George Vancouver on his circumnavigation of the globe between 1791 and 1795, in Captain James Cook’s former ship, the Discovery. The story goes that he had been invited to dinner by the then governor of Chile when he was served the pine nuts from this tree for dessert. Instead of eating them he took them back to his ship and planted them. He took 5 saplings back to Britain with him and these were supposed to have been the first planted in the UK. They taste a lot like pine nuts and look like chilgoza. The cones when they mature can contain 200 seeds, and these begin to grow when the tree is 25 years old. They take 2 or 3 years to ripen however.
  It is said that the tree got the name Monkey Puzzle tree when a visitor who went to view a tree planted by Sir Joseph Banks, the unofficial director of Kew Gardens, in the latter part of the 18th century and commented that it would “puzzle any monkey to climb.” In fact, of course, there were no monkeys in the tree’s native habitat. .
  I remember a Monkey puzzle tree in the grounds of a chapel in the small town where I grew up and was always fascinated by it. It was so huge to me and I could watch the birds look for nuts below the tree. They didn’t seem perturbed by the needles. It was a dark, shady tree and crows made their nests in it, which is why it might be associated with bad luck in some places, I assume. Incidentally, Araucaria was also the name of my favourite cryptic crossword puzzle setter in the UK's The Guardian newspaper
  It is a member of the Araucariaceae family and it is said that Whitby jet, prized by the Victorians for jewellery making was formed by a long extinct tree of this family in the same way as we believe amber was formed by a member of the same family.
  These trees are also called Chilean pines and other Latin synonyms for them are Araucaria imbriata and Pinus araucaria. You can’t miss them as they have a loose pyramid shape and really are “living fossils.” 


Black rice originated in Asia and there are references to its being cultivated in China from 150 BC.  It is a member of the Poaceae family of plants which includes wheat, maize (sweet corn), sorghum, millet, rye, oats and barley, to name but a few of the other members of this grass family. Today it is hailed as one of nature’s superfoods having more health benefits than blueberries.
   Black rice contains the B-complex vitamins, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B5 and B6 along with vitamin E and the minerals iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, being particularly rich in both potassium and phosphorous. It is also a good source of essential amino acids and other amino acids. The colour comes from the anthocyanin molecules classes as flavonoids, and anthocyanins are known to have potent antioxidant properties which help to protect our bodies from cardio-vascular diseases and cancers. The antioxidant properties of the bran which is removed from the black rice are particularly potent and it has been suggested that this bran would be beneficial if it were used in breakfast cereals and other foodstuffs as it is cheap and available. This would boost our health and also help in the anti-aging process. Anthocyanins and their antioxidant properties can also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease and are thought to slow the deterioration process of this disease, as well as to help people suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels and diabetes.
   The name anthocyanin comes from the Greek which means ‘blue flower’ and these pigments give black rice its distinctive colour. Today anthocyanins can be purple, black and red, not just blue.
  In Asia the anthocyanins are extracted from black rice and added to red wine to give it a richer colour, and by doing this the antioxidant properties of the red wine are also boosted. However, in some countries such additions are classed as adulterants, so the wines cannot be sold in countries which classify this addition as an adulterant.
  Black rice was called ‘forbidden rice’ in China as it was reserved for the sole use of the Emperor and his favourites. The Emperors believed (perhaps rightly it would seem) that black rice increased longevity and slowed the aging process. It was almost an elixir of youth for them as they endowed it with aphrodisiac qualities as well. Anyone who stole the Emperor’s rice was sentenced to death.
  Luckily it is now available to the commoners and is grown throughout Asia. In Japan it is used in sushi and it has been made into noodles and other pasta. It is fibre rich and so good for the digestive system, and if you thought that brown rice was the best there is in terms of health benefits, it seems that you were wrong. Black rice is even healthier.
  There is sticky, glutinous black rice which is used for decoration and desserts in Asia, but “forbidden rice” is not sweet, like brown rice it has a nutty flavour, similar to that of sweet chestnuts. It is gluten-free and so can be safely eaten by people with a gluten intolerance.
  Chinese research has shown that it is good for the stomach, kidneys and spleen, as well as the eyes (the vitamin E content would suggest this is so) and blood circulation.
  If you compare the benefits of equivalent amounts of blueberries and black rice bran, the latter comes out on top as it clearly contains less sugar than blueberries, and it has more fibre, vitamin E and antioxidant properties. It is also cheaper than blueberries.
  When you have a diet that consists of the superfoods such as broccoli, kiwi fruit and other fresh produce, along with whole grains and pulses, you can probably prevent the onset of many diseases, especially if the healthy diet is combined with exercise.
  To cook black rice it should be soaked overnight or for quite a few hours then strained and rinsed so that cooking time is reduced to around 30 minutes. If you cook it without soaking it first, be prepared to cook it for an hour to 70 minutes. You should use 1 cup of rice (soaked) to 2 cups of water, and an extra ½ cup of water if it has not been soaked.

1 cup black rice (soaked)
2 cups water
¾ lb prawns (shrimps) shelled and de-veined
¾ lb squid, cleaned and cut into diagonal rounds or pieces
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 small onion (red) finely diced
1 wineglass white wine
¼ pint tomato passata (or fresh pulped tomatoes)
freshly ground black pepper
1 inch piece of ginger root, peeled and finely chopped
1 tbsps fresh oregano leaves, torn or shredded
a splash of Tabasco
1 tbsp cumin seeds, dry fried
2 sprigs rosemary
olive oil , sesame oil and sunflower oil for frying

Boil the water and when it is boiling add the black rice, bay leaf and rosemary sprigs. Cooked covered over a medium to low heat for ½ hour or until rice is tender.
Set aside, and leave to cool while cooking the other ingredients.
Heat the oils in a pan or wok; you will need 3 parts sunflower oil, 2 of olive oil and 1 of sesame oil. Add the prawns and fry quickly on both sides, 2 mins per side should be sufficient, until they become white-pink.
Strain and drain on absorbent paper.
Fry the squid in the same way. Remove from the pan and drain on absorbent paper.
Fry the onion, garlic and ginger until the onion is soft and translucent.
Pour the wine and tomato passata into the pan, and add the oregano leaves, cumin seeds and freshly ground black pepper. Stir well and incorporate any brown residue in the pan into the sauce.
  Drain the rice and pour the sauce on top of it with the squid and prawns on top, or stir the seafood into the sauce and then pour over the rice.
This has Taste and is a Treat.