Sabudana are small, translucent spheres made

from tapioca starch, which is extracted from the root of the cassava plant. In Urdu and Hindi it's know as a sabudana.

Sabudana is also known as tapioca pearls in English. Sabudana also known as Sago, saksak, rabia and sagu in various parts of the world is an edible starch extracted from the pith or the spongy centre of the tropical palm trees. Since ages, it has been a staple for people staying in the Tropical regions.

Sabudana commonly used in desserts and drinks, especially in Pakistani, Indian and Asian cuisine, where they add texture and contrast to the sweetness and smoothness of the liquid .


Sabudana is a food that has many health benefits, such as:

PROMOTING BOWEL MOVEMENT AND DIGESTION: Sabudana is high in carbohydrates and fiber, which promote digestive health by facilitating better absorption of nutrients as well as producing healthy bacteria in the stomach.

HELPING MUSCLE GROWTH AND PROVIDING PROTEIN: Sabudana is rich in amino acids, which are essential for muscle growth and repair.

STRENGTHENING BONES AND PREVENTING ARTHRITIS AND OSTEOPOROSIS:Sabudana contains calcium, which is important for bone health and preventing osteoporosis.


has tannin, flavonoid antioxidants, and moisturizing qualities, which can help rectify skin and hair woes, such as acne, dandruff, dark spots.


Sabudana can help prevent birth defects by providing iron to pregnant women.

It can also help treat anemia by increasing the hemoglobin levels in the blood.

COOLING THE BODY AND INCREASING ENERGY: Sabudana can help cool the body by regulating the body temperature and preventing heat stroke. It can also provide energy to the body due to its high carbohydrate content.

HELPING TO GAIN WEIGHT: Sabudana is low in calories but high in carbohydrates, which can help people who want to gain weight in a healthy manner.

Sabudana is also known as tapioca pearls in English, as they are the small, desiccated, translucent white balls of tapioca, extracted from the roots of the cassava plant. 

It is a staple food eaten widely in Pakistan,India, in the form of a khichdi, thalipeeth, dosa, vada and even a sweet kheer . Moreover, a porridge made from sabudana is often fed to babies 1 year of age and older 3. 

Although it is high on starch content, sabudana 

as a food confers a plethora of health benefits including improving digestion, strengthening muscles, uplifting heart functions , preventing birth defects and is ideal for restricted diets , being naturally gluten-free .



1/4 cup sabudana 

4 tablespoons sugar

1 cup water

1 cup milk or more if needed

1/8 teaspoon cardamom powder 

1 tablespoon nuts chopped almonds, pistachio and cashews.

                       HERE'S THE RECIPE:

Rinse the sabudana well at least twice.

Soak the sabudana in water for 30 to 40 minutes.

Drain the water and keep the soaked sabudana aside.

In a pan, add 1 cup of water and bring it to a boil.

Add the soaked sabudana and cook on medium flame for 10-15 minutes or until the sabudana turns translucent.

Add 1 cup of milk and stir well.

Cook on medium flame for 5-7 minutes or until the milk thickens.

Add 4 tablespoons of sugar and stir well.

Cook on medium flame for 3 to 4 minutes or until the sugar dissolves.

Add 1/8 teaspoon of cardamom powder and stir well.

Turn off the flame and let the kheer cool down.

Garnish with chopped nuts and serve chilled or warm.




Jaggery is a traditional non-centrifugal cane sugar

consumed in the India, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, Central America ,Brazil and Africa. Jaggery also known as gur in Urdu and Hindi language.

 It is a concentrated product of cane juice and often date or palm sap without separation of the molasses and crystals, and can vary from golden brown to dark brown in colour. 

It contains up to 50% sucrose, up to 20% invert sugars, and up to 20% moisture, with the remainder made up of other insoluble matter, such as wood ash, proteins, and bagasse fibres.

Jaggery is a natural sweetener it's made from sugar cane juice or palm sap that is boiled and then left to cool and solidify. 

The resulting product is a coarse dark brown sugar

that has a unique taste and texture. Jaggery can taste similar to fresh cane juice, maple syrup, caramel, or molasses, depending on its contents .

Jaggery is a healthier alternative to refined sugar as it contains essential nutrients such as iron, magnesium, and potassium. It is also rich in antioxidants and phytonutrients that may protect against some cancers. 


Here are some of the health benefits and uses of jaggery:

Cleanses the body of toxins and pollutants: Jaggery is known to help cleanse the liver by flushing out harmful toxins and pollutants from the body.


agent that helps improve digestion and appetite. It also helps relieve constipation by making the intestines smoother and facilitating the movement of fecal matter.

BOOSTS ENERGY LEAVES: Jaggery is a natural source of energy that can help boost your energy levels and reduce fatigue.

PROVIDES ESSENTIAL MINERALS: Jaggery is a rich source of essential minerals such as iron, magnesium, and potassium that are important for maintaining good health.


known to have anti-inflammatory properties that can help fight symptoms of a cold and cough. It can be consumed with warm water or added to tea instead of sugar.

PROMOTES HAIR GROWTH: Jaggery is rich in iron, which is essential for healthy hair growth. Consuming jaggery regularly can help promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

                     USES OF JAGGERY:

Jaggery can be used in a variety of ways, such as:

AS A SWEETENER: Jaggery can be used as a healthier alternative to refined sugar in a variety of dishes such as desserts, smoothies, and baked goods.

AS A FLAVOR ENHANCER: Jaggery can be used to add a unique flavor to dishes such as curries, chutneys, and marinades.

AS A NATURAL REMEDY: Jaggery can be used as a natural remedy for a variety of ailments such as coughs, colds, and digestive issues.



 basmati rice, 1 kg

powdered jaggery, 1 kg

cloves, 6 to 7

water 6 glass or more 

ghee, 250 grams 

 green cardamom, 6 to 8

 flaked almonds for garnish.

                      HERE'S THE RECIPE:

You need to boil the soaked rice with cloves until tender and firm. 

Then melt the ghee in a pan and add the jaggery powder. Mix well with the rice and cook for 5-8 minutes. 

Garnish with almonds and nuts of your choice.




 Dill is a herb that belongs to the same family as

celery and parsley. It has a distinctive flavor and aroma that makes it a popular ingredient in many cuisines, especially in Europe and Asia. 

Dill is also known for its medicinal properties, as it has been used for centuries to treat various ailments.

Dill is rich in nutrients One of the reasons why dill is good for your health is that it provides a range of essential nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, iron, and manganese. These nutrients play important roles in maintaining your vision, immune system, bone health, blood formation, and metabolism.

 Dill is also a source of antioxidants, which are compounds that protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation.

Dill may help manage diabetes One of the most promising benefits of dill is its potential to help people with diabetes. 

Several studies have shown that dill extract can lower blood sugar levels and improve insulin sensitivity in animal models of diabetes. Dill may also prevent diabetes complications, such as kidney damage and nerve pain, by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. 

However, more human trials are needed to confirm the anti-diabetic effects of dill and determine the optimal dosage and safety.

Dill may improve heart health Another benefit of dill is its possible impact on heart health.

 Dill contains flavonoids, which are plant compounds that have been shown to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by improving blood vessel function and preventing blood clots.

 Dill may also reduce cholesterol levels, which are a major risk factor for heart disease. Animal studies have found that dill can lower LDL (bad) cholesterol and increase HDL (good) cholesterol, as well as prevent cholesterol oxidation.

 However, human studies are needed to verify these findings and establish the optimal dose and duration of dill supplementation.

Dill may aid digestion Dill has a long history of

being used as a digestive aid, especially for relieving gas, bloating, indigestion, and colic. Dill may work by relaxing the smooth muscles of the digestive tract and stimulating the secretion of digestive juices.

 Dill may also have antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help prevent or treat infections in the gut. Moreover, dill may enhance the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut, which can improve digestion and immunity.


HELP WITH BREASTFEEDING: Dill has been traditionally used to increase milk production and quality in nursing mothers, as well as to ease breast pain and inflammation . 

However, there is not enough scientific evidence to support this use, and dill may have some side effects for the baby, such as allergic reactions or changes in taste . Therefore, nursing mothers should consult their doctor before using dill.

Improve sleep quality. Dill has been reported to have sedative and hypnotic effects, which can help you fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Dill may also reduce stress and anxiety, which are common causes of insomnia. However, more research is needed to confirm the effectiveness and safety of dill for sleep disorders.

SUPPORT REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH: Dill may have hormonal and aphrodisiac effects, which can benefit both men and women. Dill may regulate menstrual cycles, ease menstrual cramps, and reduce premenstrual syndrome symptoms in women. 

Dill may also improve sperm quality, quantity, and motility in men, as well as enhance sexual performance and satisfaction.

 However, these effects are not well-studied and may vary depending on the individual and the dose of dill.

How to use dill Dill can be used in various ways, depending on your preference and purpose. You can use fresh or dried dill leaves, also known as dill weed, or dill seeds, which have a stronger flavor and aroma.

                           USES OF DILL:

You can add dill to your dishes to enhance their flavor and aroma. Dill goes well with fish, potatoes, yogurt-based sauces, salads, soups, stews, and pickles.

 You can also make your own dill seasoning by mixing dill with salt, pepper, garlic, onion, and other herbs.

AS A TEA: You can brew dill leaves or seeds in hot water to make a soothing and refreshing tea. You can drink dill tea to aid digestion, relieve gas, induce sleep, or simply enjoy its taste. You can also add honey, lemon, or mint to your dill tea for extra flavor and benefits.

AS A SUPPLEMENT: You can take dill in the form of capsules, tablets, tinctures, or extracts, which are available in health food stores or online. 

You can use dill supplements to manage diabetes,

lower cholesterol, improve heart health. However, you should consult your doctor before taking dill supplements, as they may have side effects or interactions with other medications.

Precautions and side effects Dill is generally safe and well-tolerated when used in normal amounts as a spice or a tea. 

However, when used in large amounts or as a supplement, dill may cause some side effects, such as:

ALLERGIC REACTION: Some people may be allergic to dill or other plants in the same family, such as celery, parsley, or fennel. Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include skin rash, itching, swelling, breathing difficulty, or anaphylaxis. 

If you have a history of allergies, you should avoid dill or use it with caution.

Bleeding disorders. Dill may have anticoagulant effects, which means it can prevent blood from clotting. This may increase the risk of bleeding or bruising, especially if you have a bleeding disorder or take blood-thinning medications, such as warfarin, aspirin, or clopidogrel.

 If you have a bleeding disorder or take blood-thinners, you should limit your intake of dill or consult your doctor before using it.

LOW BLOOD PRESSURE: Dill may lower blood pressure, which can be beneficial for people with high blood pressure. 

However, if you have low blood pressure or take medications that lower blood pressure, such as beta-blockers, calcium channel blockers, or diuretics, dill may cause your blood pressure to drop too low, which can lead to dizziness, fainting, or shock.

 If you have low blood pressure or take blood pressure-lowering medications, you should monitor your blood pressure and use dill with caution.

LOW BLOOD SUGAR: Dill may lower blood sugar levels, which can be helpful for people with diabetes.


However, if you have low blood sugar or take medications that lower blood sugar, such as insulin, metformin, or sulfonylureas, dill may cause your blood sugar to drop too low, which can result in hypoglycemia, a condition that can cause symptoms such as sweating, shaking, hunger, confusion, or coma.

 If you have low blood sugar or take blood sugar-lowering medications, you should check your blood sugar regularly and use dill with caution.

PREGNANCY AND BREASTFEEDING: Dill may have uterine stimulant effects, which means it can cause contractions in the uterus. This may increase the risk of miscarriage, preterm labor, or bleeding during pregnancy.

 Therefore, pregnant women should avoid dill or use it only under medical supervision. Dill may also affect the quality and quantity of breast milk, as well as the taste and health of the baby . Therefore, breastfeeding women should use dill with caution and consult their doctor before using it.

Summary Dill is a herb that has culinary and

medicinal uses. It is rich in nutrients and antioxidants, and may have various health benefits, such as managing diabetes, improving heart health, aiding digestion, and supporting reproductive health.

 Dill can be used as a spice, a tea, or a supplement, depending on your preference and purpose. However, dill may also have some side effects or interactions, especially when used in large amounts or as a supplement. 

Therefore, you should use dill with care and consult your doctor before using it if you have any medical conditions or take any medications.

                     DILL TEA RECIPE:


4 cups of water

2 tablespoons of fresh or dried dill leaves or seeds

Honey, Sugar or lemon juice , up to you 

               HERE IS THE RECIPE:

Bring the water to a boil in a pot or kettle.

Put the dill leaves or seeds in a tea infuser or strainer and place it in a teapot or a large mug.

Pour the boiling water over the dill and let it steep for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on how strong you like your tea.

Remove the infuser or strainer and discard the dill.

Add honey, sugar or lemon juice to taste, if desired.

Enjoy your dill tea hot or cold.



Bajra in Urdu and Hindi name is a type of millet that belongs to the grass family. It is also known as

pearl millet, and its botanical name is Pennisetum glaucum.
 Bajra is one of the oldest cultivated grains in the world, and it has been grown in Africa and India since prehistoric times.  
Bajra is a drought-tolerant and heat-tolerant crop that can grow in sandy, black, and loamy soils with good drainage.
The bajra plant can have a length of 0.5 - 4 meters, depending on the variety and growing conditions. It has large stems, leaves, and head.
The head is where the grains are produced, and it can be of different colors, such as white, yellow, gray, brown, or purple. The grains are oval-shaped and have a hard outer layer. The grains can be cooked as a cereal or ground into flour and used to make various dishes.

Bajra is a versatile and beneficial grain that can be enjoyed in many ways. You can try some recipes with bajra flour, such as bajra roti, bajra khichdi, bajra dosa, or bajra ladoo. You can also find bajra products, such as flakes, puffs, or snacks, in the market. Bajra is a super grain that can enhance your health and well-being. 
But bajra is not only a staple food, it is also a super grain that has many health benefits for your body and mind. Here are some of the reasons why you should include bajra in your diet:

Bajra is high in fiber and essential amino acids

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that helps with digestion, bowel movements, and blood sugar control. 
Bajra is rich in both soluble and insoluble fiber, which can prevent constipation, lower cholesterol, and reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins, which are essential for muscle growth, tissue repair, and enzyme production.
 Bajra contains all nine essential amino acids, which means it provides a complete protein source for vegetarians and vegans.
Bajra is rich in vitamins and minerals
Vitamins and minerals are micronutrients that support various functions and processes in your body. Bajra is a good source of several vitamins and minerals, such as:
FOLATE: This vitamin is important for DNA synthesis, cell division, and red blood cell production. It also prevents birth defects and anemia.
IRON: This mineral is vital for transporting oxygen in your blood, making hemoglobin and myoglobin, and supporting your immune system. It also prevents iron deficiency and anemia.
MAGNESIUM:  This mineral is involved in over 300 enzymatic reactions, such as energy production, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and bone formation. It also regulates blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart rhythm.
ZINC: This mineral is essential for wound healing, immune function, growth and development, and taste and smell. It also protects your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation.
THIAMINE: This vitamin is also known as vitamin

B1, and it helps convert carbohydrates into energy, maintain nerve function, and support brain health. It also prevents beriberi, a disease that causes weakness, nerve damage, and heart failure.
Bajra may help with weight loss, diabetes, and hair, skin, and nail health
Bajra has a low glycemic index, which means it does not spike your blood sugar levels after eating. This can help you feel full longer, control your appetite, and prevent overeating.
Bajra also has a low calorie density, which means it provides fewer calories per gram than other grains. This can help you reduce your calorie intake and lose weight.
Bajra can also help you manage your blood sugar levels and prevent or treat diabetes. It can improve your insulin sensitivity, lower your blood glucose, and reduce your risk of complications.
Bajra can also improve your hair, skin, and nail health.
 It can provide essential nutrients, such as protein,

iron, zinc, and biotin, that can strengthen your hair follicles, prevent hair loss, and promote hair growth.
It can also nourish your skin cells, prevent dryness, and enhance your complexion.
It can also fortify your nails, prevent brittleness, and reduce cracking.
Bajra is a super grain that can benefit your overall health and wellness. It is high in fiber and essential amino acids, rich in vitamins and minerals, and may help with weight loss, diabetes, and hair, skin, and nail health. 

It is also gluten-free and suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.
You can include bajra in your diet by cooking it as a cereal grain or using it as a flour to make various dishes. You can also find bajra products, such as flakes, puffs, or snacks, in the market.Bajra is a versatile and nutritious grain that can enhance your health and well-being. Try it today and see the difference for yourself.

                    BAJRA DOSA RECIPE:
Bajra dosa is a healthy and delicious dosa made

with bajra (pearl millet), rice, black gram. It is gluten-free, vegan, and rich in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. 
Bajra dosa is easy to make and can be served with chutney and sambar for a wholesome breakfast or snack.

1 cup bajra (pearl millet)
1/4 cup rice
1/4 cup black gram
1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds
Salt to taste
Oil as required
Butter as required 
Water as needed

                    HERE'S THE RECIPE:

Wash and soak bajra, rice, black gram, and fenugreek seeds together in a large bowl for 7 to 8 hours .
Drain the water and transfer the mixture to a blender. Add some water and salt and grind to a smooth batter. 
The batter should be of pouring consistency, not too thick or thin.
Transfer the batter to a large container and cover it. Set it aside in a warm place for 5 to 6 hours to ferment. 

The batter will rise and become bubbly.
Heat a non-stick fry pan over medium-high heat. Grease it lightly with some butter or oil. Pour a ladleful of batter in the center of the fry pan and spread it in a circular motion to form a thin dosa. Drizzle some oil along the edges and cook until the dosa is golden and crisp on the bottom. 
Flip and cook for a few seconds on the other side.
Fold the dosa and transfer it to a plate. Repeat with the remaining batter to make more dosas.
Serve hot with your choice of chutney and sambar. 



Sarson plant is a common name for mustard plant,

which belongs to the Brassicaceae family. It is a cool-season crop that is cultivated for its seeds and leaves. 

The seeds are used as a spice and oil, while the leaves are used to make a dish called sarson ka saag. Sarson plant is native to cooler regions of North Africa, temperate regions of Europe, and parts of Asia Pakistan and India.

 It can grow up to 1.2 m (3 ft 11 in) tall and has yellow flowers with four petals. Sarson plant is also known by other names, such as black mustard, field mustard, toria, and yellow sarson.

Sarson is the Urdu Hindi/Punjabi word for mustard, which is a plant that produces edible leaves, seeds, and oil.

Sarson is also the name of a dish made from mustard greens and other leafy vegetables, cooked with spices and ghee. Sarson ka saag is a popular winter delicacy in the north of the Indian subcontinent, especially in Punjab. 

Sarson is a variety of Indian and Pakistani colza, which is a type of oilseed crop that belongs to the same family as mustard. 

Sarson is grown for its seeds, which are used to make vegetable oil and animal feed. Sarson oil is also used as a fuel and lubricant. Sarson is also known as Brassica campestris sarson or Brassica rapa sarson.

Sarson ka saag is a traditional dish from the Punjab region of India and Pakistan, made from mustard greens and other leafy vegetables. 

It is a winter delicacy, as the mustard greens are in season and have a spicy and bitter taste that warms up the body. 

Sarson ka saag is usually eaten with makki ki roti, a flatbread made from cornmeal, and topped with white butter, jaggery, and a glass of masala chaas. 


This is a hearty and satisfying meal that offers many health benefits.


which is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage. 

Vitamin C also supports the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off pathogens and diseases. Sarson ka saag also contains ginger, garlic, onion, and green chilies, which are natural antimicrobial agents that can help prevent or treat common colds, flu, and sore throat.

IMPROVING DIGESTION AND PREVENTING CONSTIPATION:  Sarson ka saag is high in fiber, which helps regulate the bowel movements and prevent constipation. Fiber also feeds the beneficial bacteria in the gut, which are important for maintaining a healthy digestive system and immune system.

Sarson ka saag also contains makki ka atta, which is cornmeal flour, that adds bulk and texture to the saag and helps it digest better. Makki ka atta is also gluten-free, which makes it suitable for people with gluten intolerance or celiac disease.

SUPPORTING BONE HEALTH: Sarson ka saag is a good source of calcium, which is essential for building and maintaining strong bones and teeth.

 Calcium also helps regulate the muscle and nerve functions and blood clotting. Sarson ka saag also contains vitamin K, which is important for the synthesis of osteocalcin, a protein that helps bind calcium to the bones and prevents bone loss. Vitamin K also helps prevent excessive bleeding and bruising.

LOWERING BLOOD PRESSURE AND CHOLESTEROL LEVELS: Sarson ka saag is low in sodium and high in potassium, which helps balance the fluid and electrolyte levels in the body and lower the blood pressure. 

Potassium also helps relax the blood vessels and improve the blood flow and oxygen delivery to the organs. Sarson ka saag also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are beneficial for the heart and brain health.

 Omega-3 fatty acids help lower the triglycerides

and LDL cholesterol levels, which are the bad types of cholesterol that can clog the arteries and increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. Omega-3 fatty acids also help reduce inflammation and improve the mood and cognitive function.


Sarson ka saag is rich in vitamin A, which is vital for the growth and repair of the skin and hair cells.

 Vitamin A also helps maintain the integrity of the mucous membranes and the eyesight. Vitamin A also helps protect the skin from sun damage and aging signs, such as wrinkles, sagging, and pigmentation.


Sarson ka saag also contains iron, which is essential for the production of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen to the cells. Iron deficiency can cause anemia, which can lead to pale skin, brittle nails, and hair loss.

Sarson ka saag is not only a tasty and filling dish, but also a nutritious and healthy one. It can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds, as it is easy to prepare and adaptable to different preferences and dietary needs. 

Sarson ka saag is a great way to incorporate more greens into your diet and reap their benefits.

              SARSON KA SAAG RECIPE: 

Sarsoo ka saag is a delicious and nutritious dish made from mustard greens and other leafy vegetables. It is a traditional recipe from the Punjab region of India and Pakistan, and is usually eaten with makki ki roti, a flatbread made from cornmeal. Sarsoo ka saag is a winter specialty.

                    HERE'S THE RECIPE:

To make sarsoo ka saag, you need to wash and chop the mustard greens, spinach, bathua, radish, and fenugreek leaves. You can also add other greens like collard greens or kale if you like.

 Then you need to steam or pressure cook the greens with some salt and water until they are soft and green. You can then puree the greens or mash them with a wooden spoon, depending on how smooth or chunky you want your saag to be. 

You also need to add some makki ka atta, which is cornmeal flour, to thicken the saag and give it a nice texture.

The next step is to temper the saag with some

spices and aromatics. You need to heat some ghee or oil in a pan and fry some chopped ginger, garlic, onion, and green chilies.

 You can also add some red chili powder, garam masala, and coriander powder for more flavor. Then you need to add the saag to the pan and simmer it for a few minutes, stirring occasionally. You can adjust the salt and spice level according to your taste.




Jungle jalebi is the common name of a tropical fruit that is native to Mexico, Central America, and

northern South America. 

Jungle jalebi is widely cultivated and naturalized in many tropical regions of the world, including Pakistan ,India, the Philippines, and South Asia. It is also known as Manila tamarind, Madras thorn, monkeypod, or camachile. 

The scientific name of the plant that produces this fruit is Pithecellobium dulce. The fruit is a pod that is twisted and looks like a jalebi, an Indian and Pakistani sweet dish.

The pod has a sweet and sour pulp that is edible and rich in nutrients


Jungle jalebi is a fruit that has many health benefits, such as:

PROMOTES WEIGHT LOSS: Jungle jalebi is low in calories and high in fiber, which helps to keep you full and prevent overeating. It also contains antioxidants that can boost your metabolism and burn fat.

CURES GUT PROBLEMS: Jungle jalebi is a natural

laxative that can relieve constipation and improve digestion. It also has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can prevent infections and ulcers in the stomach and intestines.

ENHANCES IMMUNITY: Jungle jalebi is a good source of vitamin C, which is essential for the immune system. It also has phytochemicals that can fight against viruses, bacteria, and fungi.


Jungle jalebi is rich in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, which are important for the health of your teeth and bones. It also helps to prevent tooth decay and gum disease by reducing the acidity in your mouth.

                   USES OF JUNGLE JALEBI:

Jungle jalebi is a versatile fruit that can be used in various ways, such as:

EATING RAW: You can eat the pulp of jungle jalebi raw as a snack or dessert. You can also add some salt, pepper, or lemon juice to enhance the flavor.

MAKING JUICE: You can make juice from jungle jalebi by blending the pulp with water and sugar. You can also add some mint leaves or ginger for a refreshing taste.

MAKING JAM:  You can make jam from jungle jalebi by boiling the pulp with sugar and pectin. You can also add some spices like cinnamon, cardamom, or cloves for a festive flavor.

MAKING WINE: You can make wine from jungle

jalebi by fermenting the pulp with yeast and sugar. You can also add some honey or raisins for a sweeter taste.

Jungle jalebi is a delicious and nutritious fruit that has many health benefits and uses. It is widely cultivated and naturalized in many tropical regions of the world, including Pakistan, India, the Philippines, and South Asia. 

If you have a chance to try this fruit, you will surely enjoy its sweet and sour taste and its amazing benefits. 

However, people with kidney problems should avoid eating this fruit, as it contains high amounts of oxalates that can cause kidney stones.


Wash and peel the jungle jalebi pods and remove

the seeds. You will need about 2 kg of pulp for 5 liters of wine.

Mash the pulp with a potato masher or a blender and transfer it to a large pot. 

Add 4 liters of water and 1.5 kg of sugar and bring to a boil. Simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Let the mixture cool down and then strain it through a cheesecloth or a fine sieve. Discard the solids and pour the liquid into a clean glass jar or a demijohn. Add 10 g of wine yeast and stir well.

 Cover the jar with a cloth or an airlock and keep it in a dark and cool place for fermentation.

After a week, siphon the wine into another jar, leaving behind the sediment. Repeat this process every week for a month, until the wine is clear and no more bubbles are formed.

Bottle the wine and store it in a cool and dark place for aging. 

You can enjoy your jungle jalebi wine after 6 months or longer, depending on your preference. 




Maca root is a plant that belongs to the mustard

family, like radishes and turnips. 

It has a sweet and nutty flavor and smells like butterscotch. Maca root grows in the high Andes mountains of Peru and Bolivia, where it has been used for thousands of years as a food and medicine.

 Maca root is rich in nutrients and phytochemicals. Maca root has many health benefits such as:



Maca root may help improve sexual desire and performance in both men and women. Some studies have found that maca root can improve erectile function, sperm quality, and fertility in men.

 Maca root may also help relieve sexual dysfunction and enhance satisfaction in women, especially during menopause.


Maca root may have antidepressant and anti-anxiety effects, as it contains compounds that can modulate the levels of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine in the brain. 

Maca root may also improve cognitive function, memory, and learning in healthy adults and older adults with mild cognitive impairment.


physical stamina and endurance, as it can improve blood flow and oxygen delivery to the muscles. 

Maca root may also help reduce fatigue and speed up recovery after exercise.

Supporting bone health and menopause symptoms. Maca root may help prevent bone loss and osteoporosis, as it can increase bone mineral density and strength. 

Maca root may also help alleviate hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, and mood swings in women who are going through menopause or have low estrogen levels.

PROMOTING PROSTATE HEALTH AND HORMONAL BALANCE:  Maca root may help reduce the size of the prostate gland and lower the risk of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostate cancer in men . 

Maca root may also help regulate the production and activity of hormones such as testosterone, estrogen, and thyroid hormones in both men and women.

Maca root can be consumed in various forms, such as powder, capsules, liquid extracts, or teas. The recommended dosage of maca root may vary depending on the product, the purpose, and the individual. However, some general guidelines are:

Start with a low dose of about 1.5–3 grams (g) per day and gradually increase it up to 5–10 g per day over a few weeks.

Take maca root with food or water to avoid stomach upset.

Cycle maca root intake by taking it for a few weeks

or months, then taking a break for a similar period of time.

Consult your healthcare provider before taking maca root if you have any medical conditions, allergies, or are taking any medications, especially hormone-related ones .


Maca root is generally safe and well-tolerated, but some people may experience side effects such as:

Digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, nausea, or diarrhea.

Hormonal changes, such as acne, breast tenderness, menstrual irregularities, or mood swings.

Allergic reactions, such as skin rash, itching, or swelling.

Maca root is a natural supplement that may offer

many health benefits and uses for different people. However, more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness and safety, and to determine the optimal dosage and duration of use.

 Therefore, it is important to use maca root with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional.



1 can chickpeas cooked

4 tablespoons tahini

1/4 cup water 

1 teaspoon garlic powder

juice of  2 lemons, 

2 teaspoons maca powder

1/2 to 1 teaspoon cumin

1 tablespoon roasted pine nuts, optional

1/2 teaspoon himalayan salt, or to taste

extra virgin olive oil, for drizzling

sumac, parsley, or smoked paprika, for garnishing

                      HERE'S THE RECIPE:

Place all ingredients except the olive oil and

garnishes in a food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. You may need to scrape down the sides and add more water as needed to achieve the desired consistency.

Taste and adjust the seasonings as you like. You can add more garlic, lemon, salt, cumin, or maca powder to suit your preferences.

Transfer the hummus to a serving bowl and make a well in the center. Drizzle some olive oil over the hummus and sprinkle some sumac, parsley, or smoked paprika for color and flavor.

Enjoy with fresh bread, pita chips, crackers, or fresh vegetables.