Nutty Chicken
1 kilo boneless chicken pieces
2 onions, sliced
2 inch piece of ginger root, finely chopped
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
4 green chillies, chopped
1 tbsp garam masala
1 tbsp turmeric
1 tbsp chilli powder
1 tsp black pepper
salt to taste
20 gr. pistachio nuts,
20 gr. almonds
20 gr. walnuts
1 tbsp desiccated coconut
1 cup cooking oil
1 handful chopped coriander leaves

Fry the onion until it’s brown, add ginger and garlic and cook for 2 mins. Then add chicken, tomato, spices and seasoning, and cook on a low heat for 10 mins in its own juices.
Crush the nuts together and add them to the pan with ½ cup of water and cook for a further 5-7 mins. Add fresh coriander and chillies, stir into the dish, then remove the pan from the heat and leave to stand for 5 mins.
Serve with boiled rice.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


The Kikar or Babul tree is a member of the acacia family of trees, and the variety here in Pakistan is the Acacia nilotica. It can grow up to 12 metres tall and spreads its branches, so is known as a parasol tree. In English it has several names, none of which I recognize; the Cape Gum, Cassie, Cockspur Thorn and Karoo Thorn among others. Its flowers don’t have nectar, but bees love the pollen from its yellow flowers, which are used as decorations .It has a rough red-brown through to almost black bark, and large fern-like leaves, which are light green. In dry periods it loses its leaves and the seed pods become prominent.
The Kikar or Babul tree is not used as food, although goats love its leaves and can be seen braving its thorns in their attempts to get at the delectable treats. The bark and seeds of the tree contain tannin, and decoctions of these are used to stop diarrhea. The leaves and bark can also staunch bleeding. It is a tree used in medicine, and is supposed to be especially good for male problems, such as premature ejaculation (the seed pods) and spermatorrhea. A decoction of the pods is used to dry up mucus in the bronchial tubes, so it’s good for colds and coughs. The gum from the kikar tree trunk and branches is used as a gargle to relieve sore throats and tonsillitis. It is also supposed to be a good aid to digestion.
The bark and twigs of the Babul tree are used in Pakistan as toothbrushes as it whitens the teeth and strengthens the gums, and teeth. In this respect it is like the Neem tree.
The Hindu god Shiva is sometimes depicted in the form of the lord of the Babul Tree, and it is associated with Krishna too. For Sikhs, this tree is a symbol of the spiritual seeker who has to deal with the barbs and arrows of unbelievers, and worldly people.
No part of this tree is eaten however, like the banyan tree, so no recipe follows. However you can try one of our recipes that stand alone, like Chicken Shahi, or Moussaka.


Juniper berries can be found throughout the northern hemisphere. They are best known because they are used to flavour gin. However, they have many other uses.
Juniper berries were known to the ancient Egyptians who used them medicinally as did the ancient Greeks. They were prized for their antiseptic qualities and are a diuretic. In northern Europe they were one of the Druid’s sacred plants, and used with thyme in sacred groves to induce visions. Some say that they were the incense used by witches in the Mediterranean region. It was believed that if a juniper shrub was planted by the door of a house, it would discourage thieves. If the berries were strung in a home they would attract love, people thought, and men took them to improve their sexual potency. The essential oil from the juniper berry is said to give protection and purification. Incense from juniper berries is supposed to provide exorcism, protection, healing and bring love.
Pliny, writing in ancient Rome says that as peppercorns were so expensive, dried juniper berries were often a substitute. Archaeologists have found that our European ancestors used juniper berries to flavour their beer.
They are regarded as helping to calm an upset stomach, to cure indigestion and flatulence, and to assist in kidney and bladder diseases because of their diuretic properties. If sheep eat them, dropsy is cured and prevented, apparently. In the Renaissance they were used to cure snake bites, and to protect against the plague. Their leaves smell rather like pine, so they were often used to clear the air, either by strewing them on floors, or by burning the berries on a fire as the Swiss used to do.
In cookery they are used with game and duck, and go well with garlic, onions, thyme, sage, oregano, bay leaves and allspice. They temper the strong flavour of game, and reduce the fatty effects of pork and duck. They are also good in stuffings
A tisane can be made from them by adding 1 cup of boiling water to 1 tbsp of berries, then allowing it to steep for 20 mins before straining and drinking. This tisane can also be put on wounds to clean them. You can safely drink 2 cups of this tisane a day, but it is quite a powerful diuretic.
Juniper berries, when mixed with chrome and alum will produce a khaki or light-brown dye, depending on the quantities used.

500 gr beef, cut into cubes
2 large onions, sliced
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
500 gr tomatoes, peeled and chopped
2 bay leaves
1 tsp oregano
1 sprig fresh thyme
1 sprig fresh rosemary
1 tbsp juniper berries, lightly crushed to release flavour
2 glasses red wine
freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste

Heat oil in a pan and seal the meat on all sides. Remove and add onions and garlic. Fry for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Now put all other ingredients in the pan with ½ pint of water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 5 mins, then remove from the heat.
Put all ingredients in an oven proof dish with a tight fitting lid and put in a low oven. Cook for 2-3 hours, until the meat is very tender.
Serve with baked or mashed potatoes and broccoli or other vegetables of your choice.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Shahi Chicken
1 and a half kilos fresh chicken cut into quarters
2 inch piece of ginger root, finely chopped
6 cloves garlic, finely chopped
6 green chillies, very finely chopped
2 tomatoes, peeled and diced
½ handful mint leaves finely chopped
½ handful coriander leaves finely chopped
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp mustard
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp ground cumin
1 tsp dried oregano
50 gr grated cheese
2 eggs
2 tbsp cooking oil
salt to taste

Score the chicken. Mix all ingredients, apart from eggs and cheese together and cover the chicken with the mixture, making sure to rub it well into the cuts you have made. Cover this and put in the fridge for 2 hours.
Mix the cheese and eggs together and after 2 hours remove the chicken and sprinkle the egg and cheese mixture over the top. Cover it and put on a very low heat and cook for 1 to 1 and a half hours.
You could cook it in the oven too if you put the chicken on a baking tray and sprinkle the egg and cheese mixture over it, and you could put some slices of tomato on top, then cook in a low oven for 1 to 1 and a half hours.
Serve with salad and your choice of bread.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Honey and Lemon Chicken
1 chicken (about1½ kilos) with skin removed
½ cup honey
½ cup fresh lemon juice
½ cup cooking oil
1 inch ginger root, pounded to a paste
1 tbsp ground cumin
1 tbsp chilli powder
1 tbsp dried fenugreek leaves (methi)
1 tsp black pepper
salt to taste

Score the chicken, making fairly deep cuts, although not going down to the bones.
Mix all other ingredients together and cover the chicken with this paste.
Put in the fridge for 2 hours.
Put in the oven at a low temperature and cook for 1½ - 2 hours.
Serve with French fries and salad.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Chamomile was revered by the ancient Egyptians because they believed it could cure fevers. They also used the crushed flowers on the skin as cosmetics. It has been used by people in most cultures for its healing properties, notably as an aid to digestion, to relieve stomach cramps, as a mild sedative to cure insomnia and to ward off nightmares. There are many different types of chamomile, including Chamaemelum nobile, the one most commonly found in English gardens, Scotch Chamomile and German chamomile as well as the Stinking Mayweed or Stinking Chamomile, which Gerard wrote of as having a ‘naughty smell’.
The name chamomile comes from the Greek, kamai (on the ground) and melo (apple). Pliny wrote that it smells like apple blossom, so that may be how it got its name.
 In Mediaeval times chamomile leaves and flowers were strewn on floors in much the same way as juniper leaves and thyme were, to mask odours.
  It has been grown in gardens for centuries, and there is a verse which explains its resilience:-
‘Like a chamomile bed-
The more it is trodden
The more it will spread.’
  Culpeper wrote that it was ‘profitable’ for almost everything, from sprains to fevers, and recommended bathing with a decoction of chamomile in a hot bath.
  Peter Rabbit’s mother (in the Beatrix Potter book) gave Peter chamomile tea for a bad stomach, and it has been effective in helping digestion, and for reducing fevers. It is good for the skin and can help get rid of eczema; it can also be used in an eye bath for conjunctivitis. It is used in many toiletries, and recent research has shown that it does indeed have the properties ascribed to it by the ancient peoples who used it. The dried flowers can also be used as a natural yellow dye.
  If you steep 10 parts of chamomile flowers with 5 of crushed poppy heads in a muslin bag, in boiling water for 20 mins, then apply the bag to the affected area, it will help reduce swelling. As an antiseptic, chamomile tisane is said to be 120 times stronger than sea water, which contains iodine
  In the garden it is useful too. If you have a sickly-looking plant, and you plant chamomile beside it, 9 times out of 10 the plant will recover. Chamomile is known as “the plants physician”.
  It is sacred to Druids, for its healing qualities, and is believed to bring luck, purification, love, rest, justice and fortune.

Below is a recipe which can be used externally and drunk as a tisane.

30 gr chamomile flowers
1 pint water

In a covered pan, boil water and flowers for 10 mins. Leave to steep for 20 minutes without removing the lid. Strain and take a small cup at a time.
  This can be used on sunburn other minor burns, rashes and eczema too, just smooth onto the affected area with cotton wool.

This has Taste and is a Treat.


The Bohar tree is native to India and Pakistan, although it now grows throughout tropical Asia. It is the Ficus benghalensis, a member of the fig family of trees. It is sacred to both Buddhists and Hindus. Krishna is said to have achieved enlightenment under one, and Shiva, in his role of Universal teacher, Dakshinamurti, sat under a bohar tree to enlighten the sages who had come to hear his teachings. It is India’s national symbol, symbolizing India’s unity through diversity (as the tree has several trunks and many aerial roots).
The Banyan tree is also a symbol of spiritual knowledge. In the Pralaya it is written that only Krishna survived the great Cosmic Flood, and he is depicted sucking his toe, while floating over the flood waters on a banyan leaf in many Indian Tajore paintings. In Hindu mythology it is known as the ‘wish fulfilling tree’. Its ever expanding branches represent eternal life
It got its English name from the word, banian, for Hindu merchants or traders, as English people on the subcontinent noted that traders would sit under a shady banyan tree to do business, or to relax in its shade. Indeed, whole villages could stay under one tree that was reputedly so big that 20,000 people could be accommodated under its branches. It reportedly had a perimeter of 600 metres. The aerial roots grow into accessory trunks, and help support the massive trees.
The tree is epithetic, so when birds drop the seeds from the fruits of the banyan or bohar on the branches of other trees, they germinate and grow roots which, when they become thicker and stronger, eventually strangle the host tree.
Its leaves are large and leathery, smooth on the upper side of the leaf, but with hairy undersides, and these are used as fodder, as well as being boiled and used as poultices, applied to abscesses and cracked soles on the feet. The milky sap which oozes from the stems, twigs and branches when it is cut is used to relieve inflamed areas of skin, sores and ulcers. It is also used to get rid of bruises and to treat rheumatism and lumbago.
 The bark has astringent properties and is used to help in cases of diabetes, and to treat dysentery. Western medical researchers have been slow to research the possibilities of the banyan tree, but studies underway suggest that it may indeed be helpful in the treatment of diabetes. In Ayurvedic medicine its bark and seeds are used in infusions as these are believed to have cooling properties and these are used as a tonic and to cool the body.The ripe fruits are not generally eaten by people unless there is a time of famine, but they are enjoyed by monkeys and birds. People use its twigs for toothbrushes.
  The banyan tree is useful in many ways. It is home to the lac insects, parasites that live on the tree, as they do on the tamarind tree. From the resinous secretions of these creatures we get shellac which is used in French polish, and to make lac dye which is good for dying wool and silk. Shellac is also used in cosmetics and hair lacquer.
 Fibres from the bark and roots are woven into rope, and the aerial roots make good tent poles as they are strong and flexible-they are stronger than the tree trunk wood. A modern craft involves making greetings cards with the leaves from the banyan incorporated into the designs. The milky sap from the tree is good for polishing metal ware, and the wood is suitable for making paper pulp.
Ghosts and demons are said to live in the banyan tree so people don’t sleep under it at night. However married women go to the tree to ask for a long life for their husbands. Young people are encouraged to plant banyan trees and to put a silver coin under the roots. They should also plant them near a Bo tree or pipal tree (Ficus religiosa) which is believed to be the banyan tree’s female counterpart. When the banyan tree is planted in this way the young person should be lucky in life.
There are no recipes for this tree as people don’t eat its fruit. Sorry! However you could go to one of our stand alone recipes, a chicken one, or a salad or moussaka and pastitsio. They all have Taste and are Treats.