Chakotara is the Urdu names for the pomelo or shaddock, it might also be known as The Forbidden Fruit according to some writers. The botany world seems undecided about the Latin name for this fruit, but it’s either Citrus Maxima or Citrus grandis. It is called shaddock after a captain of the same name who took the seeds from Malaysia to the West Indies in the 17th century where it now flourishes.

Pomelo is believed to be the ancestor of the grapefruit, and it is like a grapefruit, except that it’s sweeter. Its flesh ranges from a pale yellow to a ruby red and when I first had it I was surprised to find red flesh in a yellowy-green skin. Apparently it is known for its thick skin, and the fact that one fruit can grow to 10 kg in weight, and be up to 30cms in diameter. That is why it’s called Citrus maxima and grandis, because it’s the biggest of all the citrus fruits.

The seeds of the fruit are made into grapefruit oil which is antimicrobial and antioxidant in nature. The oil can be used for cleaning purposes and will remove fungus and clean kitchen surfaces well. It can also be used safely on pets with skin problems and will eradicate fleas etc. It can also be used as an insecticide for garden plants quite safely.
In North Vietnam the flowers are gathered and used in perfume and a decoction of the leaves, flowers and rind is used in the Philippines and South East Asia as a sedative and to help in cases of epilepsy and convulsive coughing.

In Pakistan and India it is used to relieve coughs, fevers and stomach disorders, as the juice is a mild laxative which will cure constipation problems. It is alkaline in nature and so is useful in the digestive system as it rids it of unnecessary acids without getting rid of the bacteria we need in our guts. It is also used in genitor-urinary disorders, so may help cystitis sufferers. The crushed leaves are sometimes added to bath water for their aroma.

The oil from the seeds can also help wounds heal and scars will virtually disappear if it is used on them.

Along with pineapple juice the juice of sweet lemons and sweet oranges, it can help in arthritis by dissolving deposits around the joints.

Like all citrus fruits it has lots of vitamin C which helps the body produce collagen, a substance which is present in the connective skin tissues of the body. This is believed to prevent skin ageing and can help smooth wrinkles. It also has a high calcium content and calcium is necessary for healthy bones. It has an antioxidising effect on the eye lens and this helps stop cataracts forming.

A high Vitamin C content in a nutrient–rich diet is able to improve cognition functions in the elderly too. Perhaps best of all, citrus fruits are “happy” fruits as they are high in folate, which is important to the production of serotonin, which gives rise to a better mood and frame of mind. So with this in mind, try our Citrus Fruit Salad.


1 pomelo, peeled and cut into segments, flesh only

1 sweet orange, peeled and cut into segments, flesh only

1 grapefruit, peeled and cut into segments, flesh only

1 head of lettuce, shredded

½ bunch spring onions finely chopped

1 small cucumber, peeled and finely sliced

1 handful of borage leaves, torn or lavender flowers, fresh

1 small pot natural yoghurt


Put lettuce into a serving bowl and arrange the fruit, cucumber and spring onions over it.

Mix the borage leaves or lavender flowers in the yoghurt and pour over the salad.

Put in fridge for ½ hour and serve chilled.

This has Taste and is a Treat.



Ashwagandha or Indian Winter Cherry or simply Winter cherry is also known by the name Indian Ginseng. Its Latin name is Withania somniferum. It’s a shrub which grows prolifically in Pakistan and India to a height of 170 cms. To the ancient Arabs it was a narcotic, health tonic and the root is used as an aphrodisiac, rather similar to that other root, safed musli but it has many more health benefits, rather like Brahmi.

Withania somniferum has yellow flowers and a red fruit which is berry-like in size and shape. It is an amazing plant which may in the future be used as an anti carcinogenic as it has shown able to restrict the growth of cancer cells in animals and cell cultures.

The Japanese have a patent application on it as a skin ointment and also use it to promote fertility. In the US the New England Deaconess Hospital has a patent for using it for the treatment of arthritis, which is one of the traditional uses of this shrub. It is an adaptogen and helps with stress related diseases.

The root is mainly used in traditional medicine on the subcontinent, and the berries can be substituted for rennet in making cheese. The leaves can be bruised, crushed and smeared onto arthritic joints as they are in Ethiopia. In Pakistan the cortex of the root is ground into a powder and mixed with water then kneaded into a paste which is smeared onto wounds to disinfect them and to promote rapid healing. In Africa the root is given as a sedative to children and to soothe teething pains. The ancient Assyrians used to burn the root and channel the smoke onto a painful tooth to cure the pain of toothache. In Yemen it is still used for this purpose.
A paste can be made from the ground leaves; they are ground to a pulp and sometimes the berries are also added to this to treat swelling, rheumatism and external inflammation. In India the leaves are smoked to soothe coughs and asthma.

However its primary use in folk medicine is as an aphrodisiac and it has been used as a love potion too for centuries. Folk healers still prepare love potions from the root of Ashwagandha.

The name Ashwagandha means ‘sweat of a horse’ and it is thought that this refers to the strength and sexual vigour of the horse. It is used to cure impotency, fatigue and waning memory, and it is now known that it boosts the immune system, relieves various types of stress, revitalizes muscles, and bones, and is good for a restful sleep, diabetes, general debility, and a stimulant. It also helps restore neurotransmitters and so is used for mental disorders associated with aging.

Winter Cherry helps support the reproductive systems and adrenals and is a diuretic. It can cure gastric ulcers according to recent medical research, and can help to stop a fever.

Apart from boosting the male semen count and helping with erectile dysfunctions, it also stabilizes the foetus and later boosts a nursing mother’s supply of breast milk.

The recommended dose is 3-5 grams of powder from the root taken daily in milk. Twice a day is more than sufficient for male sexual disorders and results are seen after a week in most cases, although it may take longer to work in some cases.

Like Gotu Kola and Brahmi this is another wonder herb, and an aphrodisiac that has been working for many centuries.



Rocket or Arugula in American English is known as a salad vegetable which can be used as a substitute for lettuce. It has a nutty flavour, if you use young leaves, and they are good with a dressing of walnut oil. If the older mature leaves are used, they have a slightly bitter flavour and go well with a traditional vinaigrette dressing (white wine vinegar, olive oil and a mixture of herbs or just the herb of your choice). Rocket is usually used in Caesar Salads, and is great with all kinds of cheeses especially goats' cheese and gorgonzola. You can also steam rocket like spinach and use as a vegetable with others. The Italians love rocket and put it in meat sauces and with meats. A simple recipe is to spread rocket leaves with cream cheese and slivers of smoked salmon, roll them up and serve on a bed of rocket leaves. Its seeds can be used in cookery as a substitute for mustard seeds.
flower of rocket

It is native to the Mediterranean area and Central Europe and is naturalized in the US. The name ‘eruca’ is Latin for cabbage and it is related to the Brassica family.

The Romans used rocket mixed with other herbs they considered had aphrodisiacal qualities, such as lavender and dill, and put them in special sauces. They served the leaves as a salad with chicory and lettuce. It was believed that rocket increased sexual potency. The ancient Egyptians would give it to bridegrooms on their wedding night. The seeds and their oil have been used as an aphrodisiac at least since the first century AD.

Rocket is a great source of iron, potassium, magnesium, calcium, beta-carotene, sodium, dietary fibre and vitamins A, B, C and E. Modern medical research has shown that the constituents of Eruca sativa can cure gastric ulcers, and this is one of the many complaints it has been treating for millennia in the subcontinent. It is also known to reduce the secretion of stomach acids and it also mediates the activity of hormones. The volatile oil distilled from the seeds contains nitrogen and sulphur. It has anti microbial properties and is an antiscorbutic. A strong dose of the oil will induce vomiting.

In traditional medicine on the Indian subcontinent is used to cure erectile dysfunctions and is said to decrease stress, so is given to women too to increase their libido. It is also believed to help in the treatment of liver disorders and diabetes. It can also stop a cough apparently. It is a diuretic, and also a laxative, so don’t take too much oil! A teaspoon or two a day won’t hurt though.

In Pakistan and India the oil known as Tara Mera and used to kill head lice, and mixed with water is massaged into the scalp to get rid of dandruff, to strengthen the hair and to prevent hair loss. It is suggested that as well as using the oil externally you should take a teaspoon a day to help with hair problems and as a general tonic. You can use it as a salad dressing too, as it stimulates the digestive system.

The flower is white or purple, and is a symbol of deceit in the Language of Flowers because it has no scent by day, but at night gives off a perfume. The ancients called it the Vesper flower or Hesperis.

1 bunch of well-washed rocket, torn
1 tbsp capers
200 gr Parmesan, thinly sliced
300 gr tomatoes, roughly chopped
1 cucumber, roughly chopped
green and black olives, or stuffed green olives with pimento
balsamic vinegar
olive oil
salt and freshly ground pepper to taste


Mix all the ingredients together and toss well before serving

This has Taste and is a Treat.



Safed Musli or to give it its official name, Chlorophytum borivilianum has been used in Ayurvedic medicine on the Indian subcontinent for centuries. Its roots are used as a demulcent, a stimulant, diaphoretic, and to help milk production in breast-feeding mothers. They are given balls of the root to chew before and after the birth, so that their milk production will increase. It’s also given to cows for the same purpose.

It is used to cure general debility, in the treatment for diarrhoea and dysentery and as a vitalizer for the whole body. The root powder is fried in ghee (clarified butter) and chewed to get rid of mouth and throat infections. It is also used as a remedy for arthritis and diabetes. It is often an ingredient in paan in India and Pakistan.

It is used as an Allopathic, which means that a disease is treated with remedies which produce effects differing from those produced by the disease, for example antibiotics do this. The word come from the Greek, allos meaning different or other, and pathos, meaning suffering. The term allopathic or allopath was first used by the man who is regarded as the founding father of homeopathic medicine, Samuel Hahnemann.

It is also given to boost the immune system and modern medical research has borne out this use of it. Chlorophytum borivilianum has immuno-stimulating properties and it has been proved that increases rats’ sperm count after 60 days of being given regular doses of it. The researchers end their discussion with these words “roots of Chlorophytum borivilianum can be useful in the treatment of certain forms of sexual inadequacies, such as premature ejaculation and oligosperma” (R. Kenjale et al 2008 in Phytotherapy Research Vol 22(6)). In other words, rats have benefited from this plant and shown increased sexual activity and increased libido as well as having a “significantly” higher sperm increase. It is believed that this is the Natural Viagra and is now being cultivated on a much larger scale than before so that it can be exported for the benefit of men all around the world. It has been used as a tonic for sexual health by Indians or centuries and they believe it is an aphrodisiac for both sexes.

This plant also has antimicrobial properties, although these are not as efficient as those of the kikar tree, according to other research carried out by Rajesh Dabur et al.

The plant is a rich source of minerals, vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, steroids and polysaccharides.

It clearly has amazing medical properties and modern medical research is showing once again that the old herbalists knew a thing or two about health giving plants.