Belladonna, “Beautiful Lady” may have got its name from the fact that women have used it for centuries to dilate the pupils and give them more lustrous eyes. It can be used on the skin without ill effects but is deadly poisonous and should not be ingested. It belongs to the Solanaceae family of plants which include potatoes, aubergines, tomatoes (the wolf peach), Nipple fruit, red and green chilli peppers and the Physalis family of plants which includes the tomatillo and Cape gooseberry and Chinese lantern.
  It has been associated with magic for millennia and as it has psychotropic actions, may have been responsible for tales of witches flying, during the Spanish Inquisition and earlier in Europe.  It was believed that the Devil tended this herb carefully except on Walpurgis Night (30th April) which was supposed to be the night of the Witches Sabbath. It was called Devil’s Cherries and Devil’s Herb because of this belief. Walpurgisnachten or Walpurgis Night is still celebrated in Northern Europe and Scandinavia. It was once, in the Middle Ages, the end of the fiscal year, and celebrated by farmers and artisans. Now it is still a holiday and joined with 1st May and the modern Mayday celebrations, which of course have their origins in the Celtic festival of Beltane. On Walpurgisnachten there is a lot of noise made to frighten away witches and evil spirits, and there is trick or treating, so it is like a spring Halloween. Sprigs of ash, hawthorn, elder and juniper are made into three crosses and placed on barn and stable doors to protect livestock from witches. (These trees were sacred to the European pagans.)
  There are three main constituent alkaloids that are found in Deadly Nightshade, atropine, scopolamine and hyoscamine which are used in modern medicine. Atropine is named after the Latin name Linnaeus gave to the plant, Atropha, which was the name of one of the ancient Greek Fates, who was believed to hold the shears which cut the fragile thread of a human’s life. It is used to relax the smooth muscles in the gut, urinary tract and biliary tree prior to surgery. Scopolamine is used to prevent motion sickness, while hyoscamine is used to treat stomach and bladder problems as well as some heart conditions, Parkinson’s disease symptoms and rhinitis (runny nose).
  Atropine is now used in toxicology, ophthalmology, as well as a painkiller in gastroenterology. Hyoscamine is used in kidnapping and date rape, as it is a sedative and can cause amnesia in certain cases.
  The old Gaelic tribes used belladonna to stimulate them into a rage and give them courage for battle. It was known as the “herb of courage.”  In 68 AD Locusta was imprisoned and sentenced to death in ancient Rome for using her tincture of Belladonna to poison the Emperor Claudius, and it is said that it was the poison of choice of the infamous Renaissance poisoner, Lucrezia Borgia.
  Galen, the physician (129-201AD) thought belladonna was an effective cure for “terrible, unhealing ulcers” (on the skin).Now it is used to help in the treatment of asthma and hay fever, as is the Thornapple and other members of the Datura family which are also poisonous.
  In the time of Chaucer the herb was called Dwale from the French deuil meaning grief. Gerard called it ‘the sleeping nightshade’ saying that the leaves after being soaked in vinegar were laid on the forehead to stop a headache.
  Used topically it can soothe irritated skin, and relieve the pain of neuralgia, gout, and rheumatism. It was once thought to cure cancer if used externally. Hahnemann, often called the Father of Homoeopathy believed and seemed to have proved that it could protect against scarlet fever.
  It has recently undergone tests to ascertain its effectiveness against viral infections and one study in Kolkata’s School of Tropical Medicine and the Central Council for Research into Homoeopathy found that it protected chick embryos from infection by Japanese Encephalitis.
  There are many stories about the poisonous nature of Belladonna and as a child I remember being fascinated by the flowers, and my father and grandfather warning me not to touch the plant at all. This was sound advice as the whole plant can cause skin irritation. The best thing to do is admire its beauty at a safe distance.


There are many different Durio cultivars, but the one that is most commercially produced is the Durio zibethinus. It is a curious, fruit when you first see it as it looks a little like a small jackfruit, but that is where the resemblance ends; they are not related. The fruit inside its thorny case is unusual to say the least. The husk has to be split open by the fruit seller on roadsides in Thailand, with a machete, or something that looks very like one, and inside there are slimy looking banana-type fruits, which contain large seeds. People complain about the smell and the fruit has been banned in some hotels and on public transport in parts of south east Asia, but I don’t remember the smell, perhaps because we bought the fruit in the open air and the atmosphere was quite polluted, so one more smell was not noticeable.

I only remember that it tasted a bit like custard, so had hints of vanilla, laced with banana and perhaps almonds. The English novelist Anthony Burgess famous for the book “Clockwork Orange” said that eating this fruit was “like eating sweet raspberry blancmange in the lavatory.” I have to agree with the definition of the texture, but maybe he was talking about the red durian when he thought of raspberries.

In south-east Asia the durian is called “The King of Fruits” I have to say that the fruit pod is a pretty big one, so could agree if that’s what was meant, but I’d have to agree with the Pakistanis that the mango is the King of Fruits, I’m afraid.
People rave about the durian and say you either love it or hate it; personally I don’t care either way about it. If someone gave me one I’d eat it happily, but I wouldn’t mind if I never ate another.

In Malaysia there is a saying “to receive a falling durian” which means that the person has had some good luck. When fruits, vegetables and other foods come into a language as expressions, it shows how important they are in the culture. There is also a superstition that the fruit has eyes, which is why it only falls from the tree at night. It could do a lot of damage with its spines and weight if it hit you on the head, even more damage than the fruit of the sausage tree and the cannonball tree.

Durian are native to Brunei, Borneo, Sumatra, Malaysia and possibly also to the Philippines. They are members of the Malvaceae family of plants which includes the common mallow, hibiscus and hollyhock among others. It is pollinated by bats which feed on the nectar and pollen in the whitish to golden-brown flowers. It is extensively cultivated in Thailand, and is also cultivated in India where it is referred to as the “civet cat tree” due to its not-so-fragrant smell. It can grow to heights of 40 metres in tropical forests, and is evergreen. The trees start to bear fruit when they are 3½ to 4½ years old and one tree can produce between 40 and 50 fruit. They can have two fruiting seasons a year, depending on the climate. There have been some efforts to introduce them to other parts of the world, but in both North and South America they are confined to Botanical Gardens, and they have so far failed to thrive in Sri Lanka, although they have been introduced and then re-introduced several times.

The fruit are used in sambals (side dishes) as accompaniments to hotter, spicy main dishes, and in ice creams, other desserts, and confectionary. I have only eaten raw, and have to say that I prefer rambutan and mangosteen.

In both South and South-East Asia, hot and cold properties are attributed to foodstuffs, and durian is deemed to be a hot item. As it comes into season in summer, this means that the body needs to be cooled after eating it, so people either drink water out of the hollowed pods, or eat durian with mangosteens which have cooling properties.

The young shoots and leaves of the durian tree may be boiled and eaten as a green vegetable, and most parts of the tree are used in traditional medicine. The fruit contains the minerals, calcium, iron and phosphorous and vitamin A, carotene, some of the B-complex vitamins and is rich in vitamin E.

The seeds are eaten after boiling, drying and frying them and in Java they are thinly sliced and cooked with sugar then dried and fried in coconut oil  with spices and used as a sambal.

In traditional medicine the rind of the pod is burnt and the ashes given to women to eat after child birth. A decoction of the leaves and roots is given during fevers, and the leaf juice is expressed onto the forehead to cool the body in fevers too. The leaves are infused in bath water for jaundice patients, and a decoction of the leaves and fruits is used for swellings and skin problems. The flesh which surrounds the fruit is given to get rid of intestinal worms.

It is believed that the seeds contain toxins which can cause shortness of breath, so they should not be eaten raw. People with high blood pressure and pregnant women should avoid eating durian.

If you buy durian paste in markets in Thailand, it might have been adulterated with pumpkin, which is cheaper. However this may make it more palatable to some.

Don’t worry if you’ve never tried it, personally I think it’s another over-hyped fruit like the mangosteen.


The grasspea closely resembles the sweet pea (Lathyrus odoratus) which is grown as an ornamental in many British gardens, and in others around the world, including in Pakistan. It is also known as the Chickling pea or Chickling vetch (not a chickpea!!) and Indian Vetch. It is now believed to have originated in the Balkan Peninsula, although it may have originated in South-West and Central Asia. It is a member of the Leguminosae family of plants and is related to peas, green beans, and kudzu or pueraria root, among other plants. There are around 187 species and subspecies of Lathyrus growing around the world. Grasspeas have blue, pink or red flowers, usually.
  It is believed to have been domesticated about 8,000 years ago as remains of the plant’s grains have been found in Jarmo, Iraqi Kurdistan, from the Neolithic period. Remains have been found in India dating back to 2,000-1,500 BC and from the Bronze Age in Portugal.
   This plant is an important fodder plant although it is consumed as dhal in India, Bangladesh, and in Pakistan’s Sindh province. However it is ground and used to adulterate chickpea flour (besan) and is somewhat problematic if people consume it over a three month period. In times of famine people use it in their daily diets, particularly in the not so distant past in Ethiopia, where outbreaks of lathyrism have occurred (1995-6 was the last outbreak). This is a paralysis of the lower body which is caused by a neurotoxin in the grain which has been recognized since ancient times, having been mentioned in ancient Sanskrit texts and by Hippocrates. Cultivars with low neurotoxin levels are being produced around the world in an attempt to prevent future outbreaks of the disease.
  The plant is useful in that it is a nitrogen fixer and provides natural fertilizer for farmers. It is resistant to a number of pests, and the seeds have an oil which is extracted and used in traditional medicine. However it is dangerous if you are not a skilled homoeopathist. The seeds contain the vitamins A, and C and some of the B-complex ones, as well as amino acids, minerals such as copper and phosphorous and  phenols, so are nutritious in times of food scarcity. The seeds should be soaked in water for at least 24 hours before cooking.
  Traditionally the seeds are either split and made into dhal or ground and made into bread. They can also be made into a paste and shaped into balls which are added to curries, or they can be simply boiled and eaten as a pulse. The leaves may be put into soups and stews and eaten as a green vegetable after boiling. The seeds are hulled and dried before using.
  In some parts of the Indian sub-continent, the pods are boiled, salted and sold by street vendors, as tasty snacks.
  They have been used in different parts of the world as a “vaccine” against poliomyelitis; in 1850 there was a polio epidemic in Johannesburg, South Africa, and a Doctor Taylor Smith protected 85 people with extracts of the grasspea. Of those people, twelve were known to have come into close contact with the disease, but none of the 85 caught the disease. Once again in 1975, there was a polio epidemic, this time in Buenos Aires, and 40,000 people were protected by Lathyrus sativus, and none of them, reportedly contracted the disease. This is of course anecdotal evidence and research is needed to see how this might have worked.


Laver or lava bread is a Welsh delicacy made from seaweed. It grows on the rocks along the Gower Coast and the West coast of Wales and Southern island. It grows flat on rocks with long trailing fronds in the sea water. The Japanese love it and it is used in sushi, but they have it dried and flattened into sheets, and in this form it is called nori.
  In Wales it is sold already boiled in Swansea market, along with cockles and elvers (baby eels) which tend to crawl all over the fish and the laver bread. I used to get it either there or in a small fish mongers in Oystermouth (also known as Mumbles).
  It is first mentioned as food in 1607 in Camden’s Britannica, and it says that it (lhawvan) came from Pembrokeshire and Pembroke. Later the author and traveler, George Borrow- famous for “The Romany Rye” and “Lavengro”, wrote about it in his book “Wild Wales” published in 1862. He ate “moor mutton and piping hot laver sauce.” A famous Welshman called it “The Welshman’s caviar” which is certainly stretching a point, and although elsewhere on the Net this is attributed to the Welsh actor, Richard Burton, it sounds more like the kind of quip the Welsh poet Dylan Thomas would have made. After all, Dylan Thomas was born and grew up in Swansea, and in later life lived at Laugharne, also on the Gower Coast. Some people tend to confuse the poet and the actor because Richard Burton famously did a recording of Dylan Thomas’ play “Under Milk Wood”.
  Laverbread or bara lawr as it is named in Welsh, is exceptionally good for health as it contains iron and iodine along with around 50 known other minerals. It also has vitamins A, C and D as well as some of the B-complex ones.
  To cook it from scratch having collected it from the rocks, it has to be plunged in boiling water and boiled for about 40 minutes, or until it starts to break down. Traditionally it was served with cockles (chocos in Welsh- interestingly that is cuttlefish in Portuguese) and sausages, bacon and eggs as a hearty breakfast for Welsh miners. Mushrooms and black pudding may also have been served with it. It is traditional to cook it mixed with oatmeal in bacon fat, but olive oil is a good substitute, and much healthier.
  Laverbread could help in the aftermath of a nuclear explosion, as it contains a compound which binds with heavy metals in the gastro-intestinal tract to form a gel-like salt which is believed to remove radio-active particles from the gut. It can help keep joints supple, and gives those that eat it a glowing healthy complexion.
  It contains a chemical that has been named M26 which could be useful in the future, when more research has been done into it, to help combat AIDS. A Japanese study has shown that it successful in fighting flu as it boosts the immune system.
  It can be healthy as long as it isn’t cooked in fat. Use olive oil instead. You can add the boiled laver bread to soups and sauces, risotto, stuffings and you can find it in a few Welsh cheeses. You can eat it as it comes from a fish stall served with toast and lemon wedges and a little poached shredded leek.
400 gr laver
60 gr butter or olive oil
60 ml orange juice
salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Plunge the seaweed into boiling water and cook for about 40 minutes until it starts to break up.
Drain and wrap in an absorbent tea towel to get rid of the excess water.
Heat the butter in a pan and add the seaweed and fry for 8-10 minutes.
Add the orange juice and allow this to heat through.
Add seasoning and serve with roast lamb.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


The most common periwinkles in Europe are the wild blue ones, either Vinca minor or major, the Lesser and Greater periwinkle, distinguished by the size of the flowers. Despite all other claims as to their names in Urdu or Punjabi, my spouse is certain that they are ratanjot, as they were his late mother’s favourite flower, I guess he should know.
  In different parts of Britain, the plant is known by other names, such as Blue Buttons and Cut-finger in Devon (it staunches the blood from a cut), ‘cockles’ in Gloucestershire, and ‘pennywinkle’ in Hampshire.
  The Greater and Lesser ones that we have in Britain (which may or may not be native) are blue, and give their name to the colour, periwinkle blue. It should be noted also that periwinkles are a type of sea-snail. (My grandfather used to relish “cockles and winkles” with lashings of malt vinegar and eat them from a paper bag when we went for walks along the cliffs on the Gower Coast.) The periwinkle here is a member of the Apocynacea family of plants which includes oleander.
  The periwinkle flower has been used as protection against evil and in the Middle Ages it was thought to be one of the best protectors against all evil. In 1480 Apuleius’ Herbarium was printed, and he wrote that you had to ask the blessing of the periwinkle before picking it so that it would work to its full potency:
   ‘“I pray thee, vinca pervinca, thee that art to be had for thy many useful qualities, that thou come to me glad blossoming with thy mainfulness, that thou outfit me so that I be shielded and ever prosperous and undamaged by poisons and by water"; when thou shalt pluck this wort (plant), thou shalt be clean of every uncleanness, and thou shalt pick it when the moon is nine nights old and eleven nights and thirteen nights and thirty nights and when it is one night old.’
  Apuleius was writing in the second century but his writings could not be printed before the invention of the printing press. He was a Berber from Algeria, North Africa parts of which were colonized by the Roman Empire.
   In Latin, vinca means to bind, and this was the name given to the trailing periwinkle as it is a creeper, which makes it good ground cover for lazy gardeners. The name ‘periwinkle’ comes from the Latin name for it, Vinca pervinca which became perwincke in Old English and then perwince in Middle English. Interestingly though peri is Urdu for fairy but means around in Greek.. We have the colour named after this flower, periwinkle blue, as used in “Aaron’s Rod” by D.H. Lawrence at the beginning of the 20th century:-
  “ She sat down opposite him, and her beautifully shapen legs, in frail, goldish stockings,  
     seemed to glisten metallic naked, thrust from out of the wonderful, wonderful skin,
     like periwinkle-blue velvet.”
Chaucer mentions the periwinkle too, calling it the ‘Parwynke’ and in an early 16th century Herball written by Macer, we find this-
   “Parwynke is an erbe grene of colour
In Tyme of May he beryth blo flour,
His stalkys ain (are) so feynt and feye
Yet never more growyth he hey (high).”
In other words the stems aren’t very strong but it can grow tall, with blue flowers which appear in May. He also says “men calle it ye Juy of Grownde.” (Joy of the ground)
  In 1798 William Wordsworth, in his poem, “Lines Written in Early Spring” also mentions this flower,
   “Though primrose tufts in that sweet bower
     The fair periwinkle trailed its wreaths.”
The flower and snail appear in various works of literature in fact, so don’t be confused by them.
  The Vinca major and minor periwinkles are native to Southern Europe and were probably introduced to Britain very early on. They may have come from France where they were called Sorcerer’s violets in ancient times, Violettes des sorciers, and they were known in Italian as Centocchio, a hundred eyes. They were also called the Flowers of Death as in Italy they were placed on the coffins of dead children. They are the Flowers of Immortality in German, while in France they symbolize friendship.
  Culpeper writing in the 17th century said that they were good to stop nosebleeds if “the leaves be chewed” and thought they were good incases of hysterics “and othere fits.” He advocated that the young flowering tops be made into a conserve and given to children to protect them from nightmares and though the periwinkle was a cure for anxiety and nervousness.
  Others believed that wrapping a trailing vine of periwinkles around the legs could get rid of cramps, while an ointment made with them and lard was useful for piles. The herb should be gathered in spring and dried for later use.
  Dioscorides (1st century AD) and others seemed to think that periwinkles were good for poisonous bites, and those from any wild beasts. It was also believed by the Romans that if you carried the plant around with you it would make you well-liked wherever you went and help you become prosperous.
   All the above ground parts of the plant can be used, and it has been found to contain indole alkaloids, tannins, bioflavonoids including quercetin and kaempferol, and is used in Europe mainly for its astringent properties. It has been used for problems in the digestive tract including colitis and gastro-enteritis, and the tisane made from it can be used on the skin on problems such as weeping eczema, and any other irritation. As a gargle it can be used for mouth ulcers, bleeding gums and sore throats, while the tisane can stop excessive menstruation and bleeding between periods.
    Ratanjot is the Madagascar periwinkle with Latin names Vinca rosea, Catharanthus roseus or pusillus or Lochnera pusilla which apart from presumably being native to Madagascar is also said to be a native of the Indian sub-continent. This one can have red, pink or white flowers and can have pink and white flowers on the same plant. The trailing stems are used for basket weaving, while the plant has many traditional medical uses, apart from the ones already mentioned for the European periwinkles. This one can grow to heights of 3 feet and is used to help in cases of diabetes as an insulin substitute. Vinca major, the Greater periwinkle, has also been used in this way for centuries. The flowers are used as an eyewash for eye irritations and infections, and the plant is used to lower high blood pressure. However it does this quickly so should only be taken on a doctor’s advice. In India and Pakistan it is also used as a treatment for cancer, especially for leukaemia, and it is said to relieve muscle pain and depresses the central nervous system. Apparently it is also used for wasp stings. In the Philippines it is also used for diabetes.
  The tisane below can be used for excessive menstruation, although advice should be sought from a doctor before taking any herbal medication.
1 tsp dried periwinkle plant, crumbled
1 cup boiling water
honey to taste

Pour the boiling water over the herb and leave to steep for 10-15 minutes before straining and drinking. Three cups a day seem to be the maximum dosage, but two might be safer.
This has Taste and is a Treat(ment).


The Australian tea tree is the plant we get tea tree oil from; despite the name this oil doesn’t come from the tea plant (Camellia sinensis), which doesn’t have oil in its leaves, or not so you’d notice.
   The Tea tree can grow to heights of 19 feet or 6 metres, and can be 4 metres or 13 feet broad. It has a bushy crown and papery bark, and the oil is extracted from the leaves and twigs. It is a member of the Myrtaceae or myrtle family of plants. So it is related to the eucalyptus trees (safeda), also native to Australia, allspice, guava (amrood), and cloves.
It is a native of New South Wales. It is actually more of an aromatic shrub than a tree in most cases, as you can see from the photos. It is self-pollinating as the flowers are hermaphrodites, having both male and female organs.
  In May 2011 the tea tree and the eucalyptus, honey and macadamia nuts were featured on a set of stamps which commemorate the plant industries of Australia. The industry surrounding tea tree oil is now expanding, although after the Second World War it fell into decline.
  Tea tree oil has been used by the aborigines for centuries for curing skin infections and to cleanse wounds and promote healing. They would run bruised leaves directly onto the area of skin affected to cure the wound, or rash or fungal infection. They also made a tisane from the leaves. When Captain James Cook began his exploration of Australia in the 1770s he came across a group of Bandjalunga aborigines who would bathe in a lagoon where tea tree leaves had fallen and been steeping for some time. He was given a tisane made from the leaves and believed it was a tea substitute. This is how the tree probably got its English name.
  The tea tree and its oil has been used in Australia for centuries, then, although it wasn’t until 1922 that Dr Arthur Penfold, an Australian chemist, carried out research into tea tree oil’s antiseptic properties. His research proved it to be a powerful cleanser and healer, and it became a must-have item in Australian medicine cabinets.
  During World War II there was a need for antiseptics to prevent infections from wounds, and soon the stocks of tea tree oil had been depleted. It was expensive too and cheaper antiseptics were produced. It wasn’t until the 1960s that tea tree oil became sought after again and farms were established to produce more tea tree oil. It is known to help cure fungal infections such as thrush (candida) and during the sixties the sexual revolution was taking place, partly due to the freedom offered by the contraceptive pill. Since that time tea tree oil has gone from strength to strength and today it is farmed in a sustainable way.
  .Tea tree oil can be used to get rid of dandruff, so is good for the hair, and it is often used as mouthwash to kill germs. It is also useful to stop acne.Apart from that it can be used for fungal infections under the nails and on the skin, as it can cure athletes’ foot and ringworm. It has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and antiseptic properties and research published in 2010 found that it could inhibit the growth of cancerous tumours in mice in the lab. However it is too early to say if it can do the same in humans. It can also be used as an expectorant and to promote sweating during fevers.
  Pregnant women and breast-feeding mothers should not use tea tree oil, as it may alter hormone levels. It has cause breast enlargement in young boys, and if you use it as a mouthwash, don’t swallow it.
  Tea tree oil has a lot of benefits if it is used with care. Don’t use too much of it.


In the ancient world, oats were looked down upon by the ancient Greeks and Romans as being fit only for animal fodder. Indeed the Romans belittled the Germanic tribes who were to destroy the might of the Roman Empire as “oat-eating barbarians.” They did, however along with the ancient Greeks, understand that an oat bath could help the skin if a person had eczema or burns, or just dry and irritated skin. Today oats are used in cosmetics, and an oatmeal face mask will rejuvenate tired skin. You can make your own by blending oats and water into a paste and applying to your face; after 20 minutes rinse the oat face pack off your face with tepid water.
Oat groats
  Alexander the Great is said to have fed his horse only on oats to make it strong, but even though the ancients recognized that oats were good for animals, they didn’t want to eat them themselves. Perhaps because of this antipathy towards them, oats were the last of the world’s major grains to be domesticated.
  They have of course come into the English language, as in the phrase “to sow your wild oats” meaning to have a good a time as possible while young so that you will have got wildness out of your system by the time you marry. It is used for bachelors and to imply that they can have as many sexual relationships as they can before marriage.
   Oats are thought to have originated in Asia, possibly in Turkey and perhaps came from the wild red oat. They were regarded as weeds as they frequently grew in fields planted with the more esteemed barley and wheat. They were used in medicine long before they were used as a foodstuff for humans, and even now, only 5 % of the oats grown in the world are destined for human consumption. Oats are used for pasture, hay and silage.
  The oldest remains of oat grains were found dating back to 2000BC in ancient Egypt, but is unclear as to whether or not they were just weeds or cultivated oats. They were cultivated in Bronze Age Switzerland (1,500-500 BC) and were cultivated in northern countries, including Britain and Scandinavia as a staple grain crop in Mediaeval times. The Scots colonists took them to North America in 1602 and planted the first oats on the Elizabeth Islands off the coast of Massachusetts. The Scots took to eating oats and of course, oat porridge is traditionally eaten for breakfast. Samuel Johnson in his dictionary comments that oats “are eaten by people in Scotland, but fit only for horses in England.” It should be noted that the English of that time considered their Welsh, Scottish and Irish neighbours as being in some way inferior to them.
  The problem with oats was that they tend to go rancid quickly after harvesting because of their natural fat content and the fat dissolving enzyme present in the grain. They are now processed as soon as they are harvested in order to preserve them.
  There is an old nursery rhyme querying how things grow which goes like this:-
      “Oats, peas, beans and barley grow,
       Oats, peas, beans and barley grow, 
         Can you or I or anyone know
       How oats, peas, beans and barley grow?”
 This shows how much oats and the other crops mentioned were staples in the British diet.
  As with barley, there are different types of oats that you can buy, but the best in terms of nutrition and health benefits are the ones which have undergone the least processing, so there is very little nutritional value in Instant Oats, or Quick oats. The Irish groats or steel-cut groats are good as they are firmer than rolled oats. They are good for hot cereals such as porridge and for musli. You should soak them before using them though, preferably overnight. Oat bran is used in bread and rolled oats can be ground at home to make flour which is gluten-free.
  Oats can be used as a topping on fruit crumbles as well as in biscuits, breads and cakes. They can also be added to soups and stews.
  In traditional medicine in Northern Europe, oats were used for the skin and conditions such as eczema as described above. They were given to patients recovering from an illness in the form of what was called “gruel” although this was not just water and oats as the name might imply. The basic ingredients were water and oats, but sugar, lemons, wine and raisins were added and this gruel was used to relieve anxiety, as a stimulant, and was easy to digest when someone had a fever. It was believed to soothe inflammation of the gastro-intestinal tract also.
rolled oats
  Baths with oatmeal in them were not only for skin problems but used to cure insomnia, and to relieve anxiety. Oats were considered an aphrodisiac by some (believe it or not), and were used to cure constipation, as they are packed with dietary fibre and for diarrhoea too. They contain silica which is good for mails, hair, skin, bones and connective tissue. They were considered good for rheumatism as they have anti-inflammatory properties, and for stomach problems, as well as for gallbladder and kidney ailments.
  Now we understand them more, we know that they might be good for diabetics, as they control blood sugar levels and their insoluble fibres help to protect the gastro-intestinal tract from carcinogens. They are also believed to be good for the cardio-vascular system and may reduce the risks of heart disease and may also protect against certain cancers such as prostate and breast cancer.  Like barley they contain beta-glucan which may speed up the body’s response to infection and so result in faster healing.  Oats can help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and also protect the cardio-vascular system.
  Oats contain lignans, as do flax seeds and pumpkin seeds, coffee, tea, red wine and nuts which are linked to decreased risk of hormone related cancers such as ovarian cancer, breast and prostate cancers. They also contain tocotrienols which are potent antioxidants and which together with tocophanols combine to make vitamin E. Oats also contain some of the B-complex vitamins and Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. They contain 18 amino acids and the minerals selenium, potassium, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, magnesium phosphorous and boron.
  Having oats or barley in your diet can significantly lower the risks of some diseases.

250 gr flour, sifted
75 gr rolled oats
200 gr butter
125 gr unrefined brown sugar
1 tbsp crushed almonds

1½ lbs fresh peaches, peeled and stoned, cut into slices
2 inch cinnamon stick broken in two
½  cup stoned dates (optional)
glass white wine

Rub the flour and butter together until the mixture is like breadcrumbs then rub in the remaining ingredients.
Preheat the oven to Gas mark 4 / 180°C / 350°F.
In a greased dish layer the peach slices and dates, and add the spices.
Top with the crumble mixture and bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes until the crumble topping is golden brown.
Serve hot or cold with fresh cream, ice cream or custard.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


There seems to be some confusion about these types of peppers which should be cleared up before we start. In British English we call these peppers by their colour, so we have green peppers, red peppers, yellow and orange ones as well as brown, purple and white peppers. In American English they are Bell peppers because of their shape, or sweet peppers, to distinguish between these and chilli peppers. These peppers are in the Solanaceae family so are related to baingan (aubergines or eggplants), potatoes, nipple fruit, nightshade and tomatoes.
  Not all red peppers start off green some begin by being white, and not all green peppers will turn red, as they are harvested when ripe and dark green and glossy. However, most red peppers are ripe green ones. Yellow peppers start off green but are supposed to be yellow; they are sweeter and juicier and taste more like fruit than all other peppers. Equally orange peppers are meant to be orange and are sweet and mild. Purple peppers are green inside, and turn green when cooked, so they are best used to make a colourful salad. Basically peppers come in various shades because they variants of Capsicum annum.
  These peppers contain no capsaicin which is found in green chillies and red ones. This is the substance that makes chillies hot and spicy. Sweet peppers and chillies are in the same family but are in no way related to black pepper. Columbus discovered these peppers in South America when he was looking for black pepper, and they were first known in Spanish as pimiento. The pimiento pepper is actually a sweet one, but is heart-shaped rather than bell shaped, and this is the pepper used to stuff green olives. There are other pepper varieties including the banana pepper, so-called because it is yellow and shaped like a banana.
   The red pepper is the best in terms of health benefits as it contains more vitamins and nutrients than the other peppers. It is best used raw in salads to get the full health benefits. It has 9 times more carotene in it than a green one, and twice the vitamin C content. These also contain lycopene which is what makes them red, the same substance is found in watermelons and tomatoes. This is good for a man’s prostate health and for erectile dysfunctions. It also seems to help lower the risk of heart diseases. It may also help the eyes by helping to prevent cataracts.
  When green peppers are subjected to a high heat, such as when grilled they lose most of their lutein content, so they are best cooked for a short period on a low heat. Add them to dishes just before they are ready (about 15 minutes before).
  The pepper has been cultivated for more than 9,000 years in South and Central America to which it is native. Mexico is now the world’s second largest commercial producer after China, with the US third.
  In China these peppers are used in traditional medicine for digestive problems and to improve blood circulation.
  Tomatoes and sweet peppers are the only two vegetables which contain two-thirds of all listed nutrients; they have 18 amino acids, Omega-3 fatty acid, are rich in vitamins A and C, and contain the minerals iron, copper, calcium, molybdenum, zinc, selenium, manganese and magnesium as well as zeaxanthin and lutein (carotenoids) among other substances including dietary fibre.
  Use the coloured ones in salads and as garnishes and the green ones for cooking and try this tasty recipe below; it is fusion food, being typically Greek with added Asian influences.

4 green peppers
4 Mediterranean beef tomatoes
1 large onion, finely chopped
4 cloves garlic, finely chopped
¼ cup olive oil
1 heaped tbsp rice per vegetable to be stuffed
50 gr pine nuts, dry fried
2 tsps cumin seeds dry fried and ground
50 gr sultanas
1 handful of fresh mint leaves shredded
2 handfuls shredded fresh coriander leaves or flat-leaves parsley
100gr grated Parmesan cheese, or kephalotyri, or Graviera
½ inch piece of cassia bark for each vegetable
1 glass white wine
olive oil
a little sugar
salt and freshly ground black pepper

Preheat the oven to Gas mark 5, 180°C / 375° F.
Remove the tops from the vegetables and reserve for later use.
Remove the seeds and membranes from the peppers, keeping them in tact.
Remove the pulp from the tomatoes and puree it.
Mix the rice, onions, garlic, olive oil, pine nuts, sultanas, cumin seeds, fresh herbs, and Parmesan cheese together with the tomato puree and stuff this into each vegetable leaving about ¼ inch from the top so that the rice can expand.
Put a small piece of cassia bark in the middle of each vegetable stuffing.
Top with lids which you have in reserve.
Place all the vegetables, upright in a baking tray and pour the chicken stock and white wine into the tray so that it comes a quarter of the way up the vegetables.
Baste the vegetables with a little olive oil and the stock.
Cook for 1¾ hours of until the peppers are tender.
Turn off the oven and leave the vegetables to settle for another hour.
Serve with a Greek salad and extra Feta cheese.
This has Taste and is a Treat.



Ragged robins are native to the British Isles, Europe and western Asia, and love to grow in damp ground. They can be found growing in buttercup fields and along with Bugle, meadowsweet and marsh mallow. I loved to see them when I was very young because I had been told fairies made dresses from their ragged petals and this annoyed the goblins whose flowers they were. Apparently they are associated with goblins and evil spirits in some parts of the British Isles. I had thought that my grandfather was making up tales to amuse me.
  They can grow to heights of 75 cms but they are more often about knee height. There are white ones as well as the pink ones, and they attract bees and butterflies, which feed on the nectar.
  Writing in his Herball Gerard refers to them as Crowsfoot, says that they have no medicinal value, “but they serve, for garlands and crownes and to decke up gardens.” However, along with other Lychnis varieties they were, albeit unbeknownst to Gerard, used as a remedy for jaundice. Ragged Robins were also used along with Common or English ivy for common ailments such as stomach aches, toothache, headaches and muscle strains among other things, and were known as ‘magical’ herbs.
  The Latin name, Lychnis comes from the Greek word, for lamp, and these flowers stand out against a green background, attracting both people and insects. Flos -cuculi means cuckoo flower, and the ragged robin is sometimes known by this name, as is Lady’s Smock, to which it is not related nor is it related to the Cuckoo pint. Its pink (or white) petals have ragged edges, and perhaps it gets the name robin from the red-breasted bird, or Robin Goodfellow or Puck a mischievous imp or goblin in British folklore (and Shakespeare). It is a member of the carnation family of plants, the Caryophyllaceae.
  There are two superstitions surrounding ragged robin; the first is that bachelors would carry it in their pockets and if they didn’t die, but thrived, they believed this was a sign that they would be lucky in love. Young girls would give ragged robin plants the names of village boys and the flower that came out first bore the name of the boy the girl who had named the flower would marry.
  In the Language of Flowers, the ragged robin is a symbol of ardour and wit.
  The root contains saponins and has been used in the past as a soap substitute mainly for washing clothes. The flowers were also used, boiled in water and the water used to rinse hair after shampooing, to make it soft and fragrant.
  It may not be the most beneficial plant, but it is a pretty sight in the countryside.