For centuries people have been commenting on the oxlip’s similarity to cowslips (Primula veris) and they have been described as cowslip stems with primrose flowers. They are members of the Primulaceae family of plants and so are related to moneywort or creeping Jenny and the scarlet pimpernel (Anagallis arvensis), all of which are native to Europe, including the British Isles. However oxlips are now mainly found in eastern counties, and are rare further south than Hertfordshire.
  Oxlips are used in the same ways as cowslips in traditional herbal medicine, and in 2008, 23rd September the European Medicines Agency published an assessment report on the tow and concluded that preparations containing the flowers could be regarded as safe as they have been used for more than thirty years without reports of deaths or adverse side effects other than allergies. They have been used for coughs and catarrh and bronchitis as well as for their diuretic properties and so were useful for gout and rheumatism. They have also been used for headaches and migraines and in fevers to promote sweat.
  The root extracts containing saponins have been found to have antibacterial and fungicidal effects too.
  The young leaves may be eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable, like spinach, or added to soups and stews. They have a mild flavour and can be found in woodlands in late winter and early spring.
    Oxlips can mainly be found in ancient woodlands which have oak, ash, field maple and hazel as dominant tree species. Oxlips have a preference for shady places and are sometimes confused with the false oxlip (Primula x polyantha), but these have shorter stems and a deeper yellow or golden flower.
  Nicholas Culpeper the English herbalist writing in the 17th century had this to say about the oxlip, which he thought might have been a hybrid species: -
Government and virtues. It is a plant of Venus, and is good against disorders of the nerves. The root has the principal virtue; the country people boil this in ale, and give it for giddinesses of the head, with success. The juice of the plant, mixed with veinegar, is also used to snuff up the nose against head-achs. It is less violent than the juice of the primrose root, and answers the same purpose very well.”
  It would seem that this plant is safe to use, but cannot be taken from the wild because of its protected status. In former times, it was harvested in April and May when in flower and dried for later use. It is common to find oxlip and primrose in preparations with other herbs these days.


There are several trees in the Alstonia genus, all in the Apocynaceae family, which means that they are related to the oleander and bitter oleander, among others. They grow across the tropics but originated in south-east Asia, being indigenous to Thailand, the Nicobar Islands and the Moluccas, Malaysia, parts of Indonesia and Viet Nam. They were introduced into Sri Lanka and have become naturalized there and are one of the most prominent trees in the secondary rainforests. They are becoming invasive in the Seychelles where they were introduced, and have become naturalized in Hawaii.
  Alstonia macrophylla has long leaves which grow in threes, and it is the length which gives it the name macrophylla (big leaves in Greek). These can be up to 30 centimetres long and 7 centimetres wide. It is an evergreen tree which grows to medium height, and can be found in the tropics.
  In the Indian subcontinent the bark is ground to a powder and mixed with water to form a paste which is applied to the skin to treat various skin diseases. In the Philippines it is used in traditional medicine as a remedy for a number of ailments. The main parts used are the leaves and bark, and the tree sap which is a latex which is also used for skin problems, particularly for sores and ulcers.  The bark is used powdered, in decoctions, infusions and tinctures boiled in decoctions with water or wine. It is used for fevers, as a general tonic for general debility, to promote lactation in breast-feeding mothers, and in cases of cholera. It is also used to heal wounds.
  The leaves can be greased with coconut oil and then heated and applied as a hot poultice to sprains, bruises and dislocated joints, much in the way mallow is used in western countries.
  The leaves contain tannin, triterpenoid, flavonoid, sterol, alkaloid and reducing sugars, and a few tests have been carried out on the different parts of this tree which suggest that the indole alkaloids have some cytotoxic effect on human lung cancer cell lines. (“Cytotoxic activity of indole alkaloids from Alstonia macrophylla “ Keawpradub, N. et al)
  It may also have some effect as a vaginal contraceptive according to another study, “Sperm mobility inhibiting activity of phytosterols from Alstonia macrophylla Wall. ex A. DC leaf extract: A tribal medicine” Indian Journal of Experimental Biology 2005 Vol. 43 (11) pp 1104-9.
  Few studies have been carried out on this tree but it would seem that some of the traditional uses have been proven as studies have shown that it has antimicrobial and bacterial properties against some of the herpes viruses, and that it has some anti-inflammatory properties (the leaves are used for rheumatic pains in some traditional medicine systems) and can be of use in fevers.


As the name Creeping Jenny suggests, this plant provides good ground cover as it trails its way for up to 2 feet along the ground, and its leaves resemble coins, said to look like an old British penny, hence the name moneywort or money plant, and the Latin name nummularia. The genus name Lysimarchia may come from the name of the ancient Greek king, Lysimarchus, or else, lysis, in Greek means release from, and machia means fight, battle or strife.  The plant is a member of the Primulaceae family and so is related to the cowslip, common or English primrose, oxlip, cyclamens and the scarlet pimpernel.
  The plant is native to Europe and can be found in Sweden, Britain, and northern Greece through to the Caucasus. It likes to grow in wet places and I used to find it in watery ditches and hedgerows, but it also likes ponds and boggy ground and some people plant it in their ponds, although the garden varieties have golden rather than green leaves.
  It used to be renowned as a wound healer, and if you place its bruised leaves on a fresh wound it will help staunch the blood and heal it more quickly. It can also be used on older wounds, and is most effective if you make an infusion from the leaves and flowers, then use this as a wash. In Mediaeval times a decoction was made with the leaves and flowers boiled in wine or water for washing wounds and sores.
  In the Chinese medical system, it is used internally to remove stones from the internal organs. John Gerard, writing in the 16th century says that it was used for children’s “chinnie” coughs when boiled in wine and laced with honey. This was the term for what is now called whooping cough. It is easy to see how the corruption of chinnie became Jenny or even in some parts of Britain, Charlie, as another local name for this plant is Creeping Charlie.
  It was also believed that if snakes injured themselves, they would seek out moneywort to heal themselves. This gave rise to another name for the plant “Serpentaria.”
  Apart from its use as a wound healer it was also used as a diuretic so was useful in cases of gout, and because of its vitamin C content it was used to combat scurvy, which was quite common in the Middle Ages. An infusion of the whole herb was used to stop internal bleeding and because it is mildly astringent, to stop diarrhoea.
  Nicholas Culpeper writing in his herbal of the 17th century had this to say about moneywort and how it could be used for health.
  “Government and virtues. Venus owns it. Moneywort is singularly good to stay all fluxes in man or woman, whether they be lasks, bloody-fluxes, bleeding inwardly or outwardly, or the weakness of the stomach that is given to casting. It is very good also for the ulcers or excoriations of the lungs, or other inward parts. It is exceedingly good for all wounds, either fresh or green, to heal them speedily, and for all old ulcers that are of spreading natures. For all which purposes the juice of the herb, or the powder drank in water wherein hot steel hath been often quenched; or the decoction of the green herb in wine or water drank, or used to the outward place, to wash or bathe them, or to have tents dipped therein and put into them, are effectual.”
  The herb, if it is to be dried for later use, is apparently best gathered in early July when it is still in flower.


The fragrant manjack is also known as the Bird Lime tree, the Indian cherry, the clammy cherry and the soap berry tree although it should not be confused with reetha the soap nut tree. It is a member of the borage or Boraginaceae family, and as such is related to viper’s bugloss and the alkanets as well as to borage.
  It is native to tropical and sub-tropical parts of the world which include India, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar and Nepal, China and the island of Formosa, Australia, the Philippines and Polynesia.
  The tree has yellowy-white or white flowers and these are followed by yellow-white or yellow-pink fruit which has only a little pulp and a hard seed-containing kernel.(This is called Lasora in Pakistan.) It is cultivated for its fruit in areas where it is native, and the unripe fruit is pickled and used for animal food, as are the leaves. The seeds and kernel contain fatty oils and proteins so have potential use as cattle fodder. The wood from the tree is used for agricultural implements and for firewood.
  Cordia dichotoma was named in honour of the 16th century German botanist, Valerius Cordus and it has its other appellation dichotoma because its divisions are always in pairs.
  The fresh fruit is used in traditional medicine for its laxative properties, and for chest complaints, while dried it is an expectorant and clears nasal and bronchial congestion. The kernels when mixed with oil are applied on affected areas to get rid of ringworm.
  When the fresh bark is moistened in a little water it is applied to boils and tumours and also the bark is used internally for headaches and stomach aches. A decoction of the bark is said to aid digestion and clear up digestive problems. It contains tannin so is also used for diarrhoea and dysentery and during fevers. The powdered bark is put on mouth ulcers and an infusion made with it is used as a gargle for sore throats. The sap from the bark is mixed with coconut milk for colic, while the fresh fruit is also used for gonorrhoea.
  The seeds have anti-inflammatory properties and both these and the seed kernel are also used in traditional medicine. The tree is used as an immuno-modulator, for diabetes, to protect and heal the liver and as a diuretic. In Ayurveda the leaves and stem bark are used to treat dyspepsia, fever, diarrhoea and leprosy. The leaves are used for hepatitis and for asthma in children.
  In Myanmar the leaves are used for cigar wrappings and in other parts of the world the leaves are used as food wrappers and steamed.
  It has been found that the leaves and seeds have antioxidant properties with the leaves being more powerful than the seeds in this regard. Reena Singh et al. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research Vol. 2 (1) article 006, May-June 2010, “Role of Cordia dichotoma seeds and leaves extract in degenerative disorders” conclude; -
  “…it is suggested that Cordia dichotoma could be a potential source of natural antioxidants that could have great importance as a therapeutic agent in preventing or slowing down the progress of ageing and age associated oxidative stress related degenerative disorder.”
  However they point out that more research is needed.
  In another study published in August 2011, Ganjara, A.B. et al. Pharmaceutical Biology Vol 49 (8) pp 850-855, “Use of Cordia dichotoma bark in the treatment of ulcerative colitis” state that their study supports the traditional usage of Cordia dichotoma for ulcerative colitis.
  More studies could also prove some of the traditional uses of Fragrant Manjack to have a scientific basis.