Yomogi or Japanese mugwort is related to the common mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) found in Europe and to a plethora of other Artemisia species which include, tarragon, (A. dracunculus), Common wormwood (A. absinthum), Sweet wormwood (A. annua), Sea wormwood (A. maritima), southernwood (A. arbrotanum) and field southernwood (A. campestris). As a member of the Asteraceae or Compositae family it is also related to the daisy, sunflower, pellitory or Roman chamomile, marigolds, bur marigolds, Mouse ear hawkweed,  purple goat’s beard (salsify), yellow goat’s beard, the Sea Aster or Sea starwort , michaelmas daisies, elecampane, the ox-eye daisy, holy thistles, costmary, tansy, feverfew, groundsel , fleabane and yarrow, just to list a few of its relatives.
 The genus name Artemisia comes from the Greek goddess Artemis (Roman equivalent of Diana) the goddess of hunting, who is said to have given these plants to Chiron the centaur to practise his healing arts.         
  The leaves and new shouts or sprouts from this plant are edible, with the blanched leaves being added to the sticky rice dumplings called mochi, which can be found in health food shops in countries other than Japan. It is used in traditional medicine in East Asia where it grows; in China, Japan and Korea. In Japan it is either taken orally or used in moxibustion which is a burning of compact bundles of the herb at acupoints on the body.
  It is used to treat inflammatory diseases and inflammation generally, and piles, circulation problems and ailment which arise from these, and is also used to treat cancers, ulcers and digestive problems.
  There have been numerous research studies done on this herb in order to discover if the traditional uses can be supported by scientific evidence. However although there are studies, these have not always been replicated, so the evidence is not totally compelling.
  It has been found to have anti-inflammatory effects, and it may have neuroprotective actions (“Neuroprotective effect of caffeoylquinic acids from Artemisia princeps Pampanini against oxidative stress-induced toxicity in PC-12 cells”, Lee S. O. et al; in the Journal of Food Science, 2011, Vol. 76 (2) pp 230-6.) The study concludes, “These results indicate that phenolics from A. princeps Pampanini alleviated the oxidative stress and enhanced the viability of PC-12 cells, suggesting that it may be applied as a dietary antineurodegenerative agent in functional foods.”
 One study has shown that it can inhibit the growth of tumours in vivo and in particular those of cervical cancer “Standardized flavonoid-rich fraction of Artemisia princeps Pampanini cv. Sajabal induces apoptosis via mitochondrial pathway in human cervical cancer HeLa cells.” Ju H. K. et al in Journal of Ethnopharmacology 2012 May 7; Vol.141 (1):pp. 460-8. Another study suggests that it may in future help in the treatment of asthma as well as being able to inhibit the growth of tumours. (Bae, E.A. et al. Journal of Microbiology, 2007, Vol. 17 (9) pp 1554-7.)

  Eupofolin has been extracted from the plant and this flavonoid has been shown to inhibit the growth of several human cancer cells. This is described by Chung, K. S. et al in the Journal of Molecular Nutrition and Food Research, 2010, Vol. 54 September pp.1318-28.
  The essential oil from the plant contains eucalyptol (found in eucalyptus trees too) and a-terpineol which can inhibit the growth of bacteria such as Candida. (“Artemisia princeps Pamp. Essential oil and its constituents eucalyptol and α-terpineol ameliorate bacterial vaginosis and vulvovaginal candidiasis in mice by inhibiting bacterial growth and NF-κB activation. Trinh H.T et al.in Planta Medica 2011 Vol. 77 (18) pp1996-2002.)

  It may also help, if taken in the long term, to combat obesity and diabetes according to Norio Yamamoto et al., in Food and Function issue 1 (2) pp. 45-52, Anti-obesity and anti-diabetic effects of ethanol extract of Artemisia princeps in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet”     
  The leaves have potent antioxidant actions too.
 Clearly this plant is worth taking a closer look at as it may have the potential to help us combat several diseases.



The European Michaelmas daisy gets its name because it blooms around the time of St. Michael’s day (Michael the archangel) which is celebrated on the 29th September. It is also called Italian starwort and in Italian is Astro di Vergilio, or Virgil’s Aster. This is no doubt because Virgil mentions it in his Georgics written more than 2,000 years ago. This is a translation of the passage in which the asters are mentioned

“There is a useful flower                                                                     
Growing in the meadows, which the country folk
Call star-wort, not a blossom hard to find,
For its large cluster lifts itself in air                                                   
Out of one root; its central orb is gold
But it wears petals in a numerous ring
Of glossy purplish blue; ’tis often laid
In twisted garlands at some holy shrine.
Bitter its taste; the shepherds gather it
In valley-pastures where the winding streams
Of Mella flow. The roots of this, steeped well,
In hot, high-flavored wine, thou may’st set down
At the hive door in baskets heaping full.”
  From this passage we assume that it was placed on some altars to the ancient gods, perhaps because It was a late bloomer, although there are other legends associated with the aster such as the one that when Astraea a goddess fled Earth with the rest of the gods, she looked down at it and wept for the folly of mankind. Another legend says that Virgo scattered stardust on Earth and asters bloomed where it fell.
  It does indeed have a bitter, acrid taste, but the leaves of the young plant are cooked and are nutritious, containing vitamins A and C they were useful against the onset of scurvy, and they also contain some of the B-complex vitamins, particularly thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3). They are potassium rich and also contain the minerals calcium, iron and phosphorous.
These plants are native to Europe and East Asia and have been cultivated in Britain at least since 1596, as we know that they grew in John Gerard’s Holborn Physic garden then.
  Mediaeval herbalists used this plant to treat tumours, obstruction of the bowels, hysteria and epilepsy- some very diverse diseases. They actually can help with coughs, and have anti-inflammatory properties, and can help eliminate toxins from the body. They are used to treat bronchial and chest complaints and to check bleeding.
  Pliny believed that a tisane made with asters was good for snakebites and he encouraged people who suffered from sciatica to wear an amulet of these plants. The ancient Greeks burnt the leaves to get rid of evil spirits and snakes.
  Michaelmas daisies mean ‘farewell’ in the Language of Flowers. They are members of the daisy, Asteraceae or Compositae family and so are related to pellitory or Roman chamomile, marigolds, bur marigoldspurple goat’s beard (salsify), yellow goat’s beard, the Sea Aster or Sea starwort (which they closely resemble) elecampane, the ox-eye daisy, holy thistles, costmary, tansy, feverfew, groundsel , fleabane and yarrow, just to list a few of its relatives.


The fragrant water lily or Beaver root, is native to North and Central America, and also Cuba. Another indigenous American water lily is Nelumbo lutea the American lotus. However, this white, fragrant water lily is an invasive weed in Washington State and other parts of the U.S. but it has been used in traditional medicine by Native Americans for centuries.
   It is a member of the Nymphaceae family of plants, and lives in slow-moving streams and rivers, as well as in ponds, lakes, marshes, in ditches and canals. It comes into flower during the months of July and August, with its seeds ripening between August and October. It is grown by many people with water gardens as it has a wonderful fragrance, although the flower only opens in the morning; it closes in the afternoon.                                                                           
  Almost all parts of the fragrant water lily plant are edible; the young flower buds can be pickled or cooked in a similar way to the flower buds of the kachnar or Mountain orchid tree. The leaves may be eaten either raw or cooked and can be added to soups and stews. The root can be boiled or roasted while the ripe seeds can be cooked and eaten, or ground into flour. The young flowers are also edible and make wonderful garnishes.

  The root and leaves are the main parts of the plant used in medicine. A tisane made from the roots has been used to treat T.B. and chronic bronchial complaints, but has to be taken over a prolonged period of time, and there are some health concerns regarding the prolonged use of the root. The root has antiseptic and astringent properties, probably because of the presence of gallic and tannic acids. The tannins and gallic acid would explain why the root was used for diarrhoea, dysentery, to stop bleeding, for inflammation and gastro-intestinal problems. It was also used as a remedy for gonorrhoea and vaginal discharge.
  A hot poultice of the roots was used on swellings and tumours, as well as on inflamed skin. It is best to harvest the roots after the plant has died back, and these may be dried for later use.
  There have been a few studies conducted on this plant, as it is also used in the Ayurveda system of medicine in the Indian subcontinent. It is used traditionally there to get rid of stones in the bodily organs. One study, by Ramesh S. Deoda et al. “Antilithiatic Activity of Leaves, Bulb and Stem of Nymphaea odoratata and Dolichos lablab Beans” in the Research Journal of Pharmaceutical, Biological and Chemical Sciences, Vol. 3 (1) Jan- March 2012, concludes that the leaves and bulbs of the fragrant water lily have good antilithiatic activity.
  Another study in the International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences March 2012, Vol.4 (2) suggests that the “leaf extract possesses promising antidiabetic effects”.

  Trials have also been conducted on the use of the fragrant water lily extracts n cosmetics. Clearly more research needs to be done to discover how the plant can benefit our health.


As I write this I can smell the distinct aroma of wintergreen oil which was a favourite of my father’s for massage. He used a gel-like substance which heated and relaxed muscles and when he was giving someone a massage, the whole house was filled with the spicy, tangy smell which hits the back of your throat in much the same way as the combination of eucalyptus and menthol (essential oil of mint) does. I also remember just one time when the person who had come for a massage didn’t get one; my father said he couldn’t do anything for him and advised him to go to a doctor. The poor man died some weeks later from cancer.                                     
  Wintergreen is also called Checkerberry and Teaberry, and is native to eastern North America. It has synonyms for its botanical name too, including Gaultheria repens, G. humilis and Brossaea procumbens; its accepted name is Gaultheria procumbens. Wintergreen is a member of the Ericaceae family of plants and so is related to bilberries, blueberries, cranberries, the strawberry tree and the Greek strawberry tree, among other plants. There is one site in Scotland where it was introduced and has taken hold. However in Britain there are other species of “wintergreen”.
   The fruit and leaves are edible and the leaves may be snacked on raw, although they are bland, but pleasant to eat. The leaves may be used fresh or dried in a tisane, to get rid of the discomfort caused by flatulence.
  The essential oil distilled from the plant is toxic in large doses, so care should be taken if it is used. It may cause dermatitis too and you shouldn’t use it if you are allergic to aspirin, as the plant is a source of methyl salicylate which is closely related to the substance which gives aspirin its anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to flavour toothpaste, mouthwashes and chewing gum among other items.
    The red berries are also edible, although these have that flavour that I attempted to describe in the first paragraph, it has been described as like a spicy medicinal taste, but people make pies and jams with it, so perhaps it isn’t as bad as all that! The bell-shaped white flowers of wintergreen remind me of single lily-of-the valley flowers.                                                                                                          
  This wintergreen is an evergreen shrub which grows to heights of around eight inches but which creeps (hence the species’ name procumbens) along the ground, providing excellent ground cover. The berries are said to be best for eating after a frost, and the fruit, if the birds don’t eat it, or browsing deer, will remain on the plant all winter.
 Native Americans used the leaves to help their respiration and as a stimulant while hunting or carrying heavy loads. The leaves and oil were used to promote women’s menstrual flow and as an analgesic. As the plant has anti-inflammatory properties it was also used to ease the pains of neuralgia, sciatica, rheumatism and other inflammatory health problems.