The asparagus we eat in Europe is Asparagus officinalis which is believed to be a native of the eastern Mediterranean region. It has been cultivated in Italy at least since 200BC as it was described in the writings of Cato the Elder. Writing later Pliny mentions a type of asparagus that grew close to Ravenna saying that three of these asparagus spears weighed one pound, or almost half a kilogram. It has been highly prized as a delicacy and used to be a favourite which only the wealthy could afford, although now it is much more readily available. You can even buy white asparagus in cans and jars, and these spears are useful for salads as they have already been cooked. They have a milder taste than the fresh green asparagus spears though.

Asparagus is useful as a diuretic and the water used to boil asparagus in can be drunk to help relieve cystitis, other inflammations of the urinary tract and it can also be used as a tonic and cleanser for the skin. It is supposed to be good to treat acne with.
It contains saponins which may have antibiotic properties, and folic acid which helps prevent birth defects, cervical, rectal and colon cancers as well as heart disease.
Eating cooked asparagus and its watery juices may help in dispersing stones that have formed in the body’s organs. Native Americans used it for kidney, bladder and heart problems. In the Indian subcontinent the most common species of asparagus is Asparagus racemosus.
It also contains beta-carotene, vitamin C and potassium, and is good for the nervous system. Culpeper recommended that the root should be boiled in wine and use to stop toothache by leaving the liquid in the mouth over the painful tooth and said that this concoction was also good for the eyesight.

If you eat a lot of asparagus don’t worry if your urine is green; that is one of the side effects. You should avoid eating the young shoots raw and avoid the red berries as these will give you a bad stomach upset.
Bundle of asparagus spears cooked and chopped or white asparagus
¼ cup mayonnaise
1 tbsp lemon juice,
2 tsps Dijon mustard
2 tsps chopped capers
½ tsp paprika
freshly ground black pepper
1 lettuce, washed
fresh coriander leaves for garnish
Place lettuce leaves in individual serving bowls as a lining.
Combine all the other ingredients and mix them well.
Put the mixture over the lettuce leaves and serve garnished with coriander leaves.
This has Taste and is a Treat.
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