Hyssop is a member of the mint family of herbs and is related to oregano, rosemary, lavender and thyme. In the past it was used as a culinary herb, although it is not often used in this way now, probably because people have grown away from nature and don’t know what to do with it. Hyssop is not a relation of Water Hyssop, despite the names, and neither is it believed to be the hyssop of the Bible as it is native to the Mediterranean regions rather than Israel and Palestine.
It was known to Hippocrates who believed it to be beneficial for all respiratory ailments, especially bronchitis and it is still used for coughs, nasal congestion and as an expectorant. It is still used in these ways in the Indian subcontinent and is called Zufa in Urdu. The word Hyssop comes from the Greek isoppos. The Romans used it to make a herbal wine, but this is not considered palatable nowadays, so is not used in this way today. The flowers smell of camphor-mothballs- so are distinctive enough to be recognized in the wild, and they have become naturalized in North America and Britain, so you can distinguish them by this fragrance. It came into its own in the Middle Ages and was grown by monks to spice up soups and sauces and add to meat dishes. Later in the 16th and 17th centuries the hot infusion was used for the vapours that came off it to cure ear problems. The old herbalists used it to cure many things and the tisane from the flowers was given for urinary tract disorders, as an emmenogogue for menstrual problems, to aid digestion and to stop spasms. Mixed with honey it was for sore throats, coughs and colds as well as to promote sweat during fevers. It should not be taken during pregnancy.

The tisane, or infusion can be made with a teaspoon of the dried herb (leaves and flowering tops) and used externally on wounds, bruises and as a skin tonic, as it is said that it helps smooth wrinkles. You can take it to relieve flatulence, aid digestion, clear the bronchial and nasal passages, as a diuretic, expectorant (with honey) , if you lose your voice (again with honey) and for stress and nervous problems. It’s best mixed with mint or lemon balm as a tisane as a refreshing drink, and you need 1tsp of the dried leaves and flowers, with a few leaves of mint or lemon balm to 1 pint of boiling water. Leave it to steep for 15- 20 minutes and drink hot with honey or sugar to taste. The tisane can regulate blood pressure and is good for asthma.

The fresh and dried flowers can be used decoratively as a garnish but they lose their smell when dries so can’t be used in pot pourris. Hyssop has been used by French monks for centuries to make the liqueurs, Benedictine and Chartreuse and it was used in the original absinthe as well as in the one on sale today. It has also been used to make soap and can be found in spicy perfumes. You can also make a grey-green dye with the plant. It can be used in sugar syrups to pour over fruit and the fresh leaves may be used as a salad green. Below is a dressing for salads and especially for salmon steaks. Try it and see if you like it.
1 tbsp Dijon mustard or green peppercorn mustard
1 tsp sugar
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsps soured cream
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
Put all the ingredients in a jar with a lid and shake well.
Leave the dressing to stand for at least an hour at room temperature and then shake well once again before pouring.
This has Taste and is a Treat.
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