The name lily still stays with this beautiful flower, despite the fact that it is not, in fact a true lily. It was first classified botanically by Linnaeus the Swedish botanist in 1753, as Calla aethiopica in the lily family, but the error was corrected in 1826 by Sprengel who renamed it Zantedeschia and placed it in a genus of its own. It is believed that he named it in honour of the Italian botanist of that name, Giovanni Zantedeschia, who lived during the early 19th century. It was named aethiopica because it was native to southern Africa. It is in the Araceae family of plants. They come in a wide range of colours and include the yellow Calla or Arum lily, a purple-black variety and even the one named the Green Goddess. It is a relative of the Flame Lily, gloriosa superba.
Green Goddess
  As a child I was fascinated by this plant which grew in a neighbour’s garden, but I thought then that it was simply a garden variety of the wild cuckoo pint.
   Its parts are toxic and will cause burning to the mouth, tongue and lips if ingested as it contains calcium oxalic crystals. It can also cause vomiting and can make it difficult to swallow.Young children should be kept away from it, although they are fascinated, as I was, by the flowers. Cats also like to play with it and it is toxic to them too. The only edible part is the rhizome.
  Despite this, the old Physicians of Myddfai found a use for it; to treat burns and scalds; here is their remedy: -
"Put the leaves of the lily, in boiling milk, and apply to the part till it is well."  
  In southern Africa, where it is indigenous and grows wild, the leaves and rhizomes are used in traditional medicine in dressing for sores and wounds, and in oral preparations for a variety of ailments.
   In Afrikaans this plant is called Varkoor which means pig’s ear. It thrives in the humidity of Madagascar, and can bloom all year if it has enough nutrients and water. It likes to live in shallow water or in moist soil, but failing that, needs rich soil and shade. The British Royal Horticultural Society has given it their Award of Garden Merit, which means that they recommend it to gardeners. It has become naturalized in all parts of the world and is considered invasive in Western Australia.
  The Romans believed that this plant was a symbol of lust and sexuality, no doubt due to its phallic stalks and the yellow spadix in the centre of the flower. They used it in the winter solstice and forced its growth indoors so that it would bloom at this time. In contrast, for early Christians the flower was a symbol of purity and chastity, and although it used to be associated with funerals (so in Wales it was considered bad luck to grow it in gardens, which was why I had only seen the one plant) it is now associated with weddings and can frequently be seen in bridal bouquets and in churches etc. It is also associated with the sixth wedding anniversary for some reason (the one before the seven-year-itch) perhaps because the husband may still think of his spouse as a magnificent beauty, which is what it symbolizes in the language of flowers.
  It is also a symbol of rebirth and resurrection, perhaps because in the Northern hemisphere at least it usually blooms around Easter time, and this is also why it is known as the Easter Lily. It was also planted on the graves of young people and children who had died an untimely death.
  This elegant flower is usually put into a single tall stem vase as its simplicity is its beauty. It needs no foliage to set it off. It has been painted by artists throughout history because it really is a magnificent beauty.


The Snake Fruit tree is native to the Indonesian island of Java and Sumatra where it grows wild. It is given this name because its fruit has skin which looks scaly like a snake’s skin. It is a palm tree in the Arecaceae family and is related to the date palm. However it has a shallow root system and although it loves humidity and rain, it is not tolerant of floods. Salak means tree bark, and the dark brown scaly skin of the snake fruit or salak is similar to the colour of bark.
  Snake Fruit is cultivated in Thailand, Malaysia and has been introduced to Queensland, Australia, New Guinea, the Philippines, and Ponope Island in the Caroline Archipelago. It is reported as growing in the pacific Island of Fiji. Now it is grown throughout Indonesia and two of the most famous cultivars are those of Bali (Salak Bali) and Salak Pondah from Java. Salak Pondah is dry and crumbly in texture, while that of Salak Bali is moist and crunchy. They are said to taste like a combination of apple, pineapple and banana. Most of the fruit is consumed in the countries where it grows, as it needs to be eaten within a week of picking to be at its best. A very small fraction of the fruit is exported to Singapore, from whence it may go further afield. It can be found in pickles “asinan salak” as these are called in Indonesia, and candied, known as “manisan salak.” The fruit is also canned and juice is also sold.
   Even where it is cultivated this fruit is not common, and in November 2010 the production of the Salak Pondah was hit when Mount Merapi erupted and volcanic ash destroyed the fruit trees in Yogyakarta province where there are around thirty cultivars of Snake Fruit trees. There is an area of 20 kilometres in diameter around Mount Merapi where crops have bee decimated by the ash from the volcano, and as these trees take three or four years to bear fruit, the farmers are in the region have been hard hit.
   The Snake Fruit trees need to be grown under shade trees and are often interspersed with banana and mango trees. The fruit grows in clusters at the base of the tree and they weigh on average about 90 grams each. The fruit is pointed at each end, and has seeds in it. The seeds of the unripe Salak Pondah fruit are edible, but those of other cultivars are not. The fruit is rich in vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid, and contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds.  Little research has been done on this tree and its fruit, although what has been done suggests that it has potent antioxidant properties. This is perhaps that the palm is a relatively recent discovery to the world, as it was only found in the 1980s. Unlike tropical fruits like the mangosteen, rambutan and lychee, the snake fruit is not soft and succulent, but on the contrary is generally firm and crisp. Unripe snake fruit is pickled and also used in a salad called rujak.


Water Avens is native to northern Europe, including the UK, Siberia and North America. It’s a member of the rose family of plants and is also known as Indian Chocolate in the States as the Native Americans used to make a chocolate type drink out of it, which was adopted by colonists as a substitute for chocolate. They also used the powdered root to treat malaria and the colonists also adopted this use, mixing it with either water or brandy. The roots were also used to cure a sore throat, giving rise to another of its names, Throat Root. This was the Physicians of Myddfai’s remedy for a sore throat:

  “For hoarseness. Take the water avens, and St. John's wort, boil in pure milk, mixing butter therewith when boiling. Boil a portion thereof briskly every morning and drink.”

 You can make a cold infusion of this by soaking the powdered root in cold water for 24 hours, and drinking ½ a cupful. For a tisane, take 1 tsp of the chopped root and pour a cup of boiling water over it. Let it steep for 30 minutes and take half a cup at night, or a tablespoon 3 times a day.  An infusion of the whole plant can be made by chopping it and pouring boiling water over it, and then allowing it to steep for 30 minutes. This is said to be good for respiratory complaints and to stop feelings of nausea. However you should not take more than ½ a cupful at a time, as it may have some bad side effects.
   In the past water avens was used to treat diarrhoea, and this probably worked as it has tannins which have astringent properties. It was also used during fevers and given for intestinal problems.
   The physicians of Myddfai used it in remedies for patients recovering from the worst effects of pneumonia,
  “Afterwards let a medicine be prepared, by digesting the following herbs in wheat ale or red wine: madder, sharp dock, anise, agrimony, daisy, round birthwort, meadow sweet, yellow goat's beard, heath, water avens, woodruff, crake berry, the corn cockle, caraway, and such other herbs as will seem good to the physician. Thus is the blessed confection prepared.”

  They also used it to cure profuse menstruation when it was used with the herb “stinking goose foot”; the physicians did not use a decaying goose’s foot. This was their remedy:
 “A woman who is subject to profuse menstruation, should take the reddish bastard balm, small burdock, orpine, stinking goose foot, pimpernel, water avens, with the ashes of a hart's horns, that has been killed with his antlers on, boiling them, as well as possible in red wine, straining the liquor carefully, and drinking it daily, till it is finished, abstaining (the while) from stimulating food. Being restrained by the above means, the blood will be habitually diverted to the thighs and ankles.”

Water avens and Seeds
   The seeds of the plant are like burrs and stick on the fur or wool of passing animals, and are thus dispersed. They prefer to live in moist places, and inhabit woodland, ditches and canal banks. The avens and water avens have much the same properties, although in 2002 a new compound was found in the water avens. The Latin name Geum means giving off a fragrance and this is thought to refer to the smell of the freshly dug up root which is like cloves. Geum urbanum is the avens, and there are other varieties too. Water avens has been found to have antimicrobial and antifungal properties in vitro, but more research is needed into its properties. It also contains Eugenol in its volatile oil and gein or humin is one of its phenolic glycosides. Eugenol is also found in cloves, allspice and bay oil.
 Water avens is said to have been used against the plague in the Middle Ages, and it is also believed to be put into casks of Augsburg Ale to give it its distinctive flavour.


Meadowsweet has been used for centuries in the UK and is mentioned in the Welsh Mabinogion. Remains of the flowers have been found in burial mounds or cairns of cremated human remains dating from the Bronze Age in Fan Foel, Carmarthenshire in West Wales and in beakers from Fife in Scotland, so the flowers may have been in mead the honey-based drink that meadowsweet was often put into to give it an almond flavour. They may also have been planted on graves for their fragrance. In the Mabinogion, Math and Gwydion made a woman out of oak blossom, broom and meadowsweet and called her Blodeuwedd (Flower Face). The Druids held meadowsweet in high regards as it was one of their three most sacred herbs along with vervain and water-mint.
  It is a member of the rose family and native to Europe, where it prefers to grow in moist places. It has red-purple stems and fern-like leaves with cream-white flowers blooming between June and the beginning of September. The whole plant is best harvested in July when in flower, and dried for future use either in cooking or for medicinal purposes. The dried flowers can be put into pot pourri or used to make a tisane. The leaves smell good too and the whole upper parts of the plant were strewn on floors in Mediaeval times to give rooms a pleasant smell. Gerard writing in his Herball in the 16th century says “the smell thereof maketh the heart merrie and joyful and delighteth the senses.” In this way it seems to be rather like borage, which was also put in drinks and was also one of the ingredients of the drink “Save” along with meadowsweet and 48 others mentioned by Geoffrey Chaucer in his 14th century “Canterbury Tales” in “The Knight’s Tale”. It is believed that Queen Elizabeth I had meadowsweet strewn in her chambers, and country people used to put the flowers in cupboards and wardrobes to make them smell good. Meadowsweet has been an additive to wine and beers for centuries in Europe and it’s worth trying white or red wine with a meadowsweet leaf in it.
  The plant was called Bridewort because it was strewn in churches for weddings and in bridal chambers. Other names for it are Queen or Lady of the Meadows, because it is a beautiful, fragrant plant which can grow up to 4 feet tall so is easily seen above other meadow plants. It used to be called Spiraea ulmaria, ulmaria meaning elm-like and it has been suggested that this is either because the upper side of its leaves look a little like those of the elm tree, as they are wrinkled, or because the plant has similar properties to Slippery Elm Bark, i.e. salicylic acid. This is the basis for aspirin and it is thought that Bayer who began selling aspirin in 1899 made the name from the botanical name of the meadowsweet. The Italian, Rafaele Piria had first extracted this acid from the meadowsweet and willow bark (Salix alba) earlier in the 19th century. The tisane made from the flowers will cure headaches, it is said. Its newer Latin name, Filipendula means hanging from a thread.
  The English herbalists John Gerard (16th century) and Nicholas Culpeper (17th century) believed that the distilled water from the flowers was good to relieve the eyes from burning and itching sensations and that it clears the sight.
   Throughout the centuries the herb has been employed as a remedy for numerous ailments, and is used in Germany for colds- it contains vitamin C and flu. With lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) it is good for stomach problems. It contains tannins, flavonoids including the flavonoid glycosides rutin, hyperin and spiracoside, found in the flowers, and phenolic glycosides which include spiraein, monotropin and gaultherin. It has been used to treat diarrhoea and contains tannins, to purify the blood, to help promote sweat in fevers, as an infusion of the fresh flowering tops is a diaphoretic. (Take a handful of flowers and pour a cup of boiling water over them and steep for 15 minutes then strain and drink.) You can also boil an ounce of the fresh chopped root in white wine to reduce the symptoms of fever. You can make a tisane with 1 ounce of the dried herb to 1 pint of boiling water and steep for 15 minutes before straining. This can also be used externally for skin problems. This is supposedly good for peptic ulcers, acid indigestion, joint problems, respiratory problems such as wheezing and coughs, and for diarrhoea. However, if you are allergic to aspirin, or salicylate or sulphate or are pregnant or breast-feeding then you should not take meadowsweet. A decoction of the roots is preferred for respiratory problems and diarrhoea, use boiling water instead of the white wine in the remedy above. In mice it has been found that extracts of meadowsweet can decrease cervix and vaginal cancers and act as a sedative. Meadowsweet has a narcotic effect on animals in the lab it would seem. The recommended daily dose for meadowsweet is 2½ - 3½ gr. of the dried flower and 4-5 gr of the whole herb. The tisane of flowers only is a mild diuretic.
  It has recognized anti-inflammatory properties and has been used for aches and arthritis. In the Middle Ages women used to collect rainwater and mix it with the meadowsweet flowers to use as a skin cleanser and toner. You can use the fresh leaves in sorbets and fruit salads and in other desserts as sweeteners. The flowers can be added to jams and compotes for a subtle almond flavour.
 The following medicinal preparations were used by the Welsh Physicians of Myddfai:-
To dispel stones form the internal organs-
If the disease be gravel, make a medicine of the following herbs, mascerated in strong clear wheat ale, viz. water pimpernel, tutsan, meadow sweet, St. John's wort, ground ivy, agrimony, milfoil, birch, common burnet, columbine, motherwort, laurel, gromwel, betony, borage, dandelion, little field madder, amphibious persicaria, liverwort.
To restrain an active haemorrhage: take meadowsweet, digest in cold water, and drink thereof, and this will stop it by the help of God.

For lung diseases:-
Let (the patient) take, for three successive days, of the following herbs; hemlock, agrimony, herb Robert, and asarabacca, then let him undergo a three day's course of aperients. When the disease is thus removed from the bronchial tubes, an emetic should be given him (daily) to the end of nine days. Afterwards let a medicine be prepared, by digesting the following herbs in wheat ale or red wine: madder, sharp dock, anise, agrimony, daisy, round birthwort, meadow sweet, yellow goat's beard, heath, water avens, woodruff, crake berry, the corn cockle, caraway, and such other herbs as will seem good to the physician.