The Cape Gooseberry, looks a little like a tomatillo, to which it is closely related and has the same kind of husk around its fruit. It is a member of the Solanaceae or Nightshade family of plants and so is related to the more common potato, tomato, aubergine and the rather unusual Nipple fruit. As the name peruviana suggests it is native to South America, although it seems not to be clear where it actually originated with best guesses being Chile and Peru, or perhaps Brazil. It also grows wild in the Andes in Venezuela.
   It is a cherry-sized berry that is around 1.5 to 2.5 centimetres in diameter, with yellow flesh which is loosely (more loosely than a tomatillo) enclosed in a papery husk, another of Nature’s pre-packaged foods. These fruits are actually berries as they contain seeds, and they can be orange or golden yellow. It tastes like a gooseberry, perhaps more like an Indian gooseberry (Amla) than the European one. They can be used in salads with tender young greens, such as watercress, spinach, or lettuce, with a vinaigrette dressing (olive oil and white wine vinegar with tarragon or oregano perhaps). You can add them to your breakfast muesli or other cereal, and below is a recipe for a dessert made with them. They can be put in pies, used to make jams and sauces, and are usually displayed in supermarkets with other berry fruits such as raspberries, strawberries or blackberries or with grapes and pomegranates. You can add them to fruit salads, or have them with ice cream, pickle them, and you’ll find the husk helpful if you want to coat them in icing sugar. In Colombia they are stewed with honey and used as a dessert. The ripe fruit are rich in pectin and vitamin P as well as containing some B-complex vitamins, and ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and some vitamin A precursors as well as Beta-carotene. They are rich in phosphorous, and also contain the minerals calcium, iron and copper. Unripe fruits are toxic and shouldn’t be eaten.
  The plants were taken to Africa and planted in the Cape of Good Hope in the 19th century and then they went from there to Australia which is why and where it got the English name. In fact it has naturalized in New South Wales, where the early settlers had little choice of fresh fruit at first, so they were glad of the advent of the Cape gooseberry. It is also naturalized in the Philippines and was once extensively cultivated on Hawaii. In fact it is said that it will grow wherever the tomato can flourish, so it grows in many countries around the world.
  The husk contains a minor steroidal constituent, physalolactone C which is a blood purifier. The fruit possesses strong antioxidant properties and has been used in the past to treat cancer, malaria, asthma, hepatitis, dermatitis and rheumatism. In Colombia, in traditional medicine, the leaves are made into a decoction which is used for asthma and as a diuretic. In South Africa a poultice is made with heated leaves and applied to inflamed areas. The Zulus use an infusion of the leaves for children with stomach complaints.

Cape gooseberries, fresh or canned
Bar of chocolate (white, dark or milk depending on taste)

Melt the chocolate carefully so that it doesn’t burn in a non-stick pan.
Remove from the heat when the chocolate is melted and dip each Cape gooseberry in it.
Chill and serve alone or with ice cream or whipped cream.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Kava, or kava kava, is a member of the pepper family and is related to the long pepper as well as to black pepper. It is native to the Pacific Islands where it is used in a ceremonial drink served to honoured guests following a centuries old tradition. It has the same effects as alcohol, so it should be of little surprise that it can, apparently cause liver damage especially if taken in large quantities. There are more than a hundred varieties of kava kava, or yaqona root, and many of these grow on Vanuatu and Fiji where it was first domesticated thousands of years ago. It is a valuable cash crop on these islands and in Hawaii where it is called Awa.
  Recently the French hair care company L’Oreal took out a patent on kava to use in a product which will promote hair growth and stop hair loss, they say. This is a far cry from the times when shamans used a beverage from the root to go into trances. The beverage is not a true hallucinogen, neither is it alcoholic, although it has similar effects to both types of drug. Like alcohol it has been linked to liver damage too.
  In traditional medicine in the Pacific region, kava is used to alleviate anxiety and as a sedative, as it has relaxing properties, and has been used medicinally and recreationally for thousands of years.  However more than 30 cases of liver damage have been reported in Europe which have been linked to the consumption of kava, so in March 2002 the USFDA issued an advisory notice about the ‘rare’ incidence of liver damage possibly caused by kava intake. It is not known whether the reports of liver damage were in people who mixed kava with alcohol or other herbs, drugs or medications; combining kava with anything else is not advised.
  The beverage is made from the roots of the kava shrub which are dug up and dried in the sun then pounded to a powder and mixed with cold water. Clinical trials have been conducted on kava root and it has been found to relieve anxiety but because of the potential dangers of liver damage, it is safer to use other herbal preparations for anxiety, such as olive leaf tisane. A study conducted on kava in 2004 showed that 300mg of kava may improve cognitive performance and enhance the mood. This is a point in its favour, as drugs like Valium which are used to treat anxiety decrease cognitive performance overall. It seems from research that kava can improve sleep quality and help in cases of insomnia, although more research is needed. In lab animals extracts of kava root have been found to relax muscles, promote sleep and reduce convulsions. The roots also have pain-killing properties and when kava is chewed there is a tingling sensation and numbness which is temporary, on the tongue. Its active ingredients include methysticum, kawain and dihydrokawain, which are kavalactones.
   In Europe kava kava has been used to treat a variety of illnesses for more than 150 years, some of the treatments were for gonorrhea, vaginitis, night time incontinence and problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It is said to be an effective diuretic and good for rheumatism, gout, bronchial problems, and ailments resulting from cardiac problems. It has also been used as a local anaesthetic to relieve pain and is said to have an antiseptic effect on urinary tract disorders.
  If you want to try out kava, you should have between 2 and 4 grams and make this into a decoction by boiling it in water and reducing the amount of water by half. This amount can be consumed up to three times a day, for anxiety or stress. It will take perhaps 4 weeks for you to notice a difference.
  There is a ceremony in Tonga for drinking kava from a communal bowl and this spread to Fiji in the 17th century. The whole of a village could participate rather than just the shamans. It is traditionally drunk from halves of coconut shells.
  Researchers do not yet understand how kava works, and you should be aware that it is banned in some countries, so if you order it online check to see that you can get it legally through customs before buying any. It is not banned in the US as the evidence against is patchy, and it has been used for centuries without Pacific Islanders seeming to have a high incidence of liver problems.


As you might expect from the name, the tomatillo is related to the tomato as they are both members of the Solanaceae (nightshade) family of plants, which means the tomatillo is also related to the potato, aubergine  and Nipple Fruit. It is native to the South American continent and is widely cultivated in Mexico and Guatemala where the wild and domesticated versions can be found. The wild variety often grows between cultivated crops of maize (corn), beans and gourds, such as the ash gourd or petha. The wild fruit is picked and sold locally.
  It is a fruit with seeds, which grows inside a calyx, so it comes off the plant prepackaged. If you buy the fruit before it is fully ripe it can be stored in its calyx (the husk which covers it) for up to a year. It tastes a little like a gooseberry, although more like the Indian gooseberry than the European one and is related to the Cape gooseberry, Physalis peruviana. Because of the calyx it is also called the husk tomato and is known as tomate verde (green tomato) in Spanish. It is used with chillies in various salsas (sauces) as it takes away some of their hotness. It contains quite a lot of pectin, so is often used to thicken soups and sauces to give them a thicker consistency. The name comes from the Nahuatl “tomatl” which is a generic word that is used for fruits that are watery, round and seed-bearing, and which are sometimes enclosed in a calyx. They come in a variety of colours ranging from green to yellow and through to purple, although this one has been given a separate name, Physalis ixocarpa- BROT, presumably because it contains ixocarpalactoneA, which is a withanolide, in its stem and leaves. This purple tomatillo is mainly consumed in western Mexico. It has been found to be a good safe source of antioxidants and has been subjected to much research. It has antibacterial activity against respiratory infections caused by Staphylococcus bacteria and has potential for developing an anti-cancer drug. It contains carotene, vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid some B-complex vitamins and the minerals calcium and iron and copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorous, zinc, selenium and Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids.. The raw fruit also contains vitamins A, E and K as well as flavonoids,
  In folk medicine, the juice from the fruit is used as eyewash, and in Guatemala it is used for gastrointestinal problems and respiratory disease. The husk is not always discarded as it can be made into an infusion which is used in tamale dough to give it a spongy consistency and to give flavour to white rice; the infusion is also used to tenderize red meat.
  The tomatillo has been cultivated in Mexico and Guatemala for centuries and it is believed that its first cultivation began in Mexico, certainly before the arrival of the Spaniards, who were probably responsible for taking the tomatillo to the Caribbean where it is cultivated. It was taken to Spain and cultivated, but this was stopped as the tomato became much more popular.

1 lb tomatillos, husks removed
1 large onion, finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped or minced
2 green chillies, very finely chopped
2 tbsps fresh coriander leaves, shredded
1 tbsp fresh oregano, chopped or 1 tsp dried
½ tsp cumin seeds, dry fried and ground
salt to taste
2 cups water

Put everything in a pan and bring to a boil over a high heat.
Reduce the heat to medium-low and simmer for 10-15 mins or until the tomatillos are soft.
Puree in batches in a blender.
Serve as a dip or side dish to give some extra flavour to chicken or meat dishes.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


The name stinking goosefoot is apt for this little herb, as its leaves like other Chenopodium species slightly resembles a goose’s webbed feet, and when bruised the leaves stink, not to put too fine a point on it. They are actually edible, but no one would want to, given the stench. The seeds are also edible but as they contain saponins they have to be soaked overnight and then rinsed before roasting or dry frying, then grinding to mix with wheat flour to make bread. Culpeper, writing in the 17th century, describes the smell from the bruised leaves in this way: “It smells like rotten fish, or something worse.” It goes by a number of derogatory names, such as Dog’s Arrach or Orache, and Stinking Motherwort.
  Its leaves used to be made into a conserve with sugar and used for nervous complaints for women. It was probably a good way to stop a fit of the hysterics given the smell. A tisane was made of the dried leaves with 1 ounce to 1 pint of boiling water, given in wineglass doses for obstructions in the monthly flow, or blood clots during a woman’s periods. In fact it was another Female herb along with the chaste berry tree.
  It is a plant that grows up to 40 centimetres, but it might not be upright, some trail along the ground. It is rare now in southern England and the Channel isles, although it was once abundant throughout the British Isles, and is native to northern Europe. The tisane of dried leaves made from this plant is said to be antispasmodic so was good for menstrual cramps.
  It should not be confused with the true Orach(e) or Arrach, which was thought to be beneficial for gout. It has small green flowers without petals but with 5 sepals and stamens. The word Chen comes from the Greek meaning goose and podi meaning foot. The other goosefoots native to Britain are known as Fat Hen and Good King Henry, but there are many others that grow in different parts of the world.
  The physicians of Myddfai used it in combination with other herbs as in this remedy for profuse menstruation: -
“A woman who is subject to profuse menstruation, should take the reddish bastard balm, small burdock, orpine, stinking goose foot, pimpernel, water avens, with the ashes of a hart's horns, that has been killed with his antlers on, boiling them, as well as possible in red wine, straining the liquor carefully, and drinking it daily, till it is finished, abstaining (the while) from stimulating food. Being restrained by the above means, the blood will be habitually diverted to the thighs and ankles.”