Sweet corn or corn on the cob is a variant of Zea mays, Zea mays var nigosa or Zea saccharata (meaning sugary). It originated in what is now Mexico and Central America, from a wild grass, which was crossed with teosinte (another wild grass) but the original ancestor no longer exists. Popcorn comes from Zea mays var. everta. Zea mays is the original corn that was grown by the tribes of Central America and Mexico, the Aztecs, Mayans and Olmecs and can be yellow, white, purple, red, brown and even have multi-coloured kernels. Some corn pollen grains were found in drill cores 200 feet below Mexico City which are believed to be 80,000 tears old, so it has a very ancient history. Perhaps it originated in the Tehuacan Valley in Mexico, but scientists are not certain of this.
  It is believed that it was first domesticated between 9,000 and 8,000 BC and by 2,000 to 1,500 BC it had become a staple food in the diets of the Olmecs and Mayans, who held it in great reverence, so much so that it became part of their daily rituals and took on religious significance. It also featured in their art.
  Native Americans also valued corn and used it as both a food and medicine as well as for other purposes, such as weaving the fibres from the plant into sleeping mats, moccasins, baskets and other items. Corn husk dolls were also made after using the edible kernels.
  They used corn for grinding into flour, and this cornmeal was also used in poultices for bruises, swellings and to cure sores and headaches. They also used corn as a diuretic to get rid of excess fluids in the body. The corn husks would be burned and parts of the body which had sores, ulcers, or other skin problems would be held over the smoke, to cure them.
  Corn has wound healing properties due partly to the presence of allantoin which is often used in herbal remedies, but which comes, in other countries, from comfrey, Symphytum officinale.
  The Spaniards came across corn in the 15th century and too it back to Spain in the 16th. It was the only grain known in the Americas at the time. To begin with sweet corn was greeted with suspicion in Europe and confined to having purely ornamental value. The same thing happened with the aubergine, potato, sweet potato and of course the tomato when they were first introduced into Europe.
  The introduction of corn caused some confusion in the England and Wales as corn was the name in those countries for what is now called wheat, and this is how cornflowers got their name. In Scotland and Ireland, corn was the name used for oats, which further confused the issue. Even now, wheat fields are referred to as corn fields by many in England and Wales. Corn on the cob is called that and sweet corn to distinguish between wheat and what the Native Americans called and still call maize.
Corn purple
  By 1575 corn had been introduced into the Philippines, Indonesia and western China. It was also taken to Africa where it has become a staple food. It was useful in that continent during the years of the slave trade, as although people were transported to the colonies in the New World, corn helped the population to grow rather than to diminish from illnesses such as malnutrition and because of the fact that so many people wee transported.
  Corn contains some of the B-complex vitamins including B1 (thiamin), B2 (niacin), B3 (riboflavin) B5 (pantothenic acid) and B6, making corn good for hair, skin, the digestion, heart and brain. It also contains vitamins C, A and K along with amino acids, flavonoids, and large amounts of beta-carotene and a fair amount of selenium which improves the functions of the thyroid gland and plays a role in the proper functioning of the immune system. Beta-carotene is also found in tomatoes, papaya, pumpkin and red peppers. Corn therefore possesses potent antioxidant properties which help to protect the body from the ravages of free radicals which can damage the cells and cause cancer. Corn also contains fibre which is essential to our diet. It also helps with production of sex and stress-related hormones and is good for our sexual health especially that of men as niacin can help with erectile dysfunctions.
  It is believed that it can help with the symptoms of arthritis and rheumatism as the B-complex vitamins can improve joint mobility.
   Today there are many uses for corn, and the majority of that grown is not used for human consumption, but to make ethanol which is used instead of lead to increase the octane level of petrol, and for animal feed. We use cornstarch for glue used in binding books, for printers’ ink, shoe polish, aspirin and cosmetics as well as for strengthening fabrics. Corn starch is also made from this plant, and that is found in more than 2,000 processed foods, including marshmallows (the sweet, not Marsh mallow the plant).and ice creams.
Corn purple
  Other types of corn include Popcorn, a type of hard corn called aptly flint corn, which has small hard kernels. The natural moisture inside the kernels builds up when they are heated and the hard outer skin explodes from the build-up of pressure inside the kernel. It is this corn that was grown by the ancient American tribes in Mesoamerica. There is Dent corn so-called because each kernel has a dent in it, which is softer than flint corn and used mainly for livestock feed and processed foods. Flour corn is starchy and easily ground for baking. Pod corn is the first type of corn ever grown, and each kernel has its own husk. This is grown purely for scientific research as it is too time-consuming to take each kernel out of an individual husk.
  It seems that sweet corn has some very beneficial properties although some of the traditional uses have yet to be proved, such as its use in the treatment of kidney stones and gravel. In China it is used as a diuretic and to help in cases of jaundice. It is believed that it can help in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, although this has not been proved without doubt. It does seem to help to reduce blood sugar levels and blood pressure, however.
  It goes well with tuna fish and can be used in many ways, however it is best to steam or grill corn on the cob to get its full nutritional benefits. In Pakistan, street sellers cook it in hot sand in covered metal trays, making a delicious snack on the hoof.

225 gr pasta shapes, cooked
400gr tuna fish, flaked
75 gr sweet corn kernels, cooked
1 broccoli head, cut into florets and cooked in boiling water for 5 mins
1 small red onion, finely sliced
1 red pepper, seeds and veins removed and cut into rings
3-4 peeled tomatoes, roughly chopped
salt and freshly ground black pepper

To peel the tomatoes drop them in water that has just boiled for 10 secs then plunge them into cold water for 10 secs. The skin will come off easily.
Put all the ingredients into a salad bowl and sprinkle with oregano, seasonings and olive oil.
Toss and serve warm.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Lovage is native to the Mediterranean region, but has been cultivated in Britain for centuries in herbalists’ gardens and those of monasteries and is naturalized. It is a member of the Apiaceae family or Umbelliferae family of plants and as such is related to parsley, angelica, carrots, parsnips and fennel. It has been used in alcoholic cordials for centuries, although it was probably first sold commercially by Phillips’ of Bristol in their range of shrubs which date back to 1793. In the Lovage cordial it is mixed with tansy and yarrow, and this was used in winter (and still is) mixed with brandy. It seems that the original cordials were used on long sea voyages, so lime juice was a constituent to ward off scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), while lovage was to prevent rheumatism, and shrub, a mixture of plant juices which was alcoholic was the ingredient which staved off colds and flu. The first cordials containing lovage are recorded in the 14th century, and these contained tansy and yarrow or milfoil. Lovage is also used in some liqueurs and could be found with borage in one of the Pimms mixes.
  Lovage gets its name because it was reputed to be an aphrodisiac, but also this is a corruption of Liguria, (the Italian Riviera) which was where the plant was first cultivated, it is believed. It was certainly growing there in the first century AD and probably before. Levisticum is apparently a corruption of Ligustikos, the Greek for Liguria.
  The plant grows to 5 or 6 feet tall with large flower heads, rather like cow parsley, sweet cicely and elder flowers but they are a greeny-yellow colour. The seeds these heads bear after the flower has died contain oil and have been used in traditional medicine for centuries, along with all other parts of the plant.
  In ancient times, lovage leaves were used by travellers who put them in their shoes as deodorant and for their antiseptic qualities. Today it is generally believed that the root is the most potent part of the plant, but Culpeper, writing in the 17th century believed the seeds to be the best part of the plant and that they were more potent than the root. He wrote that an infusion of the seeds,” being dropped into the eyes taketh away their redness or dimness.” He also recommended it as a drink for fevers, and a gargle for sore throats and that it should be drunk two or three times a day as a remedy for pleurisy. He suggested that the leaves should be bruised and flattened and cooked in “hog’s lard” and used hot on boils and skin eruptions.
  Traditionally the plant has been used to stimulate the appetite, stop flatulence, aid digestion and an infusion of the roots has been used for gravel and kidney stones and urinary tract inflammation for problems such as cystitis. The leaves have been used for their diuretic properties and as deodorant.
  The leaves have been taken as an emmenagogue for centuries to ease period pains and bring on delayed menstruation as well as to alleviate the symptoms of PMT / PMS. The tisane can be made from 1 tbsp of fresh leaves shredded or 1 tsp dried, to one cup of boiling water which you pour over them and leaves to steep for about 15 minutes before straining and drinking .If you harvest the leaves, you can freeze them whole and shred them as you use them, rather than drying them as this may be easier. The tisane is good for a number of problems including stomach cramps during menstruation. (You should drink 2 cups a day.)
  You can use the leaves in salads- the young, tender ones are best, which come before the flower blooms. Some people confuse this plant with hemlock (Conium maculatum), which is poisonous, but the flowers are different and I think it’s more easily confused with angelica or sweet cicely. However be careful if you gather this from the wild.
  The plant has hollow stems, which can be dried and used as brushes to baste meat and fish with. They can also be used fresh as stirrers, instead of swizzle sticks or straws for Bloody Mary’s and the seeds of lovage may be substituted for celery seeds in the drink. (Lovage seeds are a little sweeter than those of celery though.)
  You can add shredded leaves to risottos and other rice dishes, and eggs-they go well in omelettes and scrambled eggs, and mashed potatoes too, as well as being testy additions to soups and stew. Use the stalks in salads as you would those of the globe artichoke, blanched and peeled or just blanched and eat it like celery. The leaves can be added to salads to give them a different flavour too.
  The roots, leaves and seeds of the plant have antispasmodic properties and have been used to speed up slow labour in child birth, and as a stimulant; .they are also mildly expectorant so are good for respiratory problems.
   You can add the leaves to your bath water or even better try this recipe:-Pour 2 pints of boiling water, over 1 cup of shredded lovage leaves, ½ a cup of the chopped root, ½ a cup of fresh mint leaves and 1 tbsp eucalyptus leaves that have been torn to the vein but are still in tact. Leave this to cool, strain and pour the liquid into the bath water when tepid for a relaxing bathe.
  Early American colonists used to chew the roots of lovage to help them stay alert, much as we chew gum, and in Mediaeval times, people wore bunches of the herb around their necks to avoid the general stench.
  In 1990 the German Commission E approved the lovage roots and dried rhizome for urinary tract inflammation (cystitis etc.) saying that “the linguistilide –containing essential oil is antispasmodic.” They concluded that it was suitable for “irrigation therapy for inflammation of the lower urinary tract and for the prevention of gravel.” The recommended daily dose is 4-8 grams of the root.
  In 2009 the European Food Safety Advisory Authority said that there was insufficient evidence for them to approve the use of the root for improved diuretic function, despite the German stance.
   Recent scientific research has shown that the essential oil from the leaves of lovage inhibit cancer cell growth in “Head and Neck Squamous Carcinoma Cells” (S. Sertel et al, University of Mainz, Germany, published in 2011 in the Anticancer Research Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment). Other research has also shown the oil to have antimycobacterial properties.
  It may be worth taking a look at the possibilities of using this herb in your kitchen and growing it in the garden; it has a number of uses.

20 gr butter
1 onion, finely diced
a few young lovage stalks, chopped
1 head Kos lettuce
½ cucumber diced small or a small cucumber
1 sprig thyme, stripped of its leaves
salt to taste and freshly ground black pepper
100 gr peas (shelled weight)
small handful of young lovage leaves, shredded finely
natural yoghurt to serve

Warm the butter and add the onion, thyme, a pinch of salt and fry until soft and translucent.
Add the lovage stalks and fry for a further 2-3 minutes.
Add the stock and simmer for 10 minutes. (Add a glass of white wine if you like and adjust the amount of stock you use.)
Now add the rest of the vegetables, shred the lettuce, but reserve some shredded lovage leaves for garnish.
Simmer for 5-10 minutes then remove from the heat.
Serve in bowls with a swirl of natural yoghurt in each.
Serve with crusty fresh bread or garlic bread.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


Alkanets have been grown for the dye their roots produce which has been used as a substitute for henna. The name Alkanet is believed to have come from the Arabic Al-hinna, which refers to the dying properties of the plant. The true Alkanet is said to be Anchusa officinalis (anchousa comes from the Greek meaning to paint). Alkanets are members of the Boraginaceae family of plants to which borage (goazban) belongs.
    Tisanes of the leaves and roots are thought to relieve persistent coughs and promote sweating during fevers. They are also supposed to be able to lift depression and banish melancholia. The expressed juice from this alkanet was good they say for pleurisy. The tisane can be used on the skin for any irritation or rash and soothes and softens it. It can also be used as an astringent for wounds. In traditional medicine it is used as a blood purifier to expel toxins from the body with its diuretic action.
Alkanet roots for dye
  The leaves and young tops of this true alkanet are used like spinach both cooked and in salads although it is advisable to blanch them for a minute before draining and rinsing in cold water.
  Alkanet leaves and flowers can be dried and used in pot pourris and the fresh leaves smell a little like wild strawberries. Alkanets typically have blue or violet flowers which are a little like the more common Forget-Me-Nots (in the UK). There are about 50 plants in this species, most of which are indigenous to the Mediterranean region.
  There’s an evergreen Alkanet called green alkanet, Pentaglottis sempervirens, (roughly translated meaning five tongued, living for ever). This is one’s flowers are used for decorating cocktails and salads.
  Alkanna tinctoria has anti-bacterial and astringent qualities and can help to staunch the blood flow from fresh cuts. Externally it is used for varicose veins, ulcers, itchiness and other skin irritation.
  The roots of tinctoria produce a red dye and it has been used for lipsticks, lip balms and soap.
Asian alkanet
  Dioscorides believed (1st century AD) that the plant was useful for snake bites, while Culpeper (17th century) believed that a decoction in wine would strengthen the back and stop back pains. He also said that it was good to get rid of internal worms. He also recommended it for chicken pox, measles, bruises and wounds. He says that it was good for leprosy too, and “yellow jaundice, spleen and gravel in the kidneys”, so the plant used to be something of a cure all in Britain, where it is also known as Bugloss, Anchusa and Orchanet.
  Alkanna orientalis has yellow flowers and grows in the Indian subcontinent including in Pakistan. It has much the same properties and has been used for similar illnesses as those already described.
Asian alkanet
  The root of this alkanet may be what gives Indian food its red colour, as it seems that the root is ground is grown in Kashmir and used to colour food such as Rogan Josh.
  At one time in Europe it was used as a dye to make wood look as though it was the more expensive rosewood or mahogany.
  Clearly it had a lot of uses, and it is still cultivated for the dye it produces.


The air potato is a member of the yam (Dioscorea batatas) family which includes Dioscorea deltoidea, much used by body-builders and men who need testosterone boosts. Along with others in the species, this plant is a source of diosgenin which is needed for birth control pills. It is native to the Indian sub-continent and possibly also to tropical Africa.
  It is called the air potato because it grows potato – like bulbs between the bases of the leaves, along its aerial roots. The plant is a vine which can grow up to 20 metres long, and on summer days can grow up to 20 cms, in a day. In southern US states where it is invasive, having been introduced some time during the slave trade years, it can choke plants in the forest canopy and prevents light reaching those on the forest floor.
  Where it is a native it is used in traditional medicine for a number of ailments, including diarrhoea, dysentery, jaundice, stomach pains, and even bone fractures. In Indian and Chinese medicine it is used for sore throats, stomach cancers, and goiters. It is also used to treat anorexia and is said to have diuretic properties. Reportedly it can lower cholesterol levels, relieve pain and lower blood pressure. It has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
  In the Cameroon Islands the plant is used for pain relief and to stop inflammation. It is used similarly in the Philippines.
  The aerial ‘potatoes’ are eaten as a vegetable, after chopping and then soaking for some hours. The tuber is also used like a yam. (It has no relationship to a sweet potato however.)
  The plant contains a number of flavonoids and isoflavonoids, which have oestrogenic, heart protective, antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. Those contained in the air potato are particularly potent free radical scavengers, at least in rats. (Javachandran K.S. et al. December 2010).
  New research to be published at the beginning of 2012 suggests that the plant has “profound therapeutic potential” –and has anti-diabetic properties, (Evidence-Based Complementary Medicine Journal Volume 2012).
  Research published in 2002 carried out on mice, showed the plant to have an anti-fungal compound, dihydrorodioscorine which had anti-tumor effects it was reported.
  Clearly there are potential health benefits that we could utilize from this plant, if more research were done into its properties.