Bamboo shoots are mainly used in Chinese and South East Asian cuisines, although they grow quite profusely on the Indian subcontinent and are exported from Bangladesh. Bamboo can be used for furniture as a wood substitute and is used to make flutes or diki in India. They can also be used to make paper and the charcoal from bamboo makes for an excellent air purifier. Bamboo is known as “the Grass of Heaven” perhaps because its leaves are considered an aphrodisiac. There is one type of bamboo called Rhino Bamboo because of its shape and this commands a very high price on the Asian markets, as it looks very similar to a rhino’s horn and is believed to have the same aphrodisiacal qualities.

Bamboo plants are prehistoric plants and used to grow to heights in excess of 250 feet. Now they can reach over 60 feet, but are dwarves compared to their prehistoric relatives.

Freshly cut bamboo glows in the dark as it contains antioxidants which prevent it browning when exposed to air, and these spring into action when the bamboo is cut as a self defence reaction. These antioxidants counteract bacterial infections and so can be useful to the human body when they are digested. If you use fresh bamboo shoots they need to be boiled for 45 minutes before they can be used in a dish, as they contain hydrocyanic acid. If you use tinned bamboo shoots or prepackaged ones that they have already been processed and are safe to use in a recipe.

Bamboo is a grass and the fastest growing plant on the planet, so it is sustainable. It has been used for over 7000 years as records from China show. They have been used as medicine since ancient times, and are still considered effective for coughs, colds, sinus congestion and sore throats on the subcontinent. A powder is made from the bamboo, mixed with chillies, cardamoms, cinnamon and sugar to treat these minor ailments. The juice from the young shoots can be applied to wounds to stop bleeding and infection, and also the tender young shoots can be made into a poultice and applied to wounds. The leaves can be made into a decoction and used to treat diarrhoea and stomach upsets. 120 ml of juice from the shoots can be taken daily as a tonic. The leaves and shavings of the bamboo can be used in a decoction to stop burning sensations in the stomach and is a coolant.

Of course, pandas love bamboo, so there’s no reason for us not to enjoy it as they prefer different varieties to the ones we generally eat. We are not depriving pandas of food when we have bamboo shoots. They are usually used in stir fried dishes but can be grated and used in salads to for an added crunch. They have a fairly mild flavour, but as they are so rich in minerals as well as vitamins and are a good source of fibre, without containing loads of calories, they really are good for our health. Pickled bamboo shoots are used as a condiment too.

2 boneless chicken breasts cut into slivers
1 small tin bamboo shoots, cut into slivers
10 water chestnuts halved
1 handful bean sprouts,
1 carrot, cut into 2 inch, thin slices
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 onion, finely sliced or spring onions
2 tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1 inch ginger root, finely chopped
3-4 green chillies finely chopped
1 head of broccoli cut into florets
2 tbsps soy sauce
1 tbsp rice wine or white wine
1 star anise
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 tbsp sesame oil
oil for frying


Heat oils and fry chicken quickly, sealing all sides, with star anise and cumin seeds. Add all the vegetables except tomatoes and stir fry for 3-4 mins. Add soy sauce and wine, with tomatoes and stir well to mix. Add the bean sprouts last. Fry for 5 mins maximum.

Remove from the heat and serve with rice, noodles or rice noodles.

This has Taste and is a Treat.



Botanists believe that crab apples are the survivors of the wild apple trees from which we get our different varieties of apples today. Crab apples were the hosts for the grafting of French varieties of apple which were brought to England after the Norman Conquest which began in 1066, with the Battle of Hastings. Prior to that apples had been introduced to Britain by the Romans, and Pliny records 22 apple varieties, although now we have more than 2000. The crab apple tree is native to Britain, however, with its gnarled branches and thorns, it nonetheless looks like an apple tree, as the flowers are similar ranging from white through to pink, and so are the leaves. You probably wouldn’t choose to eat a raw crab apple, although if you are fond of tart flavours, you might like them.

In fact there are crab apple trees in all Northern Hemisphere countries and they grow as far north as Drontheim in Norway. They are holy trees for the Celts and Druids as they act as hosts for the most sacred Druidic plant mistletoe. They are linked with shamanic practices and magic. The Druid’s Day of the Apple is 1st November , when a wassail bowl is prepared, consisting of roast or baked crab apples, brown ale or cider, honey, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and brown sugar. In Shakespeare’s play “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, Puck says

“And sometimes lurk I in a gossip’s bowl,

In the very likeness of a roasted crab.”

Apples, and bear in mind they were probably a relative of, if not, the crab apple itself have featured prominently in the myths of many countries. In ancient Greek mythology, one of Hercules tasks was to get an apple from the tree given to Hera by the Earth goddess Gaia on her marriage to Zeus. It was a Herculean task because the tree was in the garden of the Hesperides and guarded by a dragon, Ladon.

Paris gave Aphrodite an apple to show that she had won the beauty contest of the goddesses. The apple was the fruit of the Biblical Tree of Knowledge and after eating it, Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden of Eden. In Norse mythology, the apple is the symbol of love, wisdom and longevity, as Iduna kept apples in a box to give to the gods so that when they ate them they could renew their youth.

The ancient name for Glastonbury, so much associated with Arthurian legends, was Avallon, or the Isle of Apples. They were used by the witch, Morgan Le Fey to bring life back to the very sick in the old legends.

There are a couple of old sayings involving the health benefits of apple, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and a rhyme:-

“To eat an apple before going to bed

Will make your doctor beg for his bread.”

The bark of the crab apple tree used in a decoction has been used as a treatment for intermittent fever with vomiting, and the astringent juice of a crab apple is good to stop diarrhoea. Cooked apples, or their pulp, can be placed on eyes to reduce inflammation, and if you have a sore throat and a fever, eat the pulp to relieve the soreness in the throat. The stewed apples have laxative properties, but not raw ones. This is true of all apples. Crab apples neutralize acids produced from gout and indigestion.

In his “Encyclopedia” of 1470 (one of the first printed mention of apples) Bartholemew Anglicus wrote a whole chapter on apples. He wrote that they are “gracious in syght and vertuous in medecyne…some beryth sourysh fruyte and harde, and some ryght soure and some right swete.”

An apple stuck with cloves was the first pomander, replaced by oranges later. In Shakespeare’s time apples and crab apples were served roasted with caraway seeds, and Shallow offers Falstaff “a pippin and a dish of caraway seeds” in Shakespeare’s play, Henry V. Apple cookery is mentioned in the old English text "Piers Plowman” and in Tudor times (15th and 16th centuries) people in Britain adored apple pies as they do today, but these were made with cinnamon, ginger and saffron, unlike those of today.

The most famous recipe for crab apples is crab apple jelly which is easy to make as crab apples have natural pectin, the setting agent.

2-3 kgs crab apples washed and cut in half
1 inch piece of ginger root finely chopped
¾ lb sugar to 1 pt of strained liquid

Add a little water to the pan which should be stainless steel as the fruit is high in acidity. The water should not cover the crab apples, and they shouldn’t float. Boil with the ginger and cloves. Bring to the boil then simmer for about 20 mins until the fruit is soft. Don’t stir.

Strain then bring the liquid to the boil again and add the sugar now. Then cook for a few more minutes until the liquid coats a metal spoon and gels.

Pour into sterilized jars, to a quarter of an inch from the top. Cover with tight fitting lids or better still, use Kilner jars’

This has Taste and is a Treat.

8 pints crab apples, washed
5 cups sugar
4 cups water
¼ cup vinegar (white or wine vinegar)

Stick two cloves in each crab apple, and put them into jars. Bring water, vinegar and sugar to the boil with 1 tbsp of cinnamon if you wish. Pour the syrup over the crab apples. Leave to cool and seal in the jars.

This has Taste and is a Treat.



Jamun look like olives, but are a sweet, slightly sour fruit, with a stone like an olive. They are native to the subcontinent and Indonesia and there are two basic varieties. One Jamun tree has dark purple to dark blue fruit which have seeds, and the other is a seedless variety whose colours range from white to purple.

The fruit arrives in summer and it is believed that if you eat a lot of jamun in this season, you will be healthy for the rest of the year, and get through the winter months with relatively few illnesses. Some people eat jamun with a little salt to take away the astringency of its taste. You will see jamun translated as blackberries, which they are not, and black plums, again which they are not. They are known in the States as Java plums, although they are not popular in the UK, probably because they can’t be grown in the climate. On the subcontinent it grows wild as well as in orchards.

The whole tree can be used in medicine and the wood is strong and durable, so can be used as railway sleepers.

In traditional medicine jamun is used for a multitude of purposes. If you burn the fresh leaves, the resultant ash can be sieved and used as a substitute for toothpaste, and as a remedy for gingivitis. Jamun fruit are rich in minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins A and C, but should not be eaten on an empty stomach as they will cause stomach pains. You shouldn’t contemplate eating unripe jamun either. The dried, powdered seeds are used to lower blood sugar levels and the leaves are used to treat ulcerous colitis. A decoction of the leaves and bark of the jamun tree controls blood pressure levels, while a decoction of the bark is used as a general tonic.

The powdered dried seeds are also good to get rid of skin blemishes left by pimples or acne. The fruit has antibiotic properties, as do the leaves, and if you have a nagging wound, then you should make a paste from the fresh leaves of the jamun tree and apply it to the wound, so that it heals. The juice and pulp of a soft ripe mango can be mixed with jamun leaves and honey, and taken twice a day to stop the burning sensation produced by vomiting. It is said that this will also stop vomiting. A traditional remedy for diarrhoea is to mix gur (jaggery) with the dried powder from jamun seeds and mango seed powder and to take a small quantity twice a day.

In folk medicine people use the fruit and powder when it isn’t in season to help cure a whole range of ailments, including asthma, sore throats, bronchitis, dysentery, blood impurities and ulcers. The juice cools the body in the heat of summer and quenches thirst. The owner of this site once had a bad culinary experience when he was in Greece. He saw a jamun tree (or thought he did) and took a fruit. Unfortunately it was an olive which exacerbated his thirst rather than quenching it.

Recent medical studies have found that jamun fruit, particularly those from Pakistani’s Punjab region, may help in breast cancer treatments as it seems to inhibit the proliferation of breast cancer cell lines, but more research is needed before this can be proved.

Like the Neem Tree, the Jamun Tree is a real Wonder Tree.

10 jamun per glass, chopped and seeds removed
1 tsp honey
1 tsp lemon juice

Blend the fruit, strain it, pour into a glass an add the honey and lemon juice. Chill in the fridge then serve with ice for a really cooling drink.
This has Taste and is a Treat.


plant tops of water chestnuts

There are several species of water chestnuts, which aren’t of course actual nuts .They are the tuberous roots of an aquatic plant. The Chinese water chestnut, as it‘s called, is a relative of sedge, while the European water chestnuts are related to the Evening Primrose family. The Chinese water chestnut, whose Latin name is Eleocharis dulcis, originated in South and Southeast Asia. It grows on the Indian subcontinent although is not much used in Pakistani cuisine, as it is seasonal, coming into season with the monsoon. This is a wonderful natural ‘coincidence’ as it has cooling properties, and its juice can reduce the body’s temperature. The European water chestnuts are Trapa natans, and in the trepans family are also bicornia (two horns) and bispinosa (two spines). These names refer to the point on the outer casing of the water chestnut. They grow in fresh water, including in slow-moving rivers and streams.

If you’ve only eaten water chestnuts that come from a can you will not know why they are called chestnuts at all. However, if you ever get the opportunity to try a freshly boiled or steamed water chestnut, you will recognize the chestnuty taste. The fresh ones are really delicious, but you shouldn’t eat too many of these delightful vegetables as they have a mild laxative effect.

In Asia the water chestnut is used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of illnesses. They are rich in carbohydrates and also minerals, containing as they do, potassium, zinc, iron and calcium. They also contain fibre and some B-complex vitamins. If you are concerned about your diet then these are perfect; they are fat and cholesterol free and do not contain gluten. As they aren’t really nuts, people with a nut allergy can eat them without worrying about their side effects.

They can be powdered so that people can make roti (chapattis) with them if they have a problem with grains and gluten. Traditionally they are still used to prevent coughs during the monsoon season, and they are taken in powder form for this. If you have cystitis or any other painful urinary tract infection, a cup of water chestnut soup can relieve the symptoms. The juice from a water chestnut is used to cure indigestion and nausea and the water from boiled chestnuts plus a few liquidized ones is often given to children with measles to help them feel better. They also have detoxifying properties, so are very good for one’s health. They’re also extremely tasty.

The European water chestnut Trapa natans is now considered an invasive species in the US. It was imported in the late 1800s as an ornamental plant (this variety looks like a water lily) and is now threatening to take over from native species. On the other hand, Eleocharis dulcis is now an endangered species in Fiji, where the grass-like plants were woven into mats. However it seems to be alive and well on the Indian subcontinent.

250 gr water chestnuts boiled, peeled and sliced
200 gr mange touts or snow peas
1 onion, thinly sliced
3 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 inch piece of ginger root, finely chopped
150 gr bamboo shoots, sliced
100 gr baby sweet corn
1 star anise
3 tbsp soy sauce
freshly ground black pepper
a few sliced green chillies or 1 tsp red chilli powder


Fry the onion until soft along with the garlic, ginger and green chillies, if using.

Mix in the rest of the vegetables and the soy sauce and star anise. Fry over a low heat for about 10 mins. If you want to you can add half a glass of white wine. You probably won’t need salt because of the contents of the soy sauce, but taste and add if you wish.

Serve with noodles, rice noodles or jasmine rice.

This has Taste and is a Treat.