The date plum is so called because it tastes like a cross between date and a plum. In fact it is not related to either, but is a very close relation to the persimmon. It is native to the Himalayas and grows wild in Pakistan and India, where it does not yet have a history of cultivation. In fact ethnobotanical studies carried out in the Palas and Swat Valleys of Pakistan have suggested that the fruit be grown on a commercial basis in order to improve the economy of those rather poor areas.
   The fruit of Diospyros lotus begins green, then the unripe fruit turns yellow (and should not be eaten at this stage) and finally turns purple-black. It looks like a small black persimmon and has 5 or 6 large seeds inside it. The fruit is sometimes dried and is tasty like this too. The fruit is only 1 or 2 centimetres in diameter, but is highly valued for its sweetness.
     The fruit is mentioned in Homer’s “Odyssey”; it is the lotus that made Odysseus’ men forget their homeland Ithaca while they were in the land of the “lotus eaters Ancient Greeks esteemed this fruit highly and called it “the fruit of the gods”.
   The date-plum has potent antioxidant effects and results of modern medical trials suggest that it might be a good treatment for diabetes. It also exhibits potency in combating free radicals, so is thought to be an anti-cancer agent.
   In traditional medicine in the Indian subcontinent, the fruit is used as a laxative and purgative while the watery extract from parts of the tree has wound healing properties. It is also used to combat fevers.
    The wood from the tree is a poor quality ebony, (Diospyros ebenum) and because it polishes up well is used to make musical instruments- in particular the keys of pianos.
  It is grown in southern Europe and could also be a native plant of Turkey where it grows in abundance. It was introduced into Britain in 1597 and was cultivated in the 17th century, although it never gained popularity with gardeners. In Britain it grows only to half its potential full size, as in its native habitat it grows to heights of 30 metres.
   It is eaten raw and used in fruit salads, and once tasted you can’t resist it, whether it is fresh or dried. There aren’t any recipes from us, as we just eat the delicious fruit whenever we find it.


The Amalaki, Amla, or Indian gooseberry is related to the commonly known European types of gooseberry but it is not the same, nor does it have the same properties. For one thing the Indian gooseberry grows on trees while the European gooseberry grows on bushes. The Indian one has big stones in it whereas the other gooseberry has small seeds all through it. When the Western world discovered this Indian Gooseberry in recent years, with the boom in sales of dietary supplements and alternative and complementary medicines this fruit was hailed as the “new superfruit” which just goes to show how “western-centric” journalists in the West are.  The Indian gooseberry was mentioned in the Rig Veda, a materia medica that was written somewhere around 3000 BC. How can they describe it as a “new” superfruit?
Amalaki Tree
    There are two types of Indian gooseberry, the Vanya which is small hard and fibrous and grows wild in forests in the Indian subcontinent, and the Gramya, which is softer, juicier and more succulent than the forest Vanya type. Tibetan and Indian herbalists have long used this Indian gooseberry for its antioxidant properties. This gooseberry also contains polyphenols, tannins and bioflavonoids as well as essential amino acids and phytonutrients. The gallic acid it contains is a very powerful antioxidant and it also has a high vitamin C content, making it one of the best fruits for boosting the immune and digestive systems.
   It has been used throughout the centuries as an aphrodisiac and a cure for impotence as the well told story of the sage Muni Chyawan illustrates. The sage restored his youthful sexual vigour with this fruit some time in the 7th century, so if it was good enough for him, men thought, it was good enough for them.
   In Ayurvedic medicine it is used to restore a jaded appetite, and to strengthen the functions of the pancreas of diabetics and stimulate the production of insulin. It is a scared plant because of its healing properties, and it can help rejuvenate the elderly, combating inflammation caused by arthritis, and acting as a tonic in general and for those who are recovering from an illness in particular. It helps to purify the blood, and is given to people with hepatitis, as it helps the liver function normally. It is also good for the spleen and for those who suffer from gout, osteoporosis, and asthma and has been used to treat a plethora of other diseases too.
  Recent trials have found that it is very beneficial in the treatment of diabetes which supports its use in traditional medicine in Asia.
   To treat asthma herbalists recommend taking 5 grams of amla fruit with honey every morning. To prevent hair loss you should eat 6 amla fruit or boil them in a cup of milk then remove the large seeds and mash to a pulp in the milk. You should then apply this paste to your hair roots and leave it on for 20 minutes before washing your hair. Drink fresh juice from the Indian gooseberry every day to purify the blood and prevent skin problems such as acne. If there is no fresh juice, then you can use 2 grams of amla powder mixed with ghee and honey and eaten.
   If you have lost your appetite then you should try this remedy: - 1 part cloves, 1 part nutmeg, 1 part fresh green chilli pepper chopped finely,3 parts amla and 8 parts ginger root ground to a powder. You need to add gur or jaggery to taste and eat 2 or 3 teaspoons before each meal.
  You can make a preserve of amla by cutting the fruit into small pieces, covering them with lemon juice and rock salt and storing in an airtight glass jar in a cool dark place. This is good for indigestion. You can use the bark and leaves in a decoction for mouth ulcers. Put the bark and leaves in water and boil until the water has reduced by half; leave to cool then strain and use as a gargle for sore throats and mouth ulcers. You can also drink this hot as a tisane and it will help with any stomach problems you might have, but only take half a cup at first, with honey, to see how it reacts on you. It is a purifier, so may have a laxative effect.
   I am told that if you take 1 teaspoon of amla powder with 2 teaspoons of jaggery for a month, it will reduce the aches and pains of rheumatism.
   These Indian gooseberries certainly have Taste and work as a Treat(ment) too.


Ber is the Urdu name for the fruit of the tree Zizyphus vulgaris, or mauritania or sativa and is called the jujube berry in English. It is also known as the Indian jujube or Chinese date. It has a brownish skin when ripe and smells a little like hops, with an astringent taste. These trees are believed to be native to Syria, but there is some evidence that they are also native to the Indian subcontinent.
    In Pakistan the fruit can be found in the month of December, and it is sold then fresh, but can also be dried. In Europe the fruit was made into a cough medicine and tisane for medicinal reasons in times past. 
     In India the tree is sacred to Shiva and is known as “the tree which removes sorrow”, perhaps because of its sedative properties. It was depicted in the Ramayana so has been known for centuries in the subcontinent and was not a recently introduced species.
    In Pakistan there are metaphorical uses for ber as they say that if you have a quarrel with a relative or close friend you should go and talk it over as a relationship is not like ber.  If you leave the person you quarreled with alone for some time the rift will widen between you. If ber fall to the ground they are not damaged but the fruit gets better, and if you smooth things over after a quarrel the relationship will get better like the ber.
   It is also said that if there are marriageable daughters in a house then suitors will come just as surely as if there were a ber tree and stones will come as the children try to knock the fruit off the tree.
     The fruit has been used in traditional medicine as an emollient, expectorant, coolant, anodyne and tonic and has been used as an antidote for aconite poisoning. It is given to relieve abdominal pains during pregnancy and can be applied to wounds when used in a poultice.
  The leaves can be used as a laxative and for throat problems as a decoction and the same liquid can also be used for skin problems. The roots have wound healing properties too.
   Medical researchers have found a “new” flavonoid in ber called zivulgarin and trials are underway to discover how it might benefit us. Oleamide found in an extract of Zizyphus jujube has been found to help fight Alzheimer’s disease, and help the cognitive processes.
   Wood from the trees is used by villagers to make agricultural implements as it is hard and durable, while the leaves are used as fodder for sheep and goats, so all parts of the tree are useful and well utilized.
    It has been found that there is saponins in he leaves and vitamin C in the form of ascorbic acid in the fruit, as well as the B-complex vitamins, thiamin, riboflavin and pectin. It has immunostimulant, antioxidant and wound healing properties, and pectin is known to be useful in cases of diarrhoea. The fruit also helps lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Some of the triterpenoic acids isolated from the fruit are also believed to be useful in fighting cancer and HIV.
   Personally I don’t like these fruits, but as they are so good for us, I might try one or two again.


This plant is a creeper which is in the pumpkin family. It grows wild in the Indian subcontinent and may be found in forests and fields. Hakims or herbalists would try to persuade children to bring them from the forest but the fruit are so tasty that hardly any got back to the elderly hakims. They taste like a honey melon, but sometimes they are sour and not so good to eat raw. They come in different shapes and sizes too some looking like gherkins, others may be round like tiny water melons. The flowers have red sheaths, but are white and rather like those of convolvulus. If you eat the fruit raw it will get rid of mouth ulcers and eating two fruit a day, raw will help diabetes sufferers and improve dry skin.
   The fruit can regulate hypoglycaemia and so can other parts of the plant, but the fruit has the most potent properties. It has been sown that the plant extracts can be useful in treating diabetes and trials are still continuing in humans. It has been used in traditional medicine in the India subcontinent for centuries, without people suffering from ill effects, so is considered safe. Other plants used in the treatment of diabetes and which are undergoing clinical tests are karella (bitter melon) and fenugreek (methi).
  The fruit contain riboflavin, thiamin, linoleic, oleic and palmitic acids and has strong antioxidant properties. The plant is a diaphoretic (induces sweating) so is good for fevers, and is also a diuretic and stimulant. The leaves and stem have antispasmodic and expectorant properties, and the juice from the roots is used for urinary tract infections.
   Juice is extracted from the leaves and can be used for skin problems such as rashes or any other skin problem; one cup of juice may be mixed with 1 teaspoon of butter and applied to affected areas. The juice from the leaves may also be used internally for diarrhoea, in such cases, mix two teaspoons of juice with a cup of natural yoghurt and take two or three times a day. If you are in need of a diuretic, boil 2 teaspoons of chopped roots in a cup of water until the water is reduced to half. Drink this warm.
   You can boil 1 cup of leaves, dry them and then grind them to a fine powder and store in a jar in a cool place until you need to use it. If you have burning eyes, a skin infections or need to cool your body, take a teaspoon of the powder in hot water three times a day.
   This weed has many medical uses and the fruit tastes good too.